What are some games that reuse bossfights?

What are some games that reuse bossfights?

Metroid Prime Hunters. It's the worst part of the game.


Neptunia, shamelessly.

Calle Calle will return

>tfw I just click on a bunch of random shit and sometimes the captcha lets me get away with it



RUINER. It's a short game, and most boss fights are reasonably unique and there's a fair few of them. And then towards the end there's one boss you'll fight... about 6-7 times.


Does it ever stop?

>7 years after captchas implemented
>some newfags still haven't figured out how to hack the captchas
>they actually have to solve it for every single post
>or worse, actually pay for a 4cuck pass
and no I'm not spoonfeeding you.

You should click all the damn boxes, with vehicles in them, so google's self driving car can identify random shit like like tail lights behind signs.

But no, you want to be mr contrarian and try to get away with contributing as little as possible. You're stunting technological progress.

The Order had two boss fights, though technically they were the exact same with vaguely different models. They were so spread apart that it would trick normies into thinking it was a new fight.

>expecting any quality from unpaid labor


Halo 5 and it's stupid warden boss


what a tool

I click the first 4 squares. ALWAYS

if it doesn't work, I skip.

who else in a covert operation to break the captcha here?

Dark Souls 2 re-uses a few.

>double dragonrider
>double kitty
>flexile sentry
>generic sentry
>the pursuer eighteen times
>executioner chariot
>generic chariot
>belfry gargoyles except now there's six of them
>ruin sentinels
>generic sentinels
>ornstein except he's not called ornstein
>red smelter demon
>blue smelter demon
>velstadt again in the elana fight
>also elana's basically the same as nashandra really when you think about it
>graverobber gank squad is an """homage""" to 1-4
>another darklurker in the same fight

I think that's a comprehensive list.

what the fuck is calle anyway? Why is it on every second captcha

Spanish for street

>generic chariot
I think I missed that one, where is it?

batman arkham knight
1/3 of its bossfights are reused

You mean "Souls series"

DMC4 is the king of reusing bosses

Don't tell me you guys aren't using legacy captcha. It's way easier, and it never, EVER gives you "Nah, you still might be a bot, complete 5 more tasks" bullshit.

The horses are in the castle during SOTFS

The captcha only wants you click like, three or four squares before it lets you pass
Why do more when it isn't required of you?
I swear, you workaholic Murricans