Another nigger hero reveal.
New expac of course
2000 posts in a sticky asking about free streams.
I just really want subraces, I'll resub for that. Void lords expansion, maybe a new OW hero?
Brood War showmatch being the only worthwhile part of it
I'll know by next week what will be on the show floor.
Vanilla servers because Vanilla was the best the game ever was and would bring them over 20 million more subs.
>r-read the thread b-bak-
>Poorfags can't afford an exclusive virtual ticket
Blizzard has moved on from marketing to 16 year old boys from 2001, they're marketing to 30 year old emotionally stunted men that they created.
They'll call their fanbase cancer / toxic again and then announce their new plan to remake x game and conquer the chinese market.
new first person RPG that will dethrone elder scrolls
Or transgender
New WoW expansion and removal of artifacts and battlegrounds pre Legion.
wc4 wc4 wc4 wc4 wc4 wc4
>wc4 wc4 wc4 wc4 wc4 wc4
wc4 wc4 wc4 wc4 wc4 wc4
>wc4 wc4 wc4 wc4 wc4 wc4
wc4 wc4 wc4 wc4 wc4 wc4
>wc4 wc4 wc4 wc4 wc4 wc4
wc4 wc4 wc4 wc4 wc4 wc4
>wc4 wc4 wc4 wc4 wc4 wc4
wc4 wc4 wc4 wc4 wc4 wc4
>wc4 wc4 wc4 wc4 wc4 wc4
>What I want
Warcraft 4 featuring Old God/Ethereal/Horde/Alliance as factions.
Diablo 4 set 1,000 years after the events of D3 with a sci-fi horror aesthetic.
WoW expansion with major increases to 5-player content to cement it as a viable alternative to raiding.
New Maps/Modes/Player Limits in Overwatch to break up the tedious meta.
>What I'd be satisfied with
Warcraft 3 HD version.
WoW expansion with Subraces.
Overwatch maps with multiple simultaneous objectives.
>What I'm getting
New brown/female Overwatch hero
WoW expansion with just Ethereals as a neutral race.
Some new doomed gimmick to try and save SC2.
If I was in their shoes, I would be trying my hardest to get into the mobile market space. Probably a simple MMO RPG on mobile like Pokemon GO would improve their standing and improve the experience of their mobile development team.
Please no, not with modern blizz
$60 SKIN
I just hope Metzen shows up on the Q&A panels, I always love him for being a massive asshole to the lorefags and SJW's who invariably plague Q&A with their shit questions.
WC4 like every year only to get let down.
I have no expectations of modern blizzard but somehow I'm sure they'll still manage to disappoint.
>people wanting WC4
never fucking ever you stupid fucks
end yourself
Metzen quit dude
>wanting a WC4 from nu-blizz
Yeah nah. That wouldn't end well.
Daddy snubbing cigarettes on your fucked up face again?
new shitskin hero
>Warcraft 4
>$60 with $500 worth of market content
>Silly skins that make your Orc troops look like clowns, let thrall ride a clown car because "the players wanted it"
>Always online
>Multiplayer will have levels where you have to unlock your troops slowly or pay $$$
>5 scheduled expansions to get the full story, all at $60
just look at how good SC2 turned out! don't you want more?
Vanilla servers.
This is the only good thing that can happen as nu-blizzard will ruin everything new they try to make.
It will not happen but I want vanilla servers.
I want to relive blackrock
>Modern blizzard meme
They've always been shit.
Diablo was a watered down Rogueclone. Starcraft a generic space opera that only gooks liked because they think the retarded AI pathing and unit glitches add skill.
Warcraft combined clunky RTS with an RPG system more shallow than Skyrim with all the success of a peanut butter and mayonaise sandwich.
Rock&Roll racing was alright.
Yeah, no thanks. I'd rather play on a private server than give activion money and play with the fucked playerbase from retail
this will never happen, and by your own logic you shouldn't want them to do this
warcraft battlegrounds game, vanilla servers, f2p wow, a new overwatch hero.
I know but he can still attend, y'know? I just want him to condescend the people invariably asking why the Grimtotem High Shaman has the wrong tribal tattoos or why there aren't more women of color in leadership positions.
