What are some challenging yet FUN games?

What are some challenging yet FUN games?

Hardmode: No Dark Souls/Cuphead

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Cuphead and dark souls

Rainbow 6 Siege


Silent Hunter III

Shere Khan... easy on the Mowgli...

i want to die getting mauled while trying to pet this fluffy big ass cat

God Hand

p-pomf =3


made me laugh

that tiger needs to hit up /fit/ asap.

So that he stays fat but also learns shitty memes for retards to shit up other boards with?
Nah, he's better off being fat but not a retard.


>t. fatty no natty

Deus Ex

How is this even possible?

The enemy is down! We must strike!


Dying Light
DOOM (2016)
Ninja Gaiden Black
Metroid Samus Returns


Play Ninja Gaiden Black and then thank me for introducing you to one of if not the only 10/10 videogames.

Mega Man 9. Prove you aren't a pussy and play as Proto Man. If you want to go further, don't use weaknesses on the robot masters.

Both Bayonetta games
Wonderful 101
DMC 1/3/4
Transformers Devastation

This is assuming you don't play the easy modes obviously.

Fat cat


that ham looks comfy

Taking up a skill based hobby that you can use to provide service or trade in exchange for a reliable source of income.

god, pigs are fucking ugly

Pigs have the right to live.

Here we go again with this shitpost

eating an animal whose sole purpose in life is to feed other species is not the same as eating a human
>tfw took the bait

Tiger, tiger, youre so fat
You look like a spoiled cat
Tiger, tiger youre so thicc
Fat and orange as a spic
Tiger, tiger show me who
Gave too much food to you
Tiger, tiger, tell me true
This can't be a normal zoo
Tiger, tiger, what can i do
To save you from these poo in loos

What defines an organism's purpose?


The organism higher than it in the food chain

Bioshock Wrench and Plasmids only
Paper Mario Peril/Danger mode runs
Ninja Gaiden black
Pokemon Platinum Nuzlock

The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth


The superior organism

>cannibals are superhuman

That statement isn't wrong my friend. The purpose of the human eaten was to feed the cannibal


Dota 2

dogs can service man better than other animals
thats why we dont kill them and eat them as often as pigs who are literally prey animals

I might eat a dude. Given the legal opportunity.

>implying I'm going to open your shitpost images

He's going to stab himself!

The F-Zero GX of racing games.

You might not think it, but Mickey Speedway USA gets really fucking bullshit due to how broken the AI is

>Asian countries eating dogs
>but then that makes it okay to eat human flesh
It's all based on the morals of the country.
I guarantee you that there is somewhere in the world where there are cannibals that feed on dead humans.

If you want to make an argument for veganism then go with
>red meat diets have a higher correlation to cause cancer
>Humans don't need meat to survive
>Teeth in the mouth are used for grinding plants
>inhumane breeding and genetic modification to animals is morally grey
>genetically modifying animals can lead to mutations that can in turn lead to carcinogens
>meat processing plants contribute to greenhouse gases while farming and planting is more "green friendly"

and good arguments against it
>If everyone ate plants only there wouldn't be enough farmland in the world because of the low concentration of energy gained from eating plants as opposed to meats
>Is it still morally wrong if I'm eating an animal that died of natural causes
>Cows contribute to greenhouse gases so by eating meat you are reducing greenhouse gases
>without GMOs we wouldn't have enough food to supply the world and people would starve

3/10 for getting me to post a project I worked on last semester

I choose easy mode so Cuphead and Dark Souls

Those chinese need to stop making their tigers all fat and shit

>If everyone ate plants only there wouldn't be enough farmland in the world because of the low concentration of energy gained from eating plants as opposed to meats
>there are people this terrible at math
>there are people who don't understand how calories work, who try to disprove veganism despite their unawareness of calories

>Cows contribute to greenhouse gases so by eating meat you are reducing greenhouse gases
Are you baiting? This is just so fucking retarded I can't pretend a non-retard would write this unironically.

meat is tasty, so I eat it :D

oh it shows

I was going to respond to the points, but they are so pants on head retarded I stopped

>you will never have a lioness waifu

I mean seriously
>let's breed more cows
>cows make GHG
>oh no, we must kill the cows we bred, to combat GHG
>but not before growing them to full size and breeding more

>this is the mindset of average anti-vegan poster