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the hype is fucking killing me and all my other games suck.


GOTYAY comes out tomorrow though

>paying for Ubisoft games

Hahahahahahahhaha hahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahabahahahahahahahahbahagahahagahahahahhaha

cant wait to use a drone falcon and play my black ops in the we wuz era

>eagle vision actually is eagle vision
>this is supposed to be a bad thing
what? you sad now that they took your wallhack away?

Until we are free from your shilling. I cannot fucking wait.


but then i'm going to be shilling all the awesome stuff that comes with it.


they are releasing that trash on the same day as odyssey?

Are they fucking retarded????

>Being able to see behind walls clearly and tag enemies so you know where they are at all times
>Not wallhacking
We wuz kangz pls.


>they took your wallhack away
the new eagle vision is the old one on steroids you retard

do you honestly think Mario is as big of a mascot with as much hype as We wuz? AC will completely obliterate your Fagyssey


>implying some kiddieshit will be able to compete with the actual GOTY

what game?

good shill


>ass creed 12

no thanks

>can get a skill ability where you shoot an arrow and then fucking control it
yeah it's so fucking epic dude

woow ass creed without shit to climb? sounds like a good fucking idea

No, I won't buy your game, sorry

Really though, folks. This is going to be the exact same rehashed garbage as the last 10 fucking titles in the IP.

I hope some of you fuckers ordered the $800 special edition too, maybe this time you'll learn your lesson.

Best of luck, I guess. Be sure to post angry threads about how shit it is when it releases so we can all say I 'told you so'.

This, thousandfold. What the fuck were they even thinking with this? How could this even work? Someone surprise me... how is this going to remain entertaining without tons of shit to climb?


Because they're going for the "witcher 3 dork souls" audience or something, more like an RPG. AC3 also had kind of weird cities to climb compared to previous games.

Elex or south park?


What the fuck am I supposed to do in the desert?



that's part of the reason AC3 is a hot pile of garbage

every time

>rehashed garbage as the last 10 fucking titles in the IP.
Just like Prince of Persias and other shit Ubisoft released, right? I'll buy that, because they're still actually good games no matter how you'll shit on them
Shit, you are more retarded than WE posters, I should've ignore your post

No the biggest problem with 3 was how fucking fucked it was with hand-holding. If there had been more freedom with the missions I think it would have been much better.
>that one memory where you had to go through that camp with tents(only 1 way to get through), climb up on the tree path, jump onto the flagpole, and then assassinate the guy

I'm actually looking forward to this cause I love the Egyptian setting. All that victorian /1800's shit timeline was fucking gay.

I bought the London Assassins Creed on sale and was amazed at how someone could make a world with such atmosphere and detail but stick such a boring game in it.

Assassin's Creed: Origins.

BIG EMPTY DESERTS? LITERAL SANDBOX? count me in broski! my favourite part of Uncharted 3 was when you got lost in the big desert and you have to push the analog stick forward for 10 hours, and my favouritest desert area was the one in Digimon World 3 where you the desert puzzle lasts for a hundred hour

isn't it? but i thought it was just one weapon.

>no PC release

The fuck are they thinking?

I think they talked about it in one of the recent trailers I watched, I think it's an ability you level and then you can do it every time you shoot your bow.

Aren't AC games always delayed on PC?

it's not a desert.

>its all the same guys
>wait they changed shit? reeeeee!
make up your mind. you are just a salty polcunt trying all kind of mental gymnastics to find a reason to hate this game. how about an advice? lootboxes. i would have bought it because they finally changed shit, but lootboxes are a new form of jewery.

Are you fucking retarded?

Not always, no. Most of the time PC has been released alongside the console versions.

aw fuck count me out then

>Looking forward to the next Ass Creed

People still get hyped for Ubisoft games?
I mean, it not like they're that bad or anything, but they've been making the same game since 2007

They finally changed shit in Unity already, and it's optimized now

you sure about that sweetie?


Basically the story of every post-2007 ubisoft game. Maybe frenchmen just don't know how to make fun games anymore? They are still good at designing things though.

Ever notice how Ubisoft literally use the same marketing format for each shill thread?


kill yourself shill

I'd love to play it on the day of its release but SMO comes out on the same day and I'll have to decide to buy one or the other and it'll just have to be Mario

>but they've been making the same game since 2007
You haven't played their games after 2007 at all

i have been hyping for this game because it looks genuinely awesome.

unlike all that kiddieshit and weeb-garbage that gets posted here regularly.

