Where items obtained in a computer game can be traded or exchanged outside the game platform they acquire a monetary...

>Where items obtained in a computer game can be traded or exchanged outside the game platform they acquire a monetary value, and where facilities for gambling with such items are offered to consumers located in Britain a Gambling Commission licence is required. If no licence is held, the Commission uses a wide range of regulatory powers to take action.
>Protecting children and vulnerable people from being harmed or exploited by gambling is one of the core objectives of the regulation of gambling in Great Britain and a priority for the government. The Gambling Commission have a range of regulatory powers to take action where illegal gambling is taking place. Earlier this year the Gambling Commission successfully prosecuted the operators of a website providing illegal gambling facilities for in-game items which was accessible to children—the first regulator in the world to bring such an action.

We did it Sup Forums! The UK will now protect consumers from loot boxes.

Wait, I'm in America. What about us?

I know you are being postironic like all underage shitters these days
But this is a great thing

you're all good

The UK is a cucked shithole, fuck that shitty Big Brother shithole.

Finally, hope it spreads to the u.s.

You thought have thought about the consequences before ruining that Tea, Yank.

America is a wholly owned subsidiary of Corporate America Incorporated

You figure it out

>be American
>go outside
>get shot
>doctor takes the bullet out
>that will be $500,000
>forget to tip the doctor
>he puts the bullet back in

You have bigger problems to deal with, mate

Can confirm
This is daily life in the US.

The UK has also banned it's citizens from owning pointy objects.

Don't worry, your freedom still isn't protected.

>it's not gambling as long as it's in the game
What kind of logic is this? Just because players can't trade each other? The loot boxes are still bought with real money from the devs and contain "random" rewards. How's that not gambling?

t. Irish

hopefully australia bans it, write (as in letter not email) to your member of parliament about this huge issue

>Nanny State nannying
Wow what a surprise

Companies will just find another loophole.

>1 MP from Isle of Man making an inquiry, to see if current gambling laws cover lootboxes
>nanny state

>Wait, I'm in America. What about us?

>he puts the bullet back in
Like with another gunshot?

>implying Theresa will even be PM in two weeks

Big Boris will save us lads

>hey publishers, we might fuck you up. Please send your "support" to sort this out

It's like you've lived here for years!


Fuck yes. This is what happens when you fuck with the legion. What else should we get banned?


so true, sadly

If OP doesn't include a source link it's normally because he's leaving important info out.

Two for the price of one.

You already voted to doom yourself.

Don't forget that during your visit to the doctor, the power goes out.

>Where items obtained in a computer game can be traded or exchanged outside the game platform they acquire a monetary value, and where facilities for gambling with such items are offered to consumers located in Britain a Gambling Commission licence is required. If no licence is held, the Commission uses a wide range of regulatory powers to take action.
So it only affects Valve games and PUBG

For once, the UK does something good.

why is it always isle of man

that's even more based, valve needs to be treated like a casino

>Sup Forums is communist now

Fuck off. It's called the free market you commie fucks. If you don't like loot boxes, don't fucking buy them. The government shouldn't come in and ban something because there are retards who can't think for themselves

Fidget spinners, maybe we could build a narrative where they're considered loitering.

As far as the law is concerned a bronze Star card and gold Star card have the same value; the price of the loot box.
It's only gambling if the various different prizes have actual different monetary value

Its called gambling addiction and its been proven that people are retarded and need to be protected from it

hideous female characters. Could lead to heart attack, depression, and/or erectile dysfunction upon sight.

The government already regulates gambling you nu-male faggot. It will just be applied here as well.

'avin a giggle ther m8?

Sup Forums was always communist. Now fuck off, you capitalist pig

>Be british
>Police checkpoint every 30m
>Wife must be cavity searched by Mohammed before we are allowed to leave the house
>Writing quill gets confiscated for being a deadly weapon
>Attend my daily diversity training
>Pay tv and fridge license

Repeat after me: I am free.

>Sup Forums is a person

They've got to find something to do for the rest of the year after the TT finishes

is that Chris Tucker in a wig

Tbh ugly guys is a bigger danger. I saw a faces of Sup Forums thread once and it was just horrible.

Then tell your fellow Yanks if they don't like gay marriage then just don't get gay married.

Just hooty tooty point and shooty objects I think you will find, thank you very much

>Where items obtained in a computer game can be traded or exchanged outside the game platform they acquire a monetary value
Looks like this won't affect 90 percent of games. If anything, it will kill Steam trading, especially if the courts will or have determined that store credit doesn't count as monetary value.

>this is what fatfuckistan citizens actually believe

>if u don't let children gamble their money away ur'e'r a comy
You seriously need to stop posting.

We did it Reddit!

>The government treating us like the big stupid babies we are is a great thing

>What about us?
just you wait, goy

I hope EU looks into this as well so we get a ban here in EU.

