Is that a free patch or DLC?

is that a free patch or DLC?

first part of the dlc. second part will be out in january. story content

I'm still stuck at the boss in world 2. Why would i want more pain?

ultra challenges are already in the game and are not that hard

But these are ULTRA HARD

Don't forget that this is a game for people that never played a strategy game before, so Ultra Hard just probably means that it's just standard Hard in any other SRPG.

>That re-used "MARIOOOO" sound clip

I really really really want to know more about the upcoming story DLC though.

And it better have more Mr. Tom Phan

try again, lad. you can do it

It fucking hurts so much. Nobody must ever know.

what is the biggest problem

I didn't have much of an issue with the Ultra challenges in the postgame so I'll definitely get this, but not right away. I'm busy playing other games right now and Odyssey is right around the corner.