Basically this. And imagine the "people" being excited for the fucking Mario game.
>those posts saying Ubishit is retarded for releasing Asscreed Origins on the same day a fucking (man)children game releases
Like how delusional can you get?

Ass Creed is a boring bland series that should have died off around 10 games ago.

Niggers always started threads like this also for Horizon, Persona and shitty Nier automata

>no physical PC release
>I can buy a digital "Gold Edition" for the same price as the physical console collector's that includes an artbook and full fucking statue

This is even more retarded than I thought.

Whats awesome about it? To me it looks just like every other Asscreed game.

A better question is who gets hyped for video games at all? Only 12 years old get hyped

So buy the fucking PC collector's edition or whatever it's fucking called? Are you retarded?

Not implying, saying it, AC is kiddyshit trash and will get obliterated

>AC is kiddytrash but Mario isn't
Underage newfag, I...

lol nintenfaggot, mario is shit.

does the average joe even care about cawadoody or ass creed anymore these days?

There is none, I literally just said that you fucking moron.

>does the average joe even care about cawadoody or ass creed anymore these days?
Yes. They also care about FIFA.

I also care because I love stealth games and there hasn't been shit from FromSoft with Tenchu and from Acquire with Shinobido 2

store.ubi.com/us/game/?dwvar_592589c06b54a4d5238b4568_Platform=pcdl&pid=592589c06b54a4d5238b4568&edition=God's Collector&source=detail
Are you retarded?
>for the same price as the physical console collector's that includes an artbook and full fucking statue
So buy the PC version of that one you fucking mouth-breather.

>Tfw unironically excited.
Last AC I played was IV. Was a little birned out after that. But Origins looks fun as fuck. Also off-topic but how was Rogue? I was interested in that.

>But Origins looks fun as fuck
Looks so cool, dude! Can't wait to play it!

Yes, because everyone lives in the US. Get your head out of your ass.

If you enjoyed 4 than I wouldn't know why you would not enjoy Rogue.
Being a Templar was kinda fun too. And it has more Haytham.

obvious shill

Have you considered not being a bitter mongoloid and posting in threads about games that interest you?

Nah user. I didn't even play Unity, Rogue or Syndicate just cause of fatigue from the franchise. Origins actually looks really good though. Won't be buying the Lootboxes or anything like that though.

i think rogue had really broken controls, it was also really buggy.

Literally no one here talks like that. Are they hiring reddit shills to post on Sup Forums now?

>Origins actually looks really good though.
>dark souls combat
>open world in a desert
even shadow of war is better and its mediocre at best and boring shit at worst.

>please don't shit all over my shitty AAA annual releases

Have you considered leaving the internet entirely if different opinions trigger you so badly?

I liked IV up till the end. Final few hours shit the bed in my opinion.

>you are LITERALLY posting alongside people who are unironically excited for a Ubisoft game in the year of our lord & savior jesus christ 2017.

I didn't experience any major bugs. The game was just short as fuck unfortunately. And more of a fan project than anything, still bettter than Unity which had like 10 times the budget.

Why? Thought it had by far the best ending out of all the games.

>not realizing ubisoft already redeemed itself with watch_dogs 2

Sorry but what's wrong with Dark Souls combat? I put like 700 hours in on the PS3 version of I. Another 400 in II. About 500 with Bloodborne. 200 in III. And I'm goubg through my first playthrough of Demon's. Sorry, but I fail to see what's wrong with DaS combat.


The only one I played was ass creed: boats and I was bored halfway through
A solid 6/10 would not buy the sequel

I don't know man. I didn't like how in modern day John was that pirate guy, and how Juno sorta popped out of nowhere.

i had mostly some minor bugs with the AI and controls.

sometimes the stalkers wouldn't notice me and just stand there, it would have been quite amusing if the damn stalker wouldn't have teleported to the stabbing.

It's a Sup Forums me to hate on it because it's popular, like every time

>buy first part of the series on sale
>finished BH and started revelations last night
>have legitimately enjoyed everything I've played so far
Guys you're scaring me
AC3 isn't going to be THAT bad, is it?

No one cares, Mario Odyssey's coming

and feces

Everything post ezio is garbage

>mario 376

But the better asscreed game is already out.

>see webm
>oh shit MH: World is coming out in 11 days?
>turns out it's just the next ubisoft AAA shovelware
wow thanks for nothing