Would the industry be better off without Nintendo?

Would the industry be better off without Nintendo?

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It would be better off without cosplay whores

Xbox One

Final destination.

2B doesnt have big titties they are regular sized you dumb thot

nah, they are one of the only respectable companies and the only respectable video game focused hardware developer

The industry wouldn't exist without Nintendo.

What would even change? It's not like anything Nintendo does affects things outside of their own ecosystem.

"Would an industry without easily gullible people be better?"

Without Nintendo of America, yes.

Those are small tits in a push-up bra you virgin

Nintendo is completely irrelevant to the rest of the industry. They go after their own fans who only buy Nintendo stuff and leave normal people alone.

It would be better without faggots

I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be playing video games anymore if not for Nintendo.

The industry would be better with more sexy 2B cosplayers

2B's tits are underrated.

No, Nintendo is needed to contain an enormous horde of autistic spergs and manchildren.

This, stop enabling these narcissist's.

Please define normal people.


>literally the godfather of gaming

KYS, it would better without cosplaying sluts

Faggots are obsessed with sex, if anyone is acting like a faggot it's you.

Nintendo would be better off without nintendo

People who don't play Nintendo stuff since the nineties ended.

Would this board be better off without sonyshills?

how the fuck

out of all the big companies Nintendo is probably the least bad one

It would be better if you stopped salivating over people who want nothing but attention from beta orbiters like you

This. Women only pretend to like games for attention, these slags turn to the beta males and nerd consumerist whores for attention and patreon dollars because Chad already knows they arent worth his time.

>define normal

People who aren't interested in nintendo products.

This includes kids. Kids play on tablets/phones or get a ps4/xbone for cod.

>out of all the big companies Nintendo is probably the least bad one

I sorta agree but they are far from perfect and they are doing shit like paid online, amiibos, season passes, etc

Well by that definition you are 100% correct. The problem is that I doubt many people would define normal people like you have.

>tfw too ugly to cosplay
>tfw too ugly to fuck cosplay whores

>based Sega died and not this trash shitendo
Worst timeline. Enjoy the amibos hijos de 50 putanas.

>paid online, season passes
but Sony did those before Nintendo.

Nintendo has had the most severe drop in quality. They used to be in a league of their own, until they realized their audience can't tell the difference between a good game and a bad game so it doesn't matter.

Probably stopped caring about quality when they saw how much new super mario brothers was selling. All they do now it make sure they have the illusion of quality.

Is that a dude

That's funny. I was in a store today that had a Mario Odyssey demo. Two kids came up and new all about Mario. Played it for a few minutes until their mom told them hey had to go.

Arguing semantics when it's pointless is very autistic and shows you have poor argumentative skills. You can understand what he means by normal by the context of how he's saying it, unless you are being willfully ignorant.

Would literally change nothing.
Nintendo has been living in its own distant island since the N64 with zero impact on the industry overall.
3rd parties only follow Sony/MS's lead and no one elses.

Yeah those are weird kids. Losers exist user those kids are outcasts. Nintendo fans are not normal.

This meme again. Just because Atari fucked America doesn't mean the end of the vidya industry. Videogames were actually booming in the rest of the world while we were in the crisis. All this meme is just a giant Nintendo self Pat on the back.

it's the 2b of your dreams

This and the crash only lasted a fucking year, it's effects weren't even fully felt in areas like arcades.

It was just a case of people get fed up with low quality games and no way to really know what to buy, interest in games didn't die at all.

That doesn't magically make it okay, Nintendo was supposed to be better. Ironically we all wanted them to update certain practices to "get with the times" and they took the wrong route with that statement.

Industry would be much better without Microsofts jew tactics.

Never forget that M$ has tried over and over again to dick their customers in the ass and effectively opened the door for every other company to start doing the same. The only shitty business practice that wasn't introduced by M$ is microtransactions

Microsoft was the poison seller. Paid online, paid DLC, timed exclusives etc. But everyone else bought the poison, and it had nothing to do with competing.

Remember valve wanted to update team fortress 2 on consoles for free but microsoft told them to charge people to get them used to the idea of paying for maps and shit after a game releases.

Who's REALLY to blame though? The poison seller, or the industry who drank it knowing full well it was poison?

