Just completed this for the first time. What the fuck were from thinking?

DaS1 & DaS3 = difficulty + fun
DaS2 (sotfs) = difficulty + frustration

didn't enjoy it at all as a pure melee build. It's as they tried to make things more difficult in sotfs by simply overwhelming the player by sheer numbers, I.e by being cheap as fuck. It didn't feel like the dark souls formula at all, felt more like a chore than an enjoyable experience.

I have a new found respect for DaS3 now. It might be more linear, but the gameplay is more fun (even when dying), it's difficult without feeling cheap/unfair, combat is smoother and the environments feel like an actual world instead of a puzzle platformer like in DaS2.

Other urls found in this thread:


>What the fuck were from thinking?

That the fanbase would eat it up and defend it regardless.


Who the fuck finds circlestrafing difficult, let alone frustrating?

>he actually had trouble with das2
lmao sucks to be you

Man, fuck the run to the blue smelter demon in general.

>defending PvE ganksquad: the game

>by simply overwhelming the player by sheer numbers
I simply ignore the people that complain about 2's enemy numbers while praising 3.

Have a (You) on the house.

>using quentin-level images seriously

lel, now do the gank squad boss and you might eventually be part of the conversation

Honestly, people defending 3 and shitting on 2 confuses me. 2 was arguably easier than 3 by the time you got 1/2 way through the game.

Both are equally shit though. 2 has gank squading up the ass, but at least it's somewhat non-linear. 3 is more or less going in a straight line the whole time. Little ganking, but the hitboxes are even more wtf than 2. At least 2 has Lucatel and the Emerald Maiden for waifu threads.

Yeah that doesn't work in sotfs when you get swarmed by gank squads who trigger from 3 miles away and you use a rapier, I.e like in Iron Keep with its 1 million metal ninja fuckfaces.

In sotfs those fuckers would start running at you from the other side of the map like a pack of raptors. Rapier build was considerably less fun in sotfs because of the amount of ganking it introduced.

>people defending 3 and shitting on 2 confuses me.
It's called having taste.

2 is better than 3 in pretty much every way that matters for a video game, and you're dumb if you disagree. People like OP who are trying to get around stating that the game was too hard for them are just human garbage. All video games should have a punishing level of difficulty.

Brainlet detected, if you can't appreciate Dark Souls 2 then you are a fucking pleb

I'll admit, I laughed.

>Dark Souls 2 isn't a bad game

lovin' every laugh

SotFS was a hideous mistake of a game, mainly because of this. The conga lines of enemies that would dash your way as soon as you inched into a room was utterly ridiculous. The infamous doorway in Lost Bastille springs to mind, where mobs would run at you from 3 rooms away as soon as you set foot inside.

>I.e by being cheap as fuck.

Every souls game ever, don't pretend like you played 1 and 3

>SotFS was a hideous mistake of a game
The game is just hideous in general, keep in mind this is a 2014 game.

DaS3 had ways of making ganks more workable.

>more responsive character movement
>rolling uses less stamina
>tracking improved (especially with 1 on 1 weapons like rapiers)
>enemy movement was more varied and gave room for maneuvering. They'd circle the player more, back off, attack etc. In DaS2 they'd just charge at you attacking all at the same time for the most part

>2 is better
stopped reading
slit your throat

>when you get swarmed
>in Iron Keep

YOLO retard detected. They don't come at you in more than two at a time unless you sprint blindly at the fog door.

2 is better overall you can't deny it, and cherry picking some admittedly bad bosses isn't much of an arguement considering 3 has the same shit

>cherry picking
>Dark Souls 2

Most of the bosses in Dark Souls 2 were shit.

>2 is better overall you can't deny it
Considering 3 doesn't tie your i-frames to a stat, yes I can absolutely deny it.

The DS2 Fag is immunized against all dangers: one may call his game a gankfest, poorly-made, horribly downgraded or boring, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But mention the fact that Iron Keep is somehow balanced on top of a windmill, and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

True for every Souls game, do you actually have any complaints that are exclusive to 2?

Most in the bosses in all the D_Souls games are shit.


nice argument kid

>But mention the fact that Iron Keep is somehow balanced on top of a windmill
The volcano is way behind the windmill. If you paid attention to the game you would have noticed that this particular part, and many others, show memory gaps. Just like how it's sunny, you go through a tunnel and suddenly it's raining and you're in front of a castle.

