What would be the ideal 3D Mario experience?

What would be the ideal 3D Mario experience?

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>post it after odyssey comes out faggot

The fuck is this from, OP?

The closest we'll ever get to an ideal 3D Mario experience was my dream of a Sunshine/64 continuation/sequel. With Odyssey it just doesn't look up to snuff.

you take 2D mario and add a z-axis.

As if this game is going to be bad. Even the worst core Mario games are above average.

but nobody liked Super Paper Mario

You can do anything!

>timers in a 3D landscape

Yeah let's just go ahead and limit the entire scope of what 3D can do so we can force players to walk an essentially linear path.

3D Land and World both fucking sucked. Fight me.

Not official

unironically agree completely.

Oh boy can't wait to get all those korok seeds , sorry moons.
Take 64 fundamentals and design 18 good stars and not use ubisoft design as a inspiration.

>3D Land and World both fucking sucked.
t. 64baby

Super Mario Galaxy 2 is the ideal experience.
First Mario game that was fun enough to actually bother 100%ing

>korok seeds
This meme is garbage, moons are more like jiggies

Oh boy cant wait to get those riddles on Batman
Oh boy cant wait to conquer all these villages on Farcry
Oh boy...

Should the majority of the course be platforming like 64?

Prepare for autism

>takes place in the entire Mushroom World
>the map looks like the ones from the Mario & Luigi handheld games
>it's pretty big but every zone is linked by warp pipes to a hub
>you can still go through all of it by foot, no loading screens
>the world map includes: Peach's Castle (also works as hub), Toad Town (where you find various minigames and other side activities), the sewers (with a pipe labyrinth), Bowser's Fortress, Luigi's Mansion, Donkey Kong Jungle (and/or a construction site inspired by the original DK), Wario's Goldmine, Pianta Resort, E. Gadd's Laboratory, Rosalina's Planetarium or some sort of floating island, Yoshi's Island, plus a volcano, snowy mountains, a forest, a beach, an underwater land, a desert, a candy land
>some areas are huge, some are smaller
>you can chase whichever star you want in the order you prefer, and you can even see the stars in the distance while you're traveling
>to reach certain stars you need particular power-ups
>across the levels you'll find some blacked out "?" blocks
>you need to unlock those blocks to get the power-ups you need
>to unlock them you have to get certain stars (so for example you get the "star of the fire flower", you'll unlock all the fire flower "?" blocks across the map)
>some areas have Great stars (or King stars or whatever) that are protected by a boss
>getting these Great Stars unlocks playable characters (Luigi's Mansion = Luigi, Peach's Castle = Peach, etc.)
>FLUDD comes back as a power-up you find in "?" blocks
>so does Yoshi (like in SMW)
>maybe even hammers
>tons of cameos from every game of the franchise (Land, SMB2, and every major spinoff)
>a level which is a 3D version of SMB 1-1, where the star is on top of the flagpole

I'm not going to fight you, I'm just going to let you know that 3D-world is the best mario game

>a game that thoughtfully explores how 3D environments can help the Mario franchise evolve
>a regressive set of Mario games that only serve to pander to morons getting nostalgic for "the good old 2D days"

Wow such a hard choice. Kill yourself.

Add a desert area for Daisy and its a deal

This and golden spatulas.

And because I have autism, I'll leave this here.
64 > SMG2 > 3DW = SMG1 > Sunshine >3DL

puzzle/platforming/areas star based
For other thing have a different currency , for example , a lot of these moons need to be world coins because they are so easy to get.
Thats the ubisoft philosofy , make the map first then put the stuff , just like oddysey.

Something with this amount of depth, skill, and nuance.

So 3D world, and Galaxy 1&2

Pure, linear, course based platforming instead of open world memes

That looks like fun_
I hope they port Galaxy and 3DW to the Switch

Does anyone have those Sunshine webms showcasing its vastly superior movement to the Galaxy games? 64 works too.

Porting galaxy and 3DW would be impossible without removing starbits from galaxy and touchscreen-mechanics from 3DW, I don't see it happening

A nonexistent one.

Only the scrubs. It was meh.

Not interconnected courses like 64?

Man , i love these webms. Because is always the last world in them.
The other worlds? not much webms about them.Its always "Man the last stage is fantastic" the other 80% of the game ? ay lmao.
3Dfags are defending 10% of a flawled game and call it masterpiece , or mauybe is just wiiu users that want to justify their purchase.

Why can't both styles of 3D Mario exist? Like why can't Nintendo just continue making both styles of 3D Mario games? Why is there a need for like "they should only make, this style," and nothing more? That solve all the problems.

Good movement in an unfinished shitty game, fuck off already

Oddysey movement is fucking fantastic , but sadly is going to be wasted because of how basic the majority of the moons are.

God no.

I also love the Sunshine webms that are literal just TAS/speedruns.

It's fucking sad. One step forward, three steps back every time with Nintendo.

I just don't like exploring in mario games, 3D-world is my favourite nintendo game by far

What do you get out of this?

>There are people in this thread who unironically think that 3D land and world is not the worst mario games by far.


Yeah, never mind all the possible platforming bits and puzzles that Nintendo would never just spoil beforehand and the inevitable Nintendo Hard postgame.

>There are people in this thread who have there own opinion about this video game series

i understand that user but sadly people call that game the second coming of christ when the gameplay of the majority worlds are literally babby enabled until that point.
Heck i think land is fucking better
But the fundamentals are great

3D World's levels suffer from having to be way oversized to accomodate multiplayer

>new super mario bros series

>Why is there a need for like "they should only make, this style,"

Because other style is shit.

