Play online game

>Play online game.
>Opponent insults and ridicules you.
>Turn the game around and win.

Is there a better feel?

>play online game

Fucking a woman you love. Loser.

Yes, tfw gf

There truly isn't
Even better when you blow them the fuck out

>Play online game
>Stomping the other team
>some how get your whole team to let the enemy win anyway
>then mock them "You are so bad we felt like you needed at least one win"
>Shit flinging ensues
is there a better feel?

Yes, getting a degree and starting a career.


>play singleplayer game
>realize that it's starting to repeat content to pad out the runtime
>stop playing
>check if there's any new content later in the game
>uninstall because there isn't


Wanna know how i can tell you have neither?

>opposite player trashtalks as we are losing
>turn game around
>spam "ez" into all chat
>win game
>friend add him, keep spamming "ez", "ez game", "noob down", "??" etc.etc.
>Spam the same nonsense on his profile
>Add his steam friends and tell them to spam him with the same nonsense

How would you know?

>play Brood War like a maniac
>get on ladder
>Zerg vs Terran
>I get three bases, looks like standard, passive, macro-heavy game
>suddenly it turns out I am retarded
>my natural expansion is pushed in by a massive fucking push
>the hatchery falls
>I just rush like a madman to hive tech while my mutas kill the tanks and lurkers clean up the terran force trying to get up a cliff
>still have no bases
>guy is making more stuff
>says "gg" preemptively
>i'm stuck on those two bases
>can't remake the natural expansion, the guy just
>all of those mutas I had were actually alive, but battered as fuck
>tech greater spire
>I'm somehow middling by on two gas
>turn the mutas into guardians
>pissing myself thinking of the vessels
>the guy just makes marines and tanks and denies my natural
>i defend with lurkers and guardians on ramp on those shitty two bases
>stopped drone producing, I just make lings with all the minerals since lurker/guardian isn't gas heavy
>end up sending all of my overlords to the guy's main base
>full of zerglings with 1-2 defilers under swarm
>he lifts all his buildings off
>tilts like a maniac
>once again suicides his entire force on my lurker and guard
>types "gay"
>check replay
>he didn't macro
>he just stuck to those two bases and kept trying to finish me off with a 6 rax 3 fact push

And that's how I stopped being D- on ICCup..

I don't know if you realize that, but you're just as much of a faggot as them.

Just go Ling/Lurker/Defiler next time. Literally hard counters Terran.

>opponent wins and taunts R1
>perfect him the following round
>win the last round taking minimal damage, taunt back

>Play online game.
>Opponent insults and ridicules you.
>Turn the game around and win.
>A bunch of other people start ganging up on him and telling him what a knob he is

>play shooter
>hear an ADHD kids footsteps as he stomps around the map switching weapons at the speed of sound
>stand behind a box and aim over it
>shoot him preemptively as his footsteps are giving me an aural walhack
>take his weapon
>move to another position overlooking where he died
>like clockwork, comes back for a grudge kill
>[unintelligible screeching]
>move to an obtuse position slightly further away but still in the area
>he walks by spamming grenades
>Automaton Timed Out

Last time I played sf5 (several months ago now)
>ultra gold, get matched up vs some super diamond guile
>lose first match, he starts throwing booms then up backing and teabagging any time I can't reach him
>win 2nd match
>3rd match he lands a super combo and taunts and keeps teabagging
>pull out a win and barely win the set
I'm just glad I won. He would've beaten me if he had been playing seriously but he tried to be a smart ass and lost for it.

Given that the general consensus is that T ever so slightly outdoes Z (P > T > Z > P is generally accepted) because of the map pool and that Terran has the early pressure until you get Hive tech, I'd not say it's a hard counter. But yeah, now I know better.

>play online game
>reading the chat
>activating the voice chat
>caring about what Amerifats, hues and ruskies say about your game
LMAOing at your life

What a fucking lie. I did both of these recently too.

Don't let anyone meme you into being a wageslave Sup Forums, it's a fucking slog. Consume what you want, produce what you want.