D2 , WC3 and vanilla WoW were all classic though. I wouldn't give blizzard another time for as long as I live though.
>another fucking remaster, probably WC3 or some shit
>new hero/map for Overwatch
>new hero/map for HotS
>some moneygrab shit for Hearthstone
>check out this behind the scenes art nonsense that's taking way too goddamn long to show
>"What's a Diablo?"
I've really stayed on top of what will happen with wow. Here is what I think will happen.
Sub-details for your race (tattoos, scars, more hair/face options), MAYBE actual subraces.
100% basically confirmed old god/KT/seas expansion, no player owned boats
Maybe legacy servers
>vanilla with todays community
>Diablo 4 set 1,000 years after the events of D3 with a sci-fi horror aesthetic.
Different studio, not Blizzard.
Good cinematics, boring as fuck campaign, only good because of USER CREATED custom maps.
>Vanilla WoW
Oh boy sure is fun grinding for 5 hours just to have enough fire resistance potions to kill this boss who will drop 2 epics for 40 people, one of which is already earmarked for the GM's girlfriend.
Shill harder.
i was the dwarf priest mind controlling everyone into the lava on laughing skull
d1 wasn't blizzard either
Basically Hellgate London but actually finished and polished before release.
>Maybe legacy servers
Why don't you ask them to release the server software so players actually have control over the game.
Even with "legacy" servers, blizzard will insert money grabbing things to get you to pay for more
Diablo expansion or Diablo 4
>vanilla with todays community
Transgender nigger hero with afro
It was directly addressed that nothing Diablo 4 related will be at Blizzcon
>shill harder
I have no vested interest in vanilla servers. I don't play on them either. Regardless it's still the best version of WoW.
That's because it won't be called Diablo and Angels will be the villains.
A WoW xpac without flying mounts that brings back 40 man raid.
Storys already ruined brav
I wont buy it then? no skin off my ass
>Vanilla servers.
>with today's "we want everything no exclusion allowed" type of people
>with the "i want to get everything done in less then a month" type of people
i guarantee if vanilla servers were made everyone would rush to end game, make it there and realize that %70 of vanilla was leveling
nah fuck hellgate london, I don't want a modern/hell theme, I want a ancient future theme, like 40k except less over the top (and overexplained, as it eventually came to be)
>Oh boy sure is fun grinding for 5 hours just to have enough fire resistance potions to kill this boss who will drop 2 epics for 40 people, one of which is already earmarked for the GM's girlfriend.
Don't ruin their mental image dude, the retards that are playing vanilla right now are all like zombies who keep insisting that they're playing a "Hardcore game for hardcore gamers".
I just smile and nod. Vanilla is one of the most mind numbing experiences I have ever had in a video game. I suppose the marketing people get is so strong that they refuse to see how retarded they look, playing a 13 year old game.
>Get hyped for Warchief Sylvanas, finally a leader who doesn't have to be shoehorned in and will actually cause friction
>Legion launches
>Sylvanas drops a lantern and exits the story
>Doesn't even say hi to her sister
Checked. TBC was okay but it was the beginning of the end. They nerfed classes that didn't need to be nerfed to oblivion and buffed all the hybrid classes and warlocks who were already OP. They destroyed world PvP and PvP in general, raiding and everything in-between. The only good thing about TBC was the art style and music.
yes? sc2 wings was great before the expansions ruined it, thats still 2 good years of starcraft.
There are like no games to play like none i need a new rts.
any streams? did it even start yet?
the last expansion was an abortion and you cant even deny it
Better tham hascon
blizzcon is in like 2 weeks
also I found out via google in the time it must have taken you to write your post
Ruined the pvp too by trying to turn it into an e-sport focused around CC, bursts and heals rather than just being a fun chaotic brawl with objectives.
I honestly think Blizard could do that.
Legacy of the Void was still better than heart of the swarm.
>Playing the most unit-focused race
>Lol no you have to play Kerrigan like she's a shitty MOBA hero
Imperius in HotS when?
implying we'll get any more cool heroes that aren't fucking Overwatch related.