Lets not pretend that 64 has any difficulty

That's how we got 3d land and 3d world and those are the worst 3d mario games.


It's a shit opinion tho

Its kinda like Punch Out, the first half is the casual mode, postgame is when shit hits the fan

So don't play it then? They make both 2D Zeldas and 3D Zeldas, to cater to people who may only like one of them.

So is yours, because I said so

Why not? I liked the freedom in 64's courses.

New super mario bros are at least decent games for a 2d mario. They at least don't try to be a both 2d and 3d mario game and fail at both like land and world do.

Because a well crafted linear experience beats freedom every time.

It's just sad that instead of getting good 3d mario games, we have to suffer through nintendo's attempts to make mario into a fucking multiplayer party game.


Actually yeah, thats a great comparison
They are LITERALLY spatulas


Shouldn't both of those be possible on the Switch? Aim with one of the Joycons for star bits, and either use the Switch's touch screen or the Joycons again to touch things in the environment. Though, 3D World had parts where you had to blow into the mic, so maybe not.

Even Odyssey has that Co-Op mode that's similar to what both Galaxy 1 and Galaxy 2. Most Nintendo games in general have multiplayer. Most games with Nintendo multiplayer have it as an optional feature instead.

>we have to suffer

Anybody who chose to play a game that has a style they don't like, volunteered for it. That be like playing a new Resident Evil that says it's going to be action packed, when they prefer the classic horror styled, and getting mad they choose to do that.

They could replace blowing into the mic with shaking the controller, and they would have to add a reset gyro button for starbit aiming
I don't see it happening but it's possible

No. Exploring a well-crafted open world is even better than a linear expererience. It's just that crafting a good open world experience is hard as hell.

You'd have to be a simpleton to value a childish exploration playground over the satisfaction of successfully executing a challenging task.

why not both


I think they do their job well at blending the gameplay of 2D and 3D Mario, and they can also serve as a good gateway for people who have only played 2D Mario to get used to the series with an unfamiliar control scheme and perspective.
SM64 did its best to do that, and it certainly shows However, they could only do so much with the change from linear 2D level design to open-ended 3D level design.

Because you can't tailor a challenge around freedom

t. simpleton


I'm not talking about the "multiplayer" of Galaxy 1-2. I am talking about 3D world. The game is designed as multiplayer in mind, which made it so that most parts of the game are boring to play single-player. It was a shit idea to do that in a mainline mario game. If they are so hellbent on a multiplayer 3d mario game, they should have made a multiplayer spinoff like Zelda 4 swords instead of turning the latest mario into a hybrid thats the worst of the both worlds.

I said suffer because if I wanted to play a new mario game, I had to suffer through 3D world's horrible design choices that enable multiplayer but diminishes single player experience. The other choice was skipping a generaton to play a new mario game. It would have been much beter if they made a spinoff multiplayer mario game instead.


>The other choice was skipping a generaton to play a new mario game.

What's wrong with that? Most people clearly do that here already for things that don't appeal to them. You're basically saying you choose to play a game that made decisions you didn't like because you still wanted your 3D Mario fill at the time.

Anyway so basically you don't like that the level design has to be made for four players at a time. Then let me say this. If a future 3D Mario was made in the style of 64, Sunshine, and Odyssey, but had multiplayer like 3D World where all the levels and hubs had to be designed for multiple players, would you not buy that?

>Mario game that features the both of 2D Mario sections and 3DW in a single level with smooth transitions
>Physics are very similar to 2D mario games, but also offer SM64-like movement
>Instead of a linear pathway, there are branched pathways similar to 2d Sonic Games.
>Usually has multiple finish goals (1-3 goals) in a single level, and each of them lead to a different path to a different level like SMW
>Branched world system, more than 8 worlds
>Actual world system with levels themed after it, with deviations for each level theme. (Grass/Hills, Grass/Lava, Snow/Village, Snow/Japanese, Desert/Arabian Night, Jungle/Ruins, Jungle/Paradise.
>Actual Co-op system for up to 4 players
>Minibosses at end of every level, like Kirby series
>Bosses that are unique and not recycled
>Boss rush in the final level or at every level in final world


You're right, I'm retarded.

just something to mix things up, could occur as a optional secret level

that goes to odysessy


Nintendo abandoned platforming for Find the Moon and never get game overs.

How do you think you get to those Moons?

Life systems are pointless when there is no real penalty apart from resetting a checkpoint in Galaxy/3DW.

Great post

This is the cancer of the gaming community right here. This mindset needs to chill and sit down like the rest of us.

You misspelled "best". Common mistake among idiots.

You're right. There's no point in challenge either. Let's just make every game from now on a feeel good game with no loses and it says "Good Job" or "You win" every five minutes.

You like running about tiny, challengeless areas, than beimg forced to do it 8 times per stage?

Everything about your post is objectively incorrect. The stages are easily the most enjoyable and thoughtfully designed courses in tbe series.

high iq post

Did you think before posting that?

And 64 had a penalty? Is this a joke post?

Maybe I could word my post better, but my point was that life systems and game overs are pointless when there is no penalty for getting one.

3D World.

I'd play it

Then maybe add the penalty in rather than take the game over out?

What kind of penalty would they add in a collectable-based platformer, aside from making the player reach a checkpoint again, like in Galaxy?

The original penalty, like in the first Mario game.

...Starting all over again?