The joke is that it's a kid show and that a complex sentiment like that is out of place


The joke is that male feminists are clowns.

The joke is you

The joke is that it's not a joke and that Knuckles is actually correct. By pointing out how extraordinaire you are for doing something that you claim to be the norm, you contradict yourself and lose the impact you were going for.

Knuckles is an echidna, you mongoloid

Don't know why but cracked me up





Knuckles a best.

Those "things" are pretty hot. I'm not sure what they are though.


>finally, someone's using the other bathroom
Yeah, nobody says those things. Otherwise this sounds like a pretty good situation though.

>being this triggered that you draw this shit

>tfw so redpilled your skin turns red

Which straight male would take issue with what's said in the first two panels?

That actually does happen in companies where almost only women work




This already happens
Ussually in an office filled with women with la small count of men

story of my life

Is this anti-pet or pro-slavery?

Lizards and sneks, comic name is Scalie Schoolie. Banchou girl is best girl

But does he chuckle?

Now this is an interesting one.

There's no substantial reason that a shift from human vs. animal rights to living vs. non-living rights could occur
Moral wrong and right is determined largely by the society in which we live


>all women workforce
I'd nope the fuck out of there in a heartbeat


This show is lowkey amazing. No-one watches it so the writers can do whatever they damn well please.

Apes as pets when?


No its just pointing out how the past this was how people acted and the people of the now would react to it.

around 200 years ago. It didn't work out.

the weeb is pretty cute to

>No-one watches it

It's performed better than the games and hasn't been cancelled yet, so I assume that kids watch it.

>translators note
This will never not make me laugh.

NO he's NOT a CLOWN weren't you LISTENING

That guy is gay



The only one of these that's even remotely insulting is the third one.



Is it insulting because women can't code?


muh dick

mandatory reading for newfriends

What game?

Delete this.

ugh knuckles mainsplaining again i can't even right now


I wouldn't mind being treated like that desu

I literally can't even.

Every one ugh with me

>women constantly hitting on me
Why is the artist trying to make me envy women?



Looks like a Dragon Ball game, going by the thumbnail.


Fuck me that's depressing. Where's it from?


>that filename


i god damn hate every woman and echidna (sp?)
bitch bitch bitch, i get it, hypocrisy, yadda yadda, if YOU are the one to bring up Race, Sex, Age, Whatever, you are the racist/sexist who lets feelings influence how they act

Knuckles the Echinacea fucking killed me and fuck all of you who think that's not funny as fuck

Man it must be so hard being constantly complimented and expected to do less work than everyone else.

I wish I had an excuse to wear my Glitch Boy jacket more but it cost so much I'm worried it'll get ruined.

>be awkward le-nerdy dude
>get attention showered over me
How agonizing.

Why doesnt it show him whoring himself out for thousands of dollars on twitch? Id like that



This pisses me off a little because it is a school.
He's obviously just there for the education.

>nightcore isn't real
Oh if only.

damn, bitch


This. I only surround myself with pristine cocks

Looking in the archive, a game that doesn't really exist.


>he's probably considered the bad guy here.

>Work in majority female sector; ie retail
>bang 2 of the girls despite them being besties
Women are so odd, but yeah white collar chick must be the fucking worst



He's drunk and eating, not driving home, a safe guy
she's...on drugs? like high? but attacks him. It's in Canada so of course women are superior, she is forgiven and he is reprimanded and called a monster for retaliating, while drunk, against a high drug user

Not much context. Girls is fucked on drugs, attacks guy, guy defends himself, ends up getting arrested because Canada.

exorcism failed

Now show them buying him free drinks and meals and taking him on free dates and all clamoring to convince him to have sex with them.

For some reason all these "How would you nasty misigynist men like it if society reversed all gender roles!" comics always leave out those parts of being a woman.

Obviously he is. He mustve done something to garner the wrath to warrant his food being swatted.

This looks like a bell choir.


dude why

That's fucked. Guy was just eating pringles.



this is the most advanced piece of feminist thought I've encountered in main stream culture. based knucklehead

