>another Bethesdaflop
>power of western director
Another Bethesdaflop
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Still better than Lawbreakers
Poeple bought Shadow of Moardollars instead, just the way of it unfortunately.
Most people won't buy 2 full priced games in the same week, this isn't a one off it's a common musical chairs trend in the industry.
>no microtransations
>no day one dlc
>no rip off content.
>straight up survival horror
>Sup Forums still complains
Was a great game too. What a shame.
>straight up survival horror
I don't think most players are buying it on PC.
>Shadow of Moardollars
Moardollar$, please.
>pc is the only platform it's out on
> PC
You act as if developers care about sales on PC. News flash, PC is always an afterthought.
So RE2 is survival horror but TEW2 isn't, why?
>worse than EW1 in every single way
It's like angry Prey 2 lunatics wasn't enought for them.
It did have pre-order only dlc, what is worse than day 1 dlc.
The first game was mediocre at best (that was so boring I didin't even finish it despite being 2 chapters from the end) why would I bother with the sequel?
>>worse than EW1 in every single way
So you intended for people to just brush your posts off as the rambling of an idiot? Ok.
>people convince other people that TEW2 is shit by saying it's "open world" when it's not
I don't get this at all
nobody care about evil within
>It did have pre-order only dlc, what is worse than day 1 dlc.
Have you actually checked what it was? It's mostly resources and a shitty gun. None of which you even want to use (I didn't redeem it).
Thats actually pretty good PC sales for a single player horror thing. Gotta remember PCfaggots pirate 90% of games so gotta like double that number of people playing.
90% of people on Sup Forums don't actually play the games they shitpost about, that's why Shadow of war, TEW2 and Horizon Zero Dawn are the worse game of the year for these faggots
It wasn't easy user. Mikami-san is going senile and I've taken it upon myself to take care of his wife, daughter and game series.
I guess after this, prey and dishonored 2 failing bethesda will turn into a doom, wolfenstein, fallout and elder scrolls machine?
Yeah I know what it was I was just stating that pre-order only shit is worse than day 1 dlc. Due to the fact that you can't even purchase it afterwards. At least it wasn't actual game content like SoW.
He'll be fired just like Colantonio
>straight up survival horror
you really need to play a lot more video games
>Yeah I know what it was I was just stating that pre-order only shit
Yes, "exclusive" resources you can just get in game that ruins how the early game was designed. Truly bullshit pre-order only stuff.
As for the gun itself it's worse than the starter gun
TEW2 is better than RE7.
Oh man, this is sad.
PC fatties pirated it. It definitely will sell more on consoles
Who goddamn cares? Play what you like, don't play what you don't. Do you only drive a car if it has huge sales numbers? Do you refuse to wear a shirt unless everyone owns it? Grow the fuck up.
>so retarded that he doesn't know that lawbreakers had a free weekend
Heya, just woke up from an 8 year coma?
I know Sup Forums is retarded when it comes to hating games, but EW2 is a huge downgrade to the first in a shit ton of ways, including having really stupid fucking AI, bad boss fights, bad mechanics and just stupid design choices.
The people who enjoy this game over the first are fucking retards that likely enjoyed Fallout 4 too.
Everyone is saving money for ELEX
>they don't care so much they removed denuvo right before release
Do you really think devs and publishers focus on the PC version first and foremost?
Did all the shitty PC ports teach you nothing?
What's it like to dislike a game so much that you go out of you way to follow its statistics and start threads about it?
Everything is sells better on consoles.
At least fucking someone can see this. The people who enjoy this abortion probably dropped EW1 in first 10 minutes because "muh blackbars" and now they play it hip and cool just like that one retard
>straight up survival horror you guize!
I am still completely confused as to why they bothered making a sequel to this game. I don't remember the first one making any impact at all.
It outsold TNO
It's completely moronic to ignore everything they did to completely trash the original feeling of the game, on top of making the mechanics to much worse.
Why the fuck does it have fallout 4 dialogue options?
Why is there a workbench in the mirror room when you can only find mirrors in safe houses?
Why does everything lack detail and why is there so much empty space? (trash cans having no trash, crates literally floating in the air, awkward boundary collision)
Why is the AI so bad?
Why is there so much clipping through walls from enemies and the player?
Why can you instantly lose an enemy by running towards a bush?
Why can you RESET FUCKING ENEMY AI by waiting on a ladder?! Where they cant even touch you
Why do the bosses look so retarded?
Why do the guns not have proper knockback SOMETIMES, hitstun is completely inconsistent!
Why is it so fucking buggy?
Why is there so much backtracking?
Why the fuck are the smaller levels that require a load screen just a copy paste facility that you only spend 8 mins max in and have to backtrack through to leave?