Well I wanted to know how he defined normal because his statement seemed more like an opinion and less like a fact. Btw he defined normal people as not liking Nintendo since the 90s. I haven't looked up the definition lately but I'm pretty sure that is not correct.

It would be better off if it wasn't and 'industry'

Equal blame on both sides, but the fact of the matter is that none of the shit plaguing the industry now didn't exist before xbox. Seems like there's finally some pushback, but the level of blind fanboyism is absolutely fucking unreal.

What should it be? Charity? Why are there so many communists involved with this inherently commercial hobby?

There's too little pushback and it's far too late. At best, lootcrates wont become as disasterous as season passes and other DLC practices were, but they are here to stay.

Companies would be enjoying the decreased comeptition but ultimately it would be significantly worse off, major innovations wouldn't have taken place and we would be sitting around still with a lot of poor systems. One is analogue control, oh but the vectrex did that, yeah but in spite of being the last 3d console to market the N64 was the only one that actually had analogue input, and you would be fucking surprised how close minded developers can be. These systems go on and on, to level design paradigms, camera systems and of course input systems.

No? MS, Valve and Sony are the companies trying to slip in as many anti-consumer policies as possible. Nintendo isn't pro-consumer, but they've been incredibly lazy with the polices that they've implemented so they are easy to bypass. Blame their Japanese stubbornness, but without them we'd have Microshit or Valve running the whole industry, - and you'd have no game sharing, no physical games and monetization/loot-box/drm/dlc garbage up the ass.

People past the age of 13 who still play fucking Mario.

No dumbass there'd be no industry without Nintendo.

No one would be on Sup Forums either.

If gaming was a woman, Sony and Microsoft are butterfaces. So, maybe.

You know what, someone asked this once.


this is awful

Even the DLC is accurate these days. You have to pay money for the fat one and wish for a refund at the end.

t. Lootboxes

I meant more in a "I wouldn't even give the time of day to either of those vapid bitches."

It's just a really terrible analogy more than anything.

It would be better without Nintendo consoles, that´s for sure.

nothing would change except every other hardware company wasting millions developing motion tech to copy nintendo

I just want Nintendo to go third party. I love their games, but I´ve come to hate their consoles.

It was perfect a decade ago and still pretty similar today. Sony fans are always whining about 4K, framerates, online, lootboxes and what kind of problems they want their video games solving. They even complain about Nintendo.

You play Nintendo because you want to have fun.

We're having a very poor dialogue here. I have no problem with the message of the video, I just hate those women, they're annoying and stupid

why do people cosplay I don't understand

I'm neutral about their games at this point. They're very well crafted, but so unmemorable that it's kind of become a waste of time to play them. They're extremely safe, and in that sense they're pretty boring.

I imagine, it being G4, it was filmed without a budget. :)


>Why do people like things that I don't like I don't understand

Whats wrong with cosplaying user

Nintendo is the most anti-consumer company in gaming.

It's not your right to make youtube videos using other people's work, kid.

You're delusional.

Commentated LP is a transformative work and are protected under fair use. Nobody wants to take Nintendo to court over a youtube video though, so they just accept that Nintendo games are essentially off limits.

The fox and the grapes.

Hey, why don't you write that in the description of your video of you screaming "nigger" over Mario Party. I'm sure that will make a difference! After all, if you just write "this is fair use" on a video, everyone knows that automatically makes it fair use!

>the sound version

>tfw have her entire 2B album.
Fake tits suck though.



link please, my boner has needs

It's attention whoring for horny teens. Cosplay is fine if you do it good, but if youre like momokun then you need to begone thot

This is some poor bait, but it is proctected under fair use by the 4 factors that determine it. And again, nobody wants to take nintendo to court, and nobody is flinging any shit anymore.

I was about to fap to shemales and then I saw this. Thanks user, that cured my gayness. Got any more of this?

The strawman is strong with this one.

high-quality post lad

you're the pride of Sup Forums


This is the dumbest post I've read all day, I need to stop coming here.
>illusion of quality


Here's a guy instead.

dope makeup


>Protected under fair use
Did you know fair use isn't a law? Have fun proving it in court.
Someone has to educate you children.

so it is a dude

Sluts use it as a low key way to attract betas and they don't even play the games of the characters they cosplay as. Which makes no sense when the original purpose of it was to pay tribute to a character you like


you are aware that shemales also do cosplay of 2b?

No, it's 9S dressed as 2B.