Is Evil Within 2 worth buying

has any one played this? whats it like, worth buying?

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No, the first one is way better.


Both TEW games are the best RE game since RE4

>instead of just doing some research for myself and using the internet like a big boy, let me shit up Sup Forums with yet another worthless thread where I ask someone to form my opinion for me.
Stop being shit at the internet and consider suicide.

>one played this?
played it
>whats it like
A dull stealth game with atrocious enemy AI, garbage combat and boring as fuck bulletsponge bossfights.
>worth buying?
Not worth full price.

What is the difference in game play from 1? I understand there is crafting and a skill tree in 2. How does this mitigate the scariness?


a crappy open-world. the game isnt scary

Is the original? Or should I just get re7?

game of the year 2017. keep in mind i got 97% of the original's trophies. only missing two the executioner dlc trophies due to laziness. it's an improvement in every way. ignore the jaded morons please.

I liked it

It is shit


I like it a lot. I think it's worth the purchase.


Before Stefano, I avoided a fight against one of the saw bitches, did I miss anything besides the green jelly?

My god.
Do they even fckin try anymore?

>from 1
Movement isn't dogshit. Seb moves snappier and has the lung capacity to sprint more than 10 seconds and still keep going. And you get I-frames for sneak kills and stomps.

>How does this mitigate the scariness
This game is not scary. At all.
If first one is a corporate committee's concept of what is scary, this one is what a child might think what is scary, right down to the enemies and villains.
Not-Zombies (again), but they look like the rejected Last of Us Cordycep designs this time, creepy black guy, a guy that looks like a molester, a chainsaw wielding monster with a laughing disembodied head, boo! A spooky ghost, some white bitch with knives that make the clicking noises from Grudge and some dudes in mask with flammenwerfers.
Game is still as loud and obnoxious as the first one. Doesn't help that everything looks so damn clean. And by the final act, the game drops all and every pretenses of horror and becomes a straight up action game.
I burst out laughing a lot while playing this game purely how hard it tries to be scary, and make a character drama out of Sebastian, the blandest white dude on earth. Nevermind the multiple animation fuck ups, glitches and atrocious AI.
It is probably my favorite comedy game of 2017 in general. Paid $30 for it and I got my money's worth

I personally liked it better than the first. Then again I thought the first was really disjointed with stupid shit like the turret sequences and a final arc that literally turned into RE5.

>handcannon isn't available until new game+

Fuck that shit

dude. retard. none of that shit actually happens. these fags cherrypick extremely rare examples, then repost them in perpetuity. it's fucking lame

just pirate it or buy using bitcoins.

dont talk shit about what's scary you jaded fuck. nothing scares us 'cause we've played horror games. the first TEW scared the shit outta me as my first real horror game. you gotta be a newfag to the genre to get scared beyond jumpscares.

Has the dumbest AI in 25 years. And terrible glitchy animations.

>dude retard.
Yeah your a smart one, enjoy your dogshit game i'll pass

forced stealth? If so then dropped

>Has the dumbest AI in 25 years.
Good bait.

yep. im smart not jaded and can enjoy good games without letting the opinions of others influence my perspective. you on the other hand dont play most games due to gagging on e-celeb cock and worshiping metacritic

kill yourself

why dont u anwser the question... i already did that, now im asking real people... but your just a little cuck boy who cant even do that.

>stealth sucks

stop trying to be cool

Just like Mafia 3.

Good job proving it.
And its even worse in the open sections because the AI wasnt designed for it so they act like literal retards.


At least it's better than Civ 6

>even worse in the open sections because the AI wasnt designed for it

lol source? lemme guess you got none you're just bullshitting like a gaylord

This is what horror games are like in 2017.

Even if you think it's mediocre, they plain don't make games like it anymore.

so did they patch the shitty ai? is it fixed now?

What is the first one like?

What is a good game to buy?

It's not open world

buy the original. the story's a direct continuation


im playing right now. chapter 3. explain. i actually like the open world shit.

naw i agree with him

i truly think you should kill yourself, this world really doesn't need your "contributions"

The first one is brutally hard

I really loved it. I thought it was about as good as a sequel can get. Like you can tell they were very aware of the first game's criticisms when making this and the game feels like a response to exactly that.

Keep bitching, this is exactly the game you guys asked for.

You get two open areas in the game and they aren't even big, maybe 250 meters by 250 meters at most, the rest of it is linear.

nah. got 98% minus 2 the executioner dlc trophies. it's not that bad. even akumu's just trial and error. it's intense and fun.

this nigga understands. the evil within legit seems to be the ultimate plebian filter. anyone that dislikes them have shit taste.

I just pirated it. It's weird, it's cool.

well have fun in classic mode then.

shhhiitt... i actually like the open world shit. that's ok, though. pretty sure im never ever gonna get all the files and keys. i dont use guides.