I'm wondering if anyone liked the first to any capacity, how the FUCK would they like this one?!
Why are you making retarded baseless assumptions?
I liked TEW1 despite Sup Forums going on about how shit it was and I'm enjoying TEW2 despite people like you saying how shit it is.
>Why the fuck does it have fallout 4 dialogue options?
Stopped reading here. I knew right away that you're a fucking idiot from this statement right here. Thanks for making it clear that you should be ignored.
Even the fucking laser on the handgun isnt aligned properly.
Watch some of these and you can see some of the stupid shit in this game.
Also, why the fuck did they bother to make it open world i you cant enter half the areas without first following a scripted event?
Are you serious? They gave the same limited dialogue to the first NPC you meet. Its entirely pointless and just characterizes Seb as a whiny fuck boy.
Speaking of that, why did they turn him into a whiny fuck boy? WHAT IS HAPPENING WHAT IS HAPPENING every fucking 5 minutes. What is wrong with him?
so does this mean i can pick it up for $15-25 anytime soon?
>if anyone liked the first to any capacity, how the FUCK would they like this one?!
I don't. It's shit.
I had no idea there was even going to be an Evil Within 2 until I saw it on the new releases tab yesterday.
>Stopped reading here.
Never go full brainlet.
I agree. Make more intelligent posts next time.
No, but you can pick it up for full price now and then buy the DLC later.
Just goes to show Sup Forums will try to make a TORtanic out of anything.
As though PC niggers are indicative of sales anyway, it always makes me laugh when the same platform that heralds piracy as a weapon against "Greedy greedy jews that just want money" thinks that PC sales are more than 1/10 of console sales.
You are responding to someone else, please answer my first response to you. At least prove you beat the first game.
I literally played the first game less than 3 weeks before this game released with all the PC patches (60 fps and removed blackbars) and the first was a way more polished, challenging and enjoyable game.
This just feels like a parody of the original.
>IM SILLY episode
The second I knew that guy behind the DLC was behind TeW2 that killed any and all interest I had for the game and reports from people suggest that I dodged a very telegraphed bullet. I knew he would ruin it with west-shit.
It doesn't even feel like a RE4-lite title anymore, its become some kind of awkward hybrid of shit.
>He thinks that's a strawman.
That's literally the argument pirate niggers use.
Please get angrier my dude.
It's not a strawman unless it purposely misconstrues your argument, that IS your argument.
They used the Western game design list and tried to check as many boxes are possible.
open world sections, dialogue choices, bad whiny characterization of the MC, backtracking, a quest system, unpolished, lack of detail, poor AI, easy bosses.
Why didnt they just hire Mikami again?
Meh, evil within seems like something that'd sell stronger on consoles for no real reason.
>At least prove you beat the first game.
lol, "prove". I don't care if you believe me or not. I've beaten the game. I can answer relevant questions if needed but this is specifically about how TEW2 is "worse" than the first game, which it isn't and has yet to be proven. The idot here is not even worth my time because even if I countered all of his idiotic points he would just ignore it. He's not here to actually discuss, only to vocalize his opinions while trying to present them as facts.
It dosn't suprise me. TeW was supposed to be all gun based but Beth forced in stealth segments and that fucking hack then makes an entire DLC out of that forced shit so I knew he would do something similar in TeW2.
Yeah I heard that Seb's personality got fucked and he's clueless again for no good reason. Also heard there's no Ruvik (mentioned but not by name) and other crap. Didn't Mikami say TeW was his last ever directed game?
sucks that you got it even after buying the game after it releases
so fuck off with your MUH PREORDER DLC
Than prove me wrong. We can hop on discord and discuss this on voice.
>Someone not willing to pay money can't pirate game
>Doesn't pay the developers
>Someone willing to pay money to potentially the developers sees game cheaper used
>Doesn't pay the developers
I dunno about Mikami, but yeah, the plot is really stupid. It's handled as an "emotional" story, but lets first consider seb in the first game...yeah.
And this is why digital is the future, physicalcuck.
I'll buy it when it's 20 dollars like i did with the first one and all single player games these days.
>only to vocalize his opinions while trying to present them as facts.
How is bad AI not a fact?
How is lack of detail not a fact?
How is floating crates not a fact?
How is inconsistent hitstun not a fact?
There's so many issues with this game im sure I'll find even more.
Are western games finally dying?
Giving way to easier piracy in the future, which is fine with me
That's cool, you're still scum though with no opinion of merit.
>open world sections
It's not open world.
>dialogue choices
Having the player being able to choose to listen to more exposition is bad now? There is absolutely nothing wrong with dialogue choices.
