Self-taught intellectual

>self-taught intellectual
so he declared it after watching every season of Rick & Morty?

why is Sup Forums so against communism? it's literally free money

Why did they make him look like such a fag?

The only people butthurt about this game are actual Nazis.

lol epic meme fellow user you sure showed them

I bet you don't even know what you're mad about anymore

16 year old americans browsing Sup Forums aren't actual nazis, they fucking wish lmao

Check my 0

>self-taught intellectual
sounds like Sup Forums

Exactly how many redpills a day do you need to be on in order to get angry at this picture? What fucking unbearable faggots.
Remember we used to make fun of SJWs for getting triggered by "problematic" "gross" and "toxic" ideas in videogames? Well here we are.
Go write a blog about it you fucking loser, the rest of us will be playing and discussing videogames without going into a meltdown over the "threat" their content is to society.


>age 59
>has probably just started doing something with his life and finally begun his teens
It's actually an accurate portrayal of your typical socialist-marxist commie sympathizer. See Jeremy Corbyn, Bernie Sanders, etc.

He tipped his fedora so hard he became enlightened. Also WHAT'S WRONG WITH HIS FACE?


I wholeheartedly agree.
For the bacon!

>it's just an edit made by an autist

>making the same shitty thread every day
Remember when Sup Forums just used to say that if SJWs didn't like the games then they should make them themselves? Funny how that turned out to be nowadays when every major dev is an SJW.

t. Millennial american

>tfw to inteligent to support the fatherland


>gommies killed 90 trillion
Except in the TNO timeline Soviets presumably got wiped out by the Nazis so there'd be little evidence communism has problems.

Possibly right around the same time you declared your love of the cock, OP.

In their effort make him look realistic with an asymmetrical face they've just made him look completely fucked up.

I have no problems killing nazis in WW2, but going on a nazi killing spree after they conquered the world seems poinless. You are basically the bad guys inconveniencing the average fritz.

Bernie got into politics in his 30s?

>Resistance leader
>Self taught intellectual
>Karl Marx

So is this game a thinly veiled push for liberal communist agenda? Cause it sounds like it. This sounds like some Antifa bullshit. Nazi's were bad but communism can fuck right off too.

Then don't play the game.

>Influenced by Karl Marx
So we're siding with communists over nazis now?

Ssh user you're not meant to use your brains you're just meant to hand out redpills

youre forgetting that Sup Forums gets butthurt over every new game