It's okay-ish. I'm not personally a fan of stealth over action. I'm only about 3 hours in so maybe it gets more action-y later on but as it is now it's a lot of boring walking around stealthed, then suddenly gigantic open room and oh shit! Enemies spawn! Never would ahve thought.

You're* an even smarter one babycakes

>TFW TEW3 never ever
What the fuck went wrong?

buy it if you want a sequel. if you dont then dont buy. just letting you know that you can't complain when the franchise gets axed. if you're truly poor and cant afford games then ignore this post.

>physical sales
A lot of people have gone digital now, even on console

no marketing
Bethesda is using all their marketing money to get normies to buy the new wolfnstein.

whats classic mode? is there akumu mode?

not interested unless three people can confirm that all three links aren't e-celeb faggotry or journalism.

Since when has the UK mattered? They and Europe are always the least important.

You have to be 18 to post here.

they made a mistake releasing it in october. it makes sense thematically but theres way the fuck too many games right now.

No Akumu mode, but Classic mode is Nightmare difficulty but you only get 7 saves for the whole game.

I get you, I would actually buy this game if I had money.
I'm surprised they even made a second one.

Goty candidate for me between nioh and yakuza zero


2 is fucking trash

this is the closest thing to survival horror-ass survival horror I've seen in a long time, also closest thing to a silent hill game strangely enough

Wait for discount.

fuck... is it at least tweaked to make it harder? you're dream crushing me right now. i loved akumu.

Good. Not everything needs a sequel. The first one fucking didn't.


This is such a good filter to see if someone played it or not.

I don't think there are any other changes

this nigga has good taste minus his two other goty cadidates

well you know what thats fucking gay.

no skills, no weapon upgrades, 7 saves, final destination.

Except TEW 1 and 2 were the only half decent attempts at survival horror and the IP has a lot of potential. Both these games blow the fuck out of any nu-RE and nu-SH game but they're both far from perfect.

TEW3 could've been GOAT but normies are eating up Shadow of Lootboxes 2 instead.

No upgrades

>suddenly a fucking RE4 shooting range

half of Sup Forums is underage as fuck. they gag on e-celeb cock and worship at the altar of metacritic. they watch shit on youtube instead of playing. they watch shit WHILE playing. faggot cucks lol.

ooooo now i'm interested.


LETS ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>Both these games blow the fuck out of any nu-RE and nu-SH game but they're both far from perfect.
This guy gets it.

shadow of war is the death of gaming. watch. every 2021 aaa game will prompt you to buy virtual currency. fucking quote me

Why does the second game have such bland art direction compared to the first one? The first game was straight up kino.

I'm enjoying it way more than I though I would honestly. It's not perfect like the first game but I'm enjoying the hub areas quite a lot. The linear section's are pretty good too. The writing however, is fucking atrocious even worse than the first. Seb acts retarded asking questions, and doing stupid shit he should already know the answer to.

While I would call TEW 1 a 6/10, TEW 2 is a 7/10 for me. Enjoyed both of them. I hope a 3rd gets made.

>first one ends with a cliffhanger regarding Ruvik
>not a single mention of him in the second one

it plays fuckin great tho
also you can just cheat engine

What upgrades are worth getting?
How's the Predator?

because it’s mostly leftovers from the development of 1.
A shit ton of personnel who worked on the first are missing in the credits of the 2nd and they weren’t fired.
Thus a logical conclusion would be that they are working on a different game.

personally i like TEW 1/2 more than old school survival horror, but that shit's before my time. im 26. went from n64 to ps2. never liked the goofy dialogue and campy humor of Resident Evil. really dislike that shit. much prefer TEW's plot and seriousness even if the dialogue's stilted sometimes. i do love onimusha though.

it doesnt. its great.

Predator is okay. Movement speed while crouching is more important. Also the stamina regeneration and the dodge skill. Also prioritize getting to Bullet Cascade for when you inevitably run into a damage sponge.

i dont get the writing argument. seems good to me. its just /r9k/ virgins crying cause they cant relate to wife/kid shit

pepeDisgust Typical Sup Forums thread. Keep up the memes.

the fuck is wrong with you


>that shitty lightning which cast 0 shadows...

Man why didn't they use Doom's engine. It has the best shadowmap.

>not appreciating The Kino Within 2

>the same image for EVERY single thread
Damn, man, I see you don't give a shit about the trash game you are shilling but you ARE getting paid for it. They won't use you again next time if you don't put in at least a bit of effort.

>they weren’t fired.
I kept hearing people say that the artist for TEW1 was fired but now I'm just going to assume she's working on a new IP with Tango. I think I recall saying Mikami was going to have her be director for this game a while back.