>each sequel gets progressively worse
What's her name, Sup Forums?
>each sequel gets progressively worse
What's her name, Sup Forums?
a giant chocolate gorilla is going to melt in America soon?
it's a metaphor dum dum
Haha xD EPIC!!! Americans are so stupid xDD
Dicks out for Harambe!
Pocket Monsters
Uma delicia
Sands of Time trilogy.
was gonna come here and post that
>first post and a Sup Forumstard is already shitting things up
Shouldn't you be crying about Nazis being portrayed badly in Wolfenstein?
This but unironically
Mass Effect
>second game is the best one
>progressively get worse
this 2bh, I'd say in 10 years though.
I think you mean europenow.jpg
That is wrong though. I'd replay WW over the other two any day.
You fo real niggah?
I loved Warrior Within and it hurts to say this but you're right.
you mean america now
Dark Souls
3D Final Fantasy
Please tell me I wasn't the only one
Nah, WW gameplay was by far the best.
You certainly are laddy
More like the entire west.
it hurts
paper mario
Not 2 was great, different, more polish, more content, more fun, but scenaristicaly weaker i admit.
San Andreas > 4 > 5
>each sequel gets progressively better
What is the Fast & Furious of games?
Why does OP's image make me laugh? I'm not even sure what connotation it carries. Why would someone even make this image? Fucking stupid gorilla.
>2 was great
>literally ripped apart the first game's lore
More like 90 years ago
It's gone past the point of no return
Story was better in ME2 as well, more self-contained, with no Protean/Spacekid bullshit, just a straight "Dirty Dozen" type scenario.
3 > Vice City >>>>> San Andreas
Dark Souls
Metroid Prime
the elders scrolls
>American education
No white births in America overtook white births in 2012. California, Texas, and Florida (your three most populous states) are already minority white with 17 other states where the white population is dying faster than white kids are being born.
Story and setting went downhill though. Sands of Time had the best atmosphere and prettiest locations.
Painkiller is the ultimate example of this.
the Creative Assembly UK Total War games.
Creative Assembly Australia was amazing.
>Barely 2 million refugees
>Distributed over a population of 510 million people
Yea we sure got BLACKED. Fuck off Amerilard.
>you'll get to see humanity die
>a picture of a chocolate gorilla melting into some vanilla cream triggers Sup Forums
When did this board become Far-Right Tumblr?
It's about time
Fuck, man.
>idly browsing news sites
>see news about asscreed dlc
>pic related
Reminded me of Sands of Time so much but I know Ubisoft can never get this good again.
I can't even play the original game again because the PC port is trash.
Hey don't lump us with the Sup Forums crossposters.
>tfw blacks are 13% of the population but that's only because the old and mostly harmless ones die young
>humanity will destroy itself
>instead of the Earth being hit by an asteroid or a gamma ray burst
Boring until the end.
- Mass Effect
- The Evil Within
- Sly Racoon
- Metal Gear Solid
- Bioshock
- Fallout
- Deus Ex + the old two
- Thief
Just some.
No one said anything about refugees. Most of them are not refugees.
Keep telling yourself that things will get better. They won't. Europe will be a caliphate soon. Allah wills it.
White birth rate is climbing in recent census. In Europe it's falling like a stone.
bioshock 2 was the best one though
Gameplay wise it was the best.
>Europe will be a caliphate soon.
Maybe in 10 years but I wouldn't really say "soon"
Can't tell if user is baiting or retarded.
Harambe noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
too sooon op
Even the most Muslim one, Kosovo, is right at replacement at 2.09.
Anyway, FO2 and FNV are the best ones out of the whole series.
>not noticing the large increase in people of 2+ races
This is why white women breed with nonwhites
Classic Tomb Raider games. They peaked in TR1, then everything after that was just leftover ideas while failing to add really new things. And then Angel of Darkness happened.
tfw true if you don't count bloodborne
>America is a chocolate Gorilla bubble bath in 20 years
What did he mean by this?
Unironically this.
They failed to capture what made Dark Souls so great in its sequels. I have roughly 800 hours in the first one, 400 in the second, and 30 in the third.
I don't understand what the picture is trying to say. Now the milk tastes better.
>may asian qt
>have high iq mixed white/asian master race babies
>White birth rate is climbing in recent census
The census is held every 10 years. The last census was in 2010 which showed a fall in white birth rates which continue to fall as evidenced by continually declining teen pregnancy rates by white teens. Can't wait to see your excuses when the white population shrinks even further in the 2020 census.
so no
Marvel vs Capcom after 2.
Half of those are wrong tho
So yes.
Zero Escape
the joke is that in 20 years we'll be eating monkey monkey soup
At least American's browns will be christian and catholic instead of muslim like europe's. If we're all going down, might as well make the best of a bad situation.
The problem is that the rate they're coming isn't sustainable. They should be shot at the border but the border countries aren't doing their duty.
>mass effect
Your taste is shit user
the torah
Thanks for that sad reminder.
I forgot about Super Paper and Sticker Star until I saw your post.