>video game characters post on Sup Forums
>is a homo who gets aroused at men

But they're virtual items, they have no monetary value, but are being sold for real money. Actually not sold, but randomly generated.
If there's anything identical about different virtual items, then it's that all of them are infinitely guilty of being a scam, since all have the value of [loot crate price]/0.

Just the mentally retarded ones

This, congrats you idiots. You killed steam trading, not lootboxes

If someone is willing to pay you cash money dollars for a digital item then it has value

Can't wait until they let loot boxes be and btfo Sup Forums forever

>So it only affects Valve games
Steamdollars are not real currency and can't officially be traded for real world dollars.
>account buying
argument can be used for every game, but as far as the law is concerned gift cards =/= money

Then why it's not gambling?

I don't like lootboxes, but this might also kill TF2 trading. We'll have to see how it pans out. Glad our overseas neighbours are giving it a shot.

Good, fuck Valve

>caring about children and mentally handicapped
Is Sup Forums suddenly filled with loving dads and the most caring people in the entire world or something? Employing soccer mom's "Think of tha children!" tactics is disgusting.

>trying to ban lootboxes under the guise of gambling
are we gonna start banning Pokemon cards too?

we did it reddit let's ruin the vidya for the normies

Fuck off Jew.

>Anglos dictating what others can do
But it's everyone else that is the problem, right?

Kill an Anglo today, save the world tomorrow

I think you've got a few things mixed up
Firstly, lootboxes in general are fine under UK law. Only when the items can be sold to other people for money does it become gambling, so it affects steam marketplace games like pubg, but not games like battlefront 2.
Secondly, non physical items can and do have value. See: the fucking stock market

Due to Steam trading, you can set up bots to pay for items on another site.

What if they end up just banning vidya containing loot boxes within England? Or just dont get a release in Britain?

pokemon cards are physical
virtual stuff is virtual, this shouldn't be legal to begin with

I'll pay one dollar for your post.


>guaranteed (You)s

>>forget to tip the doctor
>>he puts the bullet back in

Please, god yes
this wouldn't even affect Pokémon cards btw, see the first point of

>go to restaurant
>order an appetizer of chili cheese fries, an entree of fried pork chops, and cheesecake for dessert
>waiter gets the manager
>I'm sorry sir, but you seem to be a bit overweight
>I'm afraid we can only offer you the garden salad with light Italian dressing

This is what will happen if you nannystate cucks get your way

>virtual stuff is virtual, this shouldn't be legal to begin with
and why does making it virtual make it somehow not okay?

They are still being identified as real world currency in the steam client and allow the purchase of limited goods on the platform with 1 to 1 ratio to real world currency. I'm not sure the argument "It's not real because it's exclusive to this platform only" would really fly, it's like establishing a mall and trading all the money for "imagery bonuses" on the entrance. You can still buy the goods for these bonuses, but "they are not real, therefore we won't pay the taxes" is stupid.

Why are you posting this on church support group forum?

>od'd so hard on the red pill you're a communist out of contrarianism just to show those Marxist jews

I want Sup Forums to stop shitposting in this thread.



>he doesn't realise the jews push both capitalism and communism
kek nice work falling for their conquer and divide goy

The UK is a huge market, they would just make the lootbox part of the game inaccessible in Britain.

Also this only affects lootboxes where the contents can then be exchanged for real money a la steam marketplace. Non-tradable virtual items have no monetary value so lootboxes in that case are fine and legal

Takes a jew to know a jew

Anglos manage that just fine on their own. Gotta kill them Germans and Frenchmen

because it's stuff that doesn't exist.

it has no monetary value, it has no physical value, it has zero value whatsoever, yet it costs 20$
the content is most likely installed together with the game you paid for, and you need to pay extra to actually access the content

Why don't they regulate these things? They're clearly preying on children, trying to get them addicted to gambling.

Yes, but because in this case its technically a 'medical lead delivery system' that procedure costs $100000 and isn't covered under your health insurance.

So well go back to the way it always was? Sounds good

>The government treating kids like kids is a bad thing
The UK fucking loves gambling you mongol, just not kids spending on their parents credit cards and literal spastics

>have some actual understanding of the UK 2005 gambling act
>reading these threads
holy fuck, this is as bad as when people post a companies stock price going down two points and the entire thread blowing up believing that the company is about to go under.

>the government getting finally their foot into videogames is a good thing

This is probably part of Jack Thompsons masterplan

Maybe because it's a quarter you fucking jew

Joke's on you. Valve is legally required to have refunds due to EU/Australian law, Valve removing refunds would be an act of corporate suicide due to Valve getting caught in the past for violating consumer rights by denying refunds.

It's not gambling because all the toys have the same value. Even if you subjectively assign a particular one as being "more valuable", in the eyes of the law they're all worth the same