Reminder that Mario Galaxy will be 10 years old next month

Reminder that Mario Galaxy will be 10 years old next month

fuck, I'm old


obligatory fuck I'm old


it honestly still feels somewhat new.

>mfw turning on Mario Galaxy for the first time and seeing them beautiful water graphix

This was the first game I ever played, I got it for Christmas when I was 8.

so will you


I pity the majority of this board. Born in the '90's, growing up (if you can call it that) in the edgy, shitty ass 00's, when the Golden Era of Gaming wasn't what you grew up with.

I mean, no wonder you kids watch streamers, shitpost, and basically don't care about videogames as a hobby - I wouldn't either if I had those shitty developers ruling the roost and those crappy games.

>Youtube was this cool new platform
>social media hadn't taken over society just yet
>7th gen just started and hopes were high
>awesome new IP's coming out
>everything looked promising

was it really just nostalgia?

The PS2 is now older than the NES was when the PS2 first came out.

Are you retarded? It's the next gen up that watches streamers. Late 90s kids are the ones that complain about it.

What are you like 30 years old or something?


The late '90's watches them too. Hell, I've had Vinesauce and PewDiePie recommended IRL by early '90's """""adults""""".

Do you live in 2014?

Ayyy, trips got it right. 30, on the nose.

Do you do anything other than ask questions like you're a fucking Sphinx or some shit?

What are some videogames where I can shitpost and subvert board rules by asking questions?

You're 30 years old and on Sup Forums.

I remember already being mad about how expensive all the consoles and controllers were after seeing the late 6th gen systems where hardware was all pretty affordable.

2009 was the tipping point for me, though looking back on it 2007 is when many of the problems started.

>talking with friend about Zelda series
>he offhandedly remarks that skyward sword came out 6 years ago
>look it up it really is

wtf if someone had asked me, I probably would have said it came out like 2 or 3 years ago. where the fuck is time going

they let you on Sup Forums in the nursing home gramps?

Damn, and I still have Mario 64 on my backlog.

We're further away from Twilight Princess' release, than Twilight Princess was from OoT's release.

still a fine game

fuck i forgot about these. are they longer than sunshine?