Oh shit


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should've opened with WHOA i guess

This isn't Rayman 4

reminder that there was a similar listing for Xbone a while back and nothing has come of that yet

okay this gives me a good excuse to buy a switch now

i'll buy both as soon as animal crossing switch becomes a fucking thing

what is timed exclusivity user?


Look it up yourself retard

sony has no mascots

Didnt they find Xbone button prompts in the code?

>another port
shitch as no games


Suddenly Crash is good eh

bitch are you retarded?

Please let it happen, if only for the cataclysmic ass pain it would create.

Kek, Sonyfags BTFO again. At least you boys still have those new movies Uncharted and Horizon to still watch

That's why they won 4 gens in a row, creative freedom.

>can't run at a frame rate higher than 30
>on PS4 pro
I need to see the downgrade on this

Sour grapes: the post

This. Mascots don't sell consoles unless your Nintendo.

Unless my Nintendo what?

Do you sonyfags really believe you won 4 gens in a row? The PS3 was BTFO by 360 and Wii.

Id buy it

Oh, the Switch finally gets a Dark Souls game!

has crash ever (officially) been on a non-playstation platform? i don't see this coming to xbo or switch really

I refuse to believe that this wouldn't be able to run at 60fps on Pro.

there were crash games on GBA and 360

Yes. Multiple times, actually.

People keep forgetting that he's an Activision character now, not a Sony one. I'm sure Sony paid for timed exclusivity with the trilogy, but Activision is definitely itching to port this nostalgia cash cow to other platforms.

Gba and wii.

are you retarded?

Crash Nitro Kart was on the GCN

I've never played a Crash game and the only people I know who have played them on PSX or PS2.

Excuse me?

It should be able to run at 60fps on base PS4 desu, devs really fucked up at some point

Finally, Nintendo gets Dark Souls.


And then it caught up so much in the second half of last gen that people store caring about the competition.

He's right though

Don't forget people still jerk off about the N64 whereas I don't think anyone's even thought of the PS1 in years

>Released over a year later
>Released at $600 pricepoint
>Overtook the 360 and is 10m short of the Wii
Y-yeah s-sony g-got d-destroyed!!!

N64 was hot garbage.

>20 years latter and still mad
No one gave a shit about the n64 even back then.

>crash gets released on switch
>then gets added to smash
I'd be interested to see how mad people would be

the absolute fucking state of worshipping a brand. Remember kids, given a choice, chose Isis over Sony, it's less of a brainwash.

I still remember how nintenfanboys went ape shit after cloud got in smash while they shitposted FF7 for decades and are not even getting FF7 Remake.

That's what Nintendbros do.

Kek, you are just butthurt that Sony always wins. If nintendo or microsoft made the same moves Sony did with the PS3 they would not have sold past 10m.

>nd are not even getting FF7 Remake.
>he doesn't know
Two words and a number unreal engine 4

>won 4 gens in a row

Four words: No Third party support

Nice. If true that will save me from renting a ps4 for only one game.
My Switch and PC will always suffice.

Shitch has no games.

Hail Sony! I'm with her! RESIST!

>Being the most jewish means to win a gen
You nintendildos are disgusting.

>Being a Nintenigger
How do you live with yourself?

Then how do you win a gen exactly?
By having games? Because I'll tell you right now the PS3 had no games for like 3 years.

By having the best console.

Your point?

What makes the PS3 the best?
You can't look me straight in the face and tell me you've paid $600 for an underpowered computer with nothing to play on it.

Sony? More like sorry for no gaems
keked checked and rekt


>That source
Exited the tab before it even loaded tbph. You almost got me, Nintendo news

>Some literal who website puts something incorrect on their page
>Holy shit it's fucking confirmed

>Buy game on PSN
>as long as there are appropriate versions, you also can play that game on PS3, PS4, Vita, PSP and the saves are all automatically backed up on your account with purchase history and such
>when a new Sony platform releases, you already know you'll be able to re-download those PSN classics and such on your new platform

>Buy game on eShop
>you can only play it on the console you bought it for, you don't even get a discount for another console's version despite using the same account, saves are all local so if the console breaks you lose them, Switch can't even move saves to the SD card so they're effectively fucked, 20 years old roms always re-released at full eShop price requiring you to buy your games everytime
Speaking of service only Sony is so much ahead of Nintendo it's not even funny.

Make it happen Nintendo.

>Speaking of service only Sony is so much ahead
I don't recall Nintendo ever being criticized by World governments for being so fucking incompetent after their servers got hacked.

Sonyslave-do-it-for-free Shills out on full force I see. Must be mad that all they have is Knack 2 while NintenChads will be playing GOTYssey soon

>wiii had better library and sales
>360 had a better library and sales
>fucking zeboo had a better library

>ps3 won guys

Atleast Sony has servers to get hacked.


360 won then? it was the easiets to use and the strongest in the generation.

It was jus a leaked video showing the Xbox buttons layout in the game UI artist's Instagram

Are you implying Nintendo doesn't have any servers?

No one cares about Nintendo servers that's why.
Sony is(or used to be) a huge corporation with interests in movie productions, technology AND videogames, which is why hacking their shit so much more interesting.

>10m short of the Wii
>wii only lasted 4 years
>it took over 10 years for the ps3 to catch up to it
>STILL could not pass it

>YFW we also get Coco as an alternate skin.

And the switch will not pass the PS3 even 20 years from now.


>b-b-but the switch
YEah, 6 months on the market it already has the best library this generation

Swiss financial experts said it's supposed to sell 120 million

This is so fucking pathetic, Jesus.

I would laugh at the Elite force losing another "exclusive"

Whats there to hack? Friendcodes?

About as pathetic as you responding to your own post.

>YEah, 6 months on the market it already has the best library this generation
And this is why the opinions of Nintendofans are worthless.

it probably came out on xbox but no one noticed


>PS1 made more than the best selling
console of all time
Do sales really matter?


>Sonic on Nintendo consoles
>Crash on Nintendo consoles
>Original sonic on Nintendo consoles
>2017 original Crash on Nintendo consoles
How long until Master Chief on Nintendo consoles?

More than the RoachMotel 4


No, it's because the best selling games on their systems are either GTA or haven't sold past 10% of the console's total sales.

>Hillary will win 99% sure
>MIcrosoft predicted 1 billion consoles sold this gen
>Shitch is predicted to sell 120m

> Xbox button prompts

That doesn't mean a whole lot. The game was developed on windows PC's, using an existing engine. It could just be the default button prompts during development.

Reminder that Demon's Souls (a 100% Sony owned game) has a model of a Gears of War Lancer in the game code, on the PS3 disk.

Master Chief is coming to Minecraft on the switch through update

You're comparing two completely different things. You might as well just use a food analogy.

Chirst blunderbarney fag do you really not have anything better to do?

You can believe whatever you want if that makes you sleep better.

After Activision acquired Crash the series has been on multiple platforms ranging from Nintendo to Xbox