The first fucking cinematic tell you that everyone forget things. that's why you come to Drangleic, to find a cure. After mytha you walk for a long time until you reach the volcano. But why on earth would they make you walk for ages, when they can directly give you the elevator? If you're not retarded you'll understand that your character just forgets parts of his journey. Just like you see only a tiny sunken part of Heide's tower of flame from majula, and it seems extremely distant, while it's just after a small tunnel. Or even how you can meet an NPC, meet him again after a tunnel or a bridge, and he'll act like it's been days since he last saw you, while it's been 2 minutes.

Jesus, do shitposters even play the fucking games they shitpost about? Of all the things you could have complained about in DaS2, you chose the one thing that's clearly explained in the game, from the very first cinematic. Want something that makes no sense geographically speaking? Ash lake.

Mate, 2 is an abomination.

They're just shittier in 2, it's the very bottom of the barrel in D_Souls bosses

DS2 is the best. Complaining about too much combat just means mad cause bad.

I'm 35

>memory blanks

A game so bad that even the player character needs to forget large chunks of it.

sure kiddo

>tfw no more nude pre-nerf vanquisher's seal PvP
>tfw no more getting fanmail saying they're reporting me for hacking

Yeah DS2 is shit because of B team.

>Ash Lake

Literally the bottom of the world, where the roots of the archtrees lie. Problem?

>and gave room for maneuvering. They'd circle the player more, back off, attack etc.
What kind of DaS3 have you played? I mean i understand that 3 references 1 but that's it. References. Not the gameplay too.

The 3 i played has the same if not more enemies than 2 but they aren't shitty ones. And everything has a flurry or a 7 hit combo or both together.

DS2 is lightyears above DS3

>Dark Souls 2 isn't a piece of shi-

>it's the games fault I'm bad

He's not wrong though, every souls game has their bad and good boss fights. If you really wanna go there 3 has a ton of them. Maybe even more then 2 in retrospect
>High Lord
>Consumed king
>Reusing the Champ
>Ancient Dragon Dildo
But to base a games overall quality on a few of it's bosses isn't valid. So just because two and 3 have some shit bosses doesn't mean the games suck overall

>I can't keep more than one entity on my screen help

Let me repeat myself, do you have any complaints exclusive to DS2?


You should be able to see Lost Izalith and Demon Ruins from Ash Lake but you can't.

>You should be able to see Lost Izalith and Demon Ruins from Ash Lake

Why, exactly?

That was clearly burn damage from stabbing the enemy on fire fuck you're terrible if you didn't realize that

> Lost Izalith and Demon Ruins

They're inside an archtree trunk. Goddamn.

Because you can see Ash Lake from those areas.
Also from Tomb of the Giants.

Too bad the PvP is the best in the series. I'm thinking of replaying it just so I can have fun in the arena.

Because that's how physics works.

Ash lake is made of, and covered in, the ash of dead dragons. I am not surprised that you can't see miles into the sky.

DeS - 5/10
DS1 - 9/10
DS2 - 8/10
BB - 9/10
DS3 - 7/10

But how can you see one way, but no the other?

>obviously visible cloud of ash
>"durr why can't I see the other side of the world?!"

>317 KB
This looks like the animal porn I used to download off of Kazaa in 2003, encode it properly or don't bother posting.

>High Lord
(And arguably Yhorm)
Were absolutely good thematically\artistically though. If your only merit of a good boss is how hard it is your are literally the embodiment of Dark Souls as a Meme, are wrong, and should neck yourself asap
>Ancient Wyvern
This trash though is literally Bed of Chaos if not worse, i agree completely

