One of these threads.
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One of these threads.
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It's called WEG user
>wasn't expecting intensity from xcom
It takes some insight to get this.
Fuck you got me.
>spend most of the time in office areas
>still ends up being more fun than most games released in the last decade
what went right?
Am I retarded? I don't get it.
tfw still haven't beat Xcom
A buggy AI that, ironically, manages to supercede even contemporary AIs
You're not, it's just single-image-fags and putting some dumb, obscure meme into 'expected' field, instead of many images showcasing feelings, story, gameplay, politics and whole bunch of other stuff related to the game.
what does drawing cards have to do with this?
got me
1st one is easier. Good luck with the second one. It ramps up the bullshit big time.
I still haven't beaten it but only because I get bored.
So far a good thread but I particularly liked these.
fuck you
this game was cool. I only played a free weekend but it felt like it had promise.
Is Legends worth playing or did Funcom fuck it up?
This image is not accurate at all.
fuck you, buddy. please, tell me, in what way a quote 'what a bunch of jokers' describes even in the smallest fucking detail Xenoblade Chronicles? I don't know this game, but maybe would be interested in playing it if I saw image that showcased its gameplay, its story, music, design and feelings it evoked. Instead, I learned that Xenoblade Chronicles has some guy talking about 'jokers' in it. Whooptie-fucking-do. What even was the point of that image? Unfunny meme? Go to 9gag for those, cuz even reddit has better taste than that
It's all down the shitter, I believe. Those who bought the game before it went F2P don't even get anything.
being so retarded as to put several images in each part is the epitome of unfunny, you autistic mongoloid
>9gag cuz reddit
nice damage control
I've never seen somebody so mad over something so little before. You need to take a break buddy
the old TSW fan in me wants me to say its god tier go play it and enjoy the rich story, atmosphere and top notch writing.... The old TSW fan in me can not, in good conscience, say these words.
Its mostly the same game, but dumbed down for modern MMO users. it has 4 activateable skills, AA's are removed and basic attacks are now left click and a select of the old base abilities (for example, the spread fire for the AR) are mappable to the right click, and you have to click every time you wanna fire. The worst thing they did, imo, was force the old 3rd person shooter camera option the old one had (when you hit T and got the cross hair by mistake) as the only method to play the game.
Also agartha is 1000x changed. each faction city is its own place now and outside of quests, have no reason to go there. Everythings in agartha now, including the nightclubs and stores.
This is the most misleading WEG I've ever seen
Because that's what happen when they listen to the cynics and not the fans. All the detractors (who don't play the game) complained about all these things, mainly the combat wasn't "responsive" enough and they don't like exploring the world - as they always complain about, in MMOs, where the world is the whole point.
I fucking hate it, every single MMO is ruined this way. All of them. I know they feel like they have no choice, because they need more players, but man that's just how it always goes.
>lol, u dum!!!
I explained in quite detailed manner why many images in last field is hundreds times better than unfunny references to obscure part of game. If you still don't get it, not my problem.
>I've never seen somebody so mad over something so little before.
Pretty ironic considering it's the single-image-fags always sperging when someone DARES to use more than one image for their 'expected'
what the fuck
I'm sorry I didn't review the entire game in my WEG image user, I just wanted to make a joke about how often the characters repeat their lines in Xeno Chronicles. You can calm down now
he is gonna sperg out bad now
Care to elaborate?
kys cuck
Every game ends with some sperg trying to be "Tacticool" over mic and every one else running around like headless chickens
>T. awakening baby
jesus christ, it isn't a bad game, but you must be a real shitter if you had never known of fire emblem before it
Those offices are really enjoyable.
you're just mad because you didn't get the joke
I don't actually play any of FE games before, just my thoughts after I beat it, so...
This is not true. Most of the games I've played start off with the Squad leader being Tacticool, and ending with either failed or successful strategies and most end with people following orders. Headless chickens only happen when the squad leader isn't very good and people dont want to follow their orders.
I'm not even mad at this particular poster, just at the general idea of single image in last panel
my friend is moving to a small town. I told him he has to play this to get in the mood.
that's my point, its similar to saying "I though skyrim was a standalone game, what do you mean its part of a series called elder scrolls?"
that's quite a level of newfaggotry
so fucking true.
>Expected: literally the name of the series
>Got: incoherent weeb trash meme vomit
I have absolutely zero idea what you got.
And? No one is fucking required to play every game that came before playing the newest instalment you fucking sperg, you are just being asshole for the sake of it. Fuck off, go jerk off to Morrowind.
That's a depressing picture. We're never going to have a good Zelda adventure with dungeons and unique NPCs and memorable bosses again.
you are required to know a little bit, you newborn swine
It's one of the best zelda games, quit complaining nerd
This is why your shitty games are no niche then you bitch about why they aren't more popular
FE A was not that bad, I just play FE7 now and enjoy it too.Anyway... As I say before it's just my point of view as I see this game first time. I mean it was my first FE Game that I play, so I don't know what I got playing this anyway.
I fucking hate morrowind
what now, faggot? what kind of stupid fallacy are you going to pursue now?
You never take these memories from me
>best zelda
>no dungeons
>little music scores
>recolored bosses
>no story
>no final dungeon
>ganon is just as unimportant as in his zelda 1 rendition
It's amazing how people see it as the best zelda. Yeah, if Botw is the only zelda you've played.
I loved the fuck out of awakening, that's not what I'm talking about
>reasonable answer
ah okay. its fine then
enjoy it
>They never patched in bots/AI
thanks fren
Whats the point if making a pic if you are going to put text on it?
Be more assertive next time then.
such a good game.
Its far from the best zelda. I liked that they switched up the formula, but unfortunately they just replaced their formula with repetitive ubisoft style garbage.
1st has more bullshit during your first month or so, after that, it's smooth sailing. The second postpones the bullshit until month three.
This is awful user, apply yourself.
Starhawk was better.
user this shit don't have rules, I can put the fucking full text of Hippolytus from Euripides I wanted to.
If anybody who considers them a big fan reads this, what's the best Fire Emblem on 3ds?
I haven't played one since path of radiance on gamecube. (still got a copy, crazy how much that sells for)