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We're stuck with Persona shit from here on out aren't we?

What game?

Just wait a few days, they are revealing new information for smt switch, hopefully its smt v.

>jack frost
>black frost
>No Jack Black frost

What is this?

>Octadolaon: Eight-sided mega almighty attack

smt sidescroller game made by the same peeps who did the konosuba megaman game

How do you switch the attack you use with C?

what in what now

>Jackbros game literally nobody asked for
Into the White it goes

For those that haven't been keeping up, Atlus has released a sidescroller megaman clone with the Jack bros as the main characters.
It's 100% free and you can download the zip of of their website. Has gamepad support and everything.

It's not too long of a game, but it's pretty damn good.

>megaman clone

You jump and shoot in a metroidvania map. It's not exactly a metroidvania though.

hold c, a list or menu should show up

Is there any chance it turns into a full fledged game?

>Have 100% map completion
>Still missing one part of the ring in the candlabra zone as well as one in the megamart zone.
>Just went back to every room in both of them and scoured every inch looking for secret holes and behind foreground objects.

What the fuck guys?

Is it by the same guys who did that Konosuba game?
Because it looks like their style.

Welp, nevermind. It's already been answered.

Probably not. It's mainly to promote the new SJ remake.
They give you a demonica and everything.

The pixel art is also of real high quality, so a full game might be too much work and money for them to bother.

SMTxFE delayed this and they switched platforms from Vita to 3DS

>you will never hee ho with jack frost
end me

what the fuck are you talking about


Don't bring your hopes up too much. This is just a promo game for the SMT game coming soon. Of course it could happen its all dependent on if the team are working on their own stuff, get paid to do it/were paid to make more or are working on a different IP promo thing.
I'm just happy these guys are doing well. I love their games.

Probably the same deal with Strange Journey

Which one did you miss in Sector Bootes? I managed to find all of them. There's one in the top right corner just barely visible off screen in the room where you go into the car to raise the drill.

I did

Can someone post the full map? I'm at 99%.


Thanks man, I already see what I'm missing.

God dammit I knew there was a secret room in that area with the fish dudes in Antila.

Is there a secret boss or something?

Has anyone here played Pharaoh Rebirth+ on Steam?
It's from the same devs and looks really similar. It's only $10 so I'm wondering if I should pick it up.

It's good

>no one has posted a download link, or even the title of the game

It's called Shin Megami Tensei Synchrocity Prologue for anyone interested

Nice try steph

hah. they have to wait till 2018 for PQ2 and the new dancing game news

Anyone know how to get it working with a gamepad?

Run the launcher, go to the keybindings option, select the gamepad option

Whatever you say Jac