>It's as they tried to make things more difficult in sotfs by simply overwhelming the player by sheer numbers, I.e by being cheap as fuck

whoops looks like you're shit at the game

until NG+ which is actually fucking broken with red phantom spam you have so many tools to deal with mobs it's ridiculous. farmable alluring skulls everywhere, every giant mob room has at least one doorway cheese choke, chokes fucking everywhere, you can hit as many enemies at one time as you want, hell you could even maybe learn from the very first area in the entire souls series and not run into a room without looking over your shoulder

the flaw is that it's poorly explained and there are few cues to show you how to deal. like most of brightstone carrying a torch will make the majority of mobs not aggro you. same with the darkniggers in the wharf. you can light lanterns to avoid having to carry the torch yourself. wear the king's ring to neutralize statues. dragonfang knights at the shrine only attack if you don't 1v1 the sentinels honorabry. you also hardly need any poise damage at all to stunlock half the enemies in the game. same as DaS, just carry a handful of throwing knives and 99% of the time you can easily peel mobs or clear hanging ambushers long before you reach them

of all the legitimate issues with the game this is the babbiest of the babby whining. I had the same complaints the first time I tried to play through the game and then you figure out and the """""hardest""""" areas literally do a 180 and turn into the easiest bits

>The volcano is way behind the windmill.
>go straight up in an elevator

sorry m8. Even memory blanks wouldn't make an elevator travel diagonally...


>people call this game strict but fair

>pure melee build

don't tell me, you used lock-on too

*blocks your path*

>dark souls 2 is more frustrating than the others
maybe if your a fucking retard who tries sprinting through iron keep

>working as intended

>DaS2 contrarians
I'm glad from disregards you apes and thinks of you as mentally challenged

So is this magic ash that can be seen through in one direction but not the other?

Is that why DS3 takes 90% of it's mechanics from DS2?

>Walk into 10 guys
>Wtf B team

It appears you are in need of getting good.

>being this bad

I don't remember this happening in DaS3.

Lmao being so desperate to try and see mechanics from your ape tier game in a game that goes out of it's way to reference DaS1 and leave tiny nods to DaS2. Sorry bud From hate DaS2 hence why they have been speeding up their games instead of making them sludge like DaS2.

>can be seen through in one direction

proof? afaik, you can see the trees (which rise OUT of the mist) but not beneath the mist layer

>I didn't git gud: the post

No one actually believes 2 is good right?

Is there any new information?

bruh, DS3 shits all over DS2. They barely even reference Drangleic

>Gitgud meme
Want to know how I know you started with the PC port you little fucking ape

You tell'em, dude!
*grabs you from a meter away when the animation is over*



I credit DaS2 for one thing and that's delayed backstabs, this one change pretty much saved pvp.
But on the other hand instead of fixing humanities, they added lifegems and infinitely repairable noob rings, which completely shat on the series' entire gameplay loop.
No more risk, no more sense of dread, you're never faced with the dilemma of either retreating and spawning all the enemies back or pushing forward with low healing and risk losing all your souls.

>DS2 was such a bad game that "gud" became a stat

Expect on pure gameplay alone 3 is far superior with tighter gameplay mechanics and level design. No different builds will change that.

>All of them being interchangeable DUDE in armor fights

I'm not basing them off of difficulty I completely agree with you that doing that is fucking awful. I'm basing them more off of gimmick level per say. And Dark souls two has many bosses which are just as if not more guilty

>Estus Shards and Bone Dust/Shards
>Sprinting/dropping/chugging on ladders
>Parrying not being instant like in DS1
>Being able to riposte from a guard break
>Backstabs having a confirm animation
>Infusion and upgrade system
>Giant seeds and the mechanics
>Blue Sentinel covenant
>Being able to go human with an item, anywhere

DS2 pioneered all these.

>In ds2 i can pick whatever build I want and beat the game
>Ds3 forces me to go quality if I want to do dmg
Bone fist is the most fun I've had in a soul's game, fuck Miyazaki for not putting it in ds3.

>the 360 release is the definitive version of the game

oh right, so you can continue to complain about issues that no longer exist

Grabs are shit in every From game, and the DaS2 mimics in DaS3 do the same shit because it was too phoned in for them to give a shit.

>Infusion and upgrade system
>DS2 pioneered


The only real bullshit part of DaS2 SotFS is the path before the blue smelter demon, and I believe that DLC was meant to be played on co-op.
Anyways my biggest gripe with the expansion is the goddamn lackluster end fight. Aldia has to be one of the worst boss fights ever put in a souls game.

And surprise all those DS3 bosses are trash and the only good ones are dudes in armor: Gundyr, Nameless, Souls of Cinder, Abysswatchers, Twin Princes and Dragonslayer Armor.

You are a fucking secondary sorry mate I can't take you seriously anymore please go back to your ape game

DS2 is the quintessential Souls game