

I don't know how these kids fucking mispronounce turret.

Is that Flight of the Navigator?


>em one nine eleven

>Lemme just equipt this new armor real fast
>Okay I equipted it


>Hold on guys, i have to heal my armor before this next heroic dungeon


>We need some steel ignots to make new swords


Grand Theft Auto Vee

Pubb gee




>pub battlegrounds


>"emkay sevuhnteen"



Only way to pronounce the M1911 is nineteen-eleven. Fuck the Em


Kid in my WoW guild many years ago typed "the smorning" to mean "this morning" and it was not a typo.


This should be illegal.

right then let me log into my other champ



1 sec guys im going to switch to my pah-la-din

That's different. Hopping continents changes how armour is spelled but nowhere, I repeat, nowhere, is "equipt", "turrent", "calvary", "zeelot", or "nucular" acceptable.

hey lets queue up from warsong glutch



The abbreviation of "Player Unknown's Battlegrounds" has always been so goddamn ugly-sounding, and it flares my inner autism like a nuclear bomb.

It's pah-lay-din right?


>mfw I say it like this and all you guys can do is get triggered :^)



I've seen people on here and /vg/ fucking type it like that, and in case this needs clarification, no, they weren't trying to refer to where Christ died.

Hah thats actually funny

Everytime I see someone say this the only thing I think of is Toontown
I wonder if people just say it to piss off others for the fun of it.

>el em ayy oh

I no your fustrated OP. Irregardless in this doggy dog world complaints like yours are for all intensive purposes a diamond dozen. So close you're labtop cause you should of known in this world their are winners and loosers. And you OP loose.

your diluted

>English is such a retarded language natives don't even know how to pronounce their own words

>all these anons triggered over language evolving
In a few decades everyone will be saying turrent, and you'll sound like a fucking autist if you insist on saying things the 'proper way'. I say turrent proudly, knowing that I'll be vindicated by the dictionaries of the future.

Wrong. If you're referring to the original government model handguns used in WWII, the M is important. You wouldn't call it a 16 or a 9, they're the M16 and the M9.

Literally every language has it's pidgin dialects.

>Scorge Strike

George W. Bush please

You people sure sperg out over the smallest things

I do too

it's a-lu-min-num
fucking brits



>Correct Pronunciation

Kill yourself.

The word is aluminium though. You can't just not pronounce the second i.

>Nice Mimi

because it's not autistic to pronounce every letter and number rather than shorten it for ease of communication. who gives a shit about "muh correctness"

This is how you sound.

>mega weeb

I bet you don't even call the protag Clad

it can be spelled either way

Perfectly fine if you're just talking about 1911 pattern guns but if you mean the WWII models specifically nobody's going to know what you mean without the M.

>leave in spicland
>everyone pronounces it as ''may-may''


But that's how you pronounce it


As a french speaker, this triggers me to no end.

Is it gren-ay-dee-er or gren-a-deer?

Do you also pronounce it zeelotry? How about zeelosly?

this one

I know it's wrong, but I can't get myself to pronounce it ee-ther. This only applies to the item, though. If we're talking "Pulled from the ether" or something, then I'll pronounce it right.



That's just not the correct spelling as opposed to aluminium retard

If you pronouce


>We have contests to see who can spell correctly


Gruh-nah-deyey, it's french

>whats the evolveshun of aloma aloma

>Friend pronounced Kangaskhan "Kak-ih-shan"

Yes, because there were several other guns used in World War 2 with the name "1911" in them

>Gruh-nah-deyey, it's french

It's an English word taken from French. It can have a completely different pronunciation.

You're right that it's pronounced zell-ot, but your argument isn't the best one considering zeal isn't pronounced zell.

Its a wow term, ok, it just stuck

> lemme just dot this guy up


It's pee-ka-choo



If you just say 1911 nobody knows whether you mean the original, the A1 or A2, or any of the dozens of clones, both official and unofficial, some of which were used during the WWII era.

>pronounces 2fort as "two fort"

Isn't that short for platoon?

> The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) adopted aluminium as the standard international name for the element in 1990 but, three years later, recognized aluminum as an acceptable variant.

>IUPAC internal publications use the two spelling with nearly equal frequency.[55]

>The -um suffix is consistent with the universal spelling alumina for the oxide (as opposed to aluminia)

>Davy settled on aluminum by the time he published his book Elements of Chemical Philosophy in June 1812: "This substance appears to contain a peculiar metal, but as yet Aluminum has not been obtained in a perfectly free state, though alloys of it with other metalline substances have been procured sufficiently distinct to indicate the probable nature of alumina."[61] In September 1812, fellow British scientist Thomas Young[62] wrote a review of Davy's book, which was published anonymously in the Quarterly Review, a British literary and political periodical, in which he objected to aluminum and proposed the name aluminium: "for so we shall take the liberty of writing the word, in preference to aluminum, which has a less classical sound."[63]

>anonymous british shitposters NOT MUHing a word

does anyone else pronounce ESRB as ee-serb?

>nobody cares

>zeal isn't pronounced zell.
Yes, because it doesn't have an "o" after it, which is why I didn't include it but instead mentioned Zealotry and Zealously.
Please tell me English isn't your first language despite the fact that I can say the same for myself.


Nobody else is as retarded as you, sorry

If you didn't care you wouldn't have posted

>implying it won't be pronounced Turt and even in the future you won't be a jackass

Get fucked cuckboy