>caring about HotS
>Play EvE
>Join a corp to do fleet operations
>Provided with my ship
>Paid per hour for my time
>Treated like a valuable member of the corporation
>Play WoW
>Join a guild
>Sorry user, we don't give new members loot for the first two weeks
>If you don't provide yourself with all consumables every week, you are not welcome to the raid
>I know that you need this item, but the GMs gf has a lower gear score than you, we decided to give her the item, its our final word
>The officers get priority on gear, sorry but we're leading the raids, we should be compensated for it.
can rob pardo just fucking hurry up and announce the game his new company is making?
>leave blizzard entertainment
>make bonfire studios
> sc2 wings was great before the expansions ruined it, thats still 2 good years of starcraft.
It's fun because I have friends to play it with and don't take it too seriously. It's a pretty fun hop-in and play for a couple hours game.
There will at least be a small pause after Junkrat comes out tomorrow. I'm really hoping for a good hero announcement at Blizzcon.
>when you like mobas and rts
new wow expac. couple new hots characters, something for overwatch
.....probably another multiplayer hero for starcraft.... a hearthstone thing
>couple new hots characters
have they not run out of blizzard characters to put in that shitty game yet?
still waiting for all the diablo 2 act bosses
and my nigga rakanishu
>Warcraft 4
>Protagonists are Jaina, Wrathion, Azshara and some newly appointed Nexus Prince
>First campaign is Old God/Nagas, get Azshara's perspective of what happened 10,000 years ago and in the time during
>Conqueror the oceans and spread the word of N'Zoth
>Ends with you besieging and kidnapping motherfucking Elune herself
>Follows up with Wrathion
They have like 70 characters in HotS and there's still like a hundred more they could add.
i expect atleast one phone game if not more
they bought the candy crush company a while back right? they have to do something with that
You'll probably get Mephisto and that's it. Maybe an Andarial skin for Kerrigan.
>giving a shit about blizzard in 2017
Void based expac for WoW
Nothing for D3
Some shit for Hearthstone
Nothing for SC2
Probably new hero announcements for HOTS, Alextrasza and Firebat
Probably some news on the thai fuccboi support of OW
Probably some news on the mobile games they're planning on making
what i want
>hd remake of diablo 2
>classic wow private servers with WoD graphics/animations patch
>warcraft 4 with race->class combos i.e. undead warlock is an entirely different faction from undead mage
>starcraft can drop dead for all i care
>hearthstone mode that excludes legendaries
>hots, blizzard abandons it, gives full rights to valve for dota 3 proper reboot
what i'll get
>wow new xpac some new meme race to get ppl to buy it
>starcraft some new gimmick to desperately revive it
>diablo 3 some new class that 15 dollars dlc
>hearthstone more gay shit legendaries
>hots who the fuck even cares
>overwatch some nigger strong womyn hero
fuck gaming is depressing these days
New expansion for WoW will be the biggest thing probably.
Just another shitty expansion.
>Maybe an Andarial skin for Kerrigan.
>Naked daemon with nipple chain
>In todays climate
I don't think so user.
So make it like Path of Exile where you have seasons and have a reset, have 1 main vanilla server afterwards where people can transfer their seasonal character if they want, which will probably be ded. Maybe award a dumb title or cosmetics for the main game depending how far you progressed on the vanilla server.
I want two things.
>That expansion leak with updated animations, pistols, subraces and Jaina to turn out to be true
>Warcraft 3HD
>every blizzard IP has a "whats next" panel
>except Diablo
HoTS devs don't really give a fuck about political climate and design many of their female heroes as fapbait.
I know HoTS devs are based - but you're pushing your luck here.
Reminder that they had the balls to make a sexy Tracer skin, while Overwatch cucks covered up her ass with ridiculous cape. Yes, cause marathon runners are famous for wearing fucking capes while on the track.
>Alliance, Horde, and Legion Remnant campaigns
>Horde campaign released solo
>Legion Remnant expansion 2 years later
>Alliance 2 years after that
>Anduin merges with Elune, a Light Lord