>bad whiny characterization of the MC
Him being "whiny" is entirely justified. He's not a robot. If you think what he has gone through doesn't justify him being """""""whiny""""""" then you're either suffering from mental issues or you're so out of touch with reality it's downright hilarious.
So stop backtracking all the time.
>a quest system
This is not bad.
Sure. But so was the first game and many other games. Many games I like are unpolished. VtMB and Alpha Protocol are two examples.
> lack of detail
So like the first game.
> poor AI
So like the first game. Except it isn't as noticable because the areas are much smaller and they just come barreling through for you in 1.
>easy bosses
Subjective. But the first game had many shit bosses.
Was the opposite ever implied?
>Loot ammo.
>Fall to the bottom of the world.
10/10 game.
>the first game was poorly made so it's ok if the second game is poorly made too
>We can hop on discord and discuss this on voice.
All that effort to join your personal discord to talk and convince some sperg with a chat that I finished the first game. I retard I will never ever want to talk to again (nor even once). Yeah.
If you're then I already told you I have nothing to say to you. You're too retarded for me to waste my time on.
This game looks like it took Resident Evil 4, surgically extracted all the fun and camp out of it and added some crappy story and puddle deep crafting elements instead. This game doesn't sell itself on any level.
Horizon is legit shit tho.
>So like the first game. Except it isn't as noticable because the areas are much smaller and they just come barreling through for you in 1.
So the first game is better then?
The fact that you even bothered responding to me would be the implication.
It's a single player game, who cares how many are playing it right now? Also the big sales for this kind of game comes from consoles, not PC.
Watching these stats is funny for Lawbreakers, or other multiplayer games. Not so much for single player games.
>>the first game was poorly made so it's ok if the second game is poorly made too
The argument is literally that the second game is worse than the first one. The shit you brought up is entirely irrelevant. It's an entirely seperate topic.
>that Seb
Westernized so much that he now looks like a clone of Nathan Drake instead of a stylish as fuck detective.
Meanwhile the game has 50k watchers online on Twitch, must suck for the devs. I bet they will blame piracy instead.
>So the first game is better then?
The argument was that the AI is better in the first game, when it isn't. Try and follow along, child.
Vanquish 2 / God Hand 2 when?!
So retarded that the point was over his head
Sup Forums lives in a r/pcmasterrace echo chamber. it's pointless trying to be realistic with anyone on here
That's why I said sections. It has isolated, short levels that are made poorly into hallways with easy puzzles at the end with fuse switches and/or sound wave matching.
>Having the player being able to choose to listen to more exposition is bad now? There is absolutely nothing wrong with dialogue choices.
They offer no value other than making Seb into a whiny asshole. They also initiate quests. Tell me the last time a survival horror game had a quest system? Downpour? Real great game.
>Him being "whiny" is entirely justified
Havent played the first game
>So stop backtracking all the time.
You are forced to backtrack no matter what. Scripted areas are required to be visited in sequence, one of the first story ones is at one end of the town, others are inbetween; you even have to turn in the quest to get the gas mask for more backtracking, WHILE ALL THE ENEMIES RESPAWN JUST BECAUSE.
>This is not bad.
Fuck off, it basically forces you to do them for supplies since they are so scarce on nightmare unless you just stab every enemy. (not that that's hard)
>Sure. But so was the first game and many other games.
The first game wasn't nearly as unpolished. It was hard as fuck but also rewarding as fuck. They can't even follow through killing the player with the vending machine trick (in this game its a gas grenade instead of an explosive)
>So like the first game.
Again, no. Even moments of execution aren't animated well.
seeYour gas mask doesnt even melt when you get acid on your face.
>So like the first game. Except it isn't as noticable because the areas are much smaller and they just come barreling through for you in 1.
I recall getting hit OFF ladders in the first, among other things. You can't re-initiate stealth easily in the first either. I dont recall being able to stealth kill everything, or stomp on things to one shot most downed enemies
>8,028 people playing a the PC version of a multiplatform single-player game online
What a meaningless statistic.
Post new art of qt waifu Kidman
Do you mean me? Because users that download a free weekend version are added to those numbers, which makes those numbers not accurate for the point he tried to make.
Right after they fire Mikami, which is soon
>First game has shit bosses
Like what? You can kill the first boss by slowly walking around a car and tapping her, she will never even reach you.
So the first game is better designed than the second?
Feels fucking bad man, I really love The Evil Within but lets be real here, it's somewhat of a niche series,
They must've known this was a risk, and unfortunately it didn't pay off.
Hope this doesn't make ZeniMax crack down on their devs.
Oh the response was just saying that people buying console are falling to the same practices fucking over developers themselves. Faggot opinions having no merit is just par for the course on Sup Forums