It's good to see Resident Evil getting back to it's roots.
It's good to see Resident Evil getting back to it's roots
They took his jaw and gave him a shitty beard and sleeves
Terrible tradeoff
I'm Redfield.
>Outlast with guns
>writing consists of nothing but F-bombs
>I'm Redfield
what did he mean by this?
Is RE Outbreak considered canon?
generic white dude
Why don't you actually play the game? you might like it.
This thread is going to be problematic.
where is wesker?
I played and finished it months ago, and instantly wanted to massacre a large pack of GenZ morons praising and shilling this trash.
They literally managed to make a worse RE-game than 6. That is an achievement.
in a volcano.
nah man, that's his mentally unstable cousin
Now he looks like a generic 5/10 white boi.
His old superior mediterranean-like alpha male model was vastly better.
Yeah I don't believe you.
Mostly because you said its's like Outlast.
wesker tapped that
...with guns.
Try playing both of the games for once.
In our hearts
Wow, those two look nothing alike. Not even remotely.
outlast is fucking garbage
>that image
we're buddied now, you and I
But it's nothing like Outlast at all.
Why don't you just play RE7?
Typo or is Chris still in the BSAA?
Like said, I played it already ages ago. Took my sweet time, hated everything but the ship.
>hated everything but the ship.
>hated all the good stuff but liked the worst part of the game.
Of course it's returning to
>First game is about shooting zombies and killer sharks and mutant-y dudes
>"B-but it was supposed to be super scary and real horror! They just never managed that in the six(+) games they made! Res 7 is real Resident Evil, and not Evil Within or any other posers!"
What the hell are you even trying to say?
Shows you've not played RE1-3 if you think the ship was anything but the best part.
Is RE7 worth 20€?
Only if you get Gold edition since that's the full package.
Their's no reason to but vanilla version.
No. Unless you enjoy streamlined, mediocre, disposable games with no replay value whatsoever.
>spends most of his adult life going trying to destroy umbrella
>joins umbrella
LOL is revived nu-male wesker fag part of the BSAA too now?
RE7 has a reference to one of the characters who is still very much alive.
Outbreak is very canon now.
Shit taste.
what the fuck did you say about god emperor wesker?
Look who's talking.
Your talking and you have shit taste.
not the one youre responding, but I never bought the original version of re7, I just really hate the realistic faces, first person point of view, and the slow walking and running. I still plan on getting the gold edition just to see if wesker is alive and if redfield is actually chris, although everything is pointing at him being actual chris.
...says a person praising and eating literal shit.
Are the DLCs good or why should I wait until December to buy the game for 40€?
just wait.
>Mikami thought RE7 was great and said it made him want to make another game in the franchise.
RE7 haters blown the fuck out.
Yeah, he better say that after he failed to deliver after all that shittalk
>RE7 haters
to be fair, these types of people are all underage and never played the first 4 games in the series. To them, RE is supposed to be a pro wrestling shooting gallery like 4 5 and 6. They have no idea what "survival horror" even is.
was he gay?
I feel like a lot of RE7 fans aren't fans of the originals, or have even played them.
Shut up you stupid faggot, RE7 is an abomination to the already sinking shit that is RE games. Its another walking simulator with shit puzzles.
You ask this in every thread. Is there something you want to share with everyone?
Maybe, I don't know, I feel so confused.
ive see this shit post in another remake2 thread. not defending re7 but you need to layoff on the gen z buzzword. millenial.
>hated everything but the ship.
What the fuck, the ship was dogshit. Are you trying to meme?
>7 is shit
>Not 5 or 6
Play the game instead of blindly hating it faggot
>Implying RE7 even had puzzles
i think that user struck a nerve
>Sorry for my lack of manners, I'm not used to escorting men.
I've played the first three games and Remake and I can say with plenty of authority that RE7 is an improvement in every way.
So, go suck a dick, fag.
Stop posting your shit opinion in this thread, no one here agrees with you, so what's it getting you?
>inb4 "not that user but it was shit"
don't samefag.
Fuck you, 6 was great.
>RE7 is an abomination to the already sinking shit that is RE games
>This assblasted
Also proof? The only people that hate 7 are the 4 5 and 6 fags.
6 was a great action shooter, not a great RE game.
I fucking despise 5 and 6, it ruined everything.
also, post more wesker
how about you go suck a nigger dick, you stupid fucking nigger bitch. I bet you didn't even play the originals
That's what the post was suggesting, you clod. It's a return to form.
Are you sure?
>being this mad
grow up cunt. I'm certain I've played more RE than you. We both know you're OP and that you like all the games and you're just shitposting to keep your crappy thread alive. It's time to let it rest.
>Still this mad
RE7 is the first RE game since 3
Learn to read dummy, he was saying that the people who hate 7 didn't play 1 2 and 3.
>Screaming his subordinate's name everytime he had the chance and stalking him for several years
Take a guess
CV was good too.
Was he fiddled?
If you are an originalfag and think RE has been shit for years anyway why be this asshurt over RE7?
He was the fiddler
His Broken Trojan Extra-Large Condom Bastard named Jake says no.
But that's hate. He hates Chris, doesn't he?
>that image, I know where you've been, user
Did he scream Chris's name while cumming?
Did he fiddled the tyrant?
>completely different skull shape, hairline, facial proportions, hair texture, dental arches etc. etc.
>back to the roots
Is this that mythical face blindness I've heard autists have? In just the fact that they have a similar hair colors you see them as the same?
Edge between love and hate is really thin
I mean my friend is not into homo shit but even he was amazed how obvious this was
you're always welcome to share more gifs
nah man, game is good. you're just parroting meme shit because it's not the return of the fucking messiah like some deluded people expected.
I never got the meaning of this line. Could someone explain to me what's so funny about it?
he puts in ladies' butts.
I was just being sarcastic, user.
wanna exchange emails and chat about wesker/chris and share images?
He fiddled the entire police station
Well shit i can barely pick up sarcasm irl
h-how can i do this here
Hey now RE0 and CV are good RE games too dude.
How would a fight between Jack and Chris gone?
So is the DLC finally out?
>0 and CV are good RE games
CV is OK at best, and 0 is terrible.
Question from someone who stopped giving a shit after RE4:
Is this related to that ridiculous "gun fight" webm?
It's okay, I'm just having fun in this thread.
well, you could make a trash email and we could share wesker/chris stories, fotos and gifs. if you'd like
Beaten Silent Hill 2 and 3 multiple times, beat REmake on gamecube, played RE4 and dropped it halfway through.
7 is ok.
>That dogshit partner setup
Whoever thought that was a good idea needs to be hanged.
Even Chris?
thanks user, I feel like a moron but at least I got the joke.
I've been playing RE since 3 and played ever mainline and most spinoff.
4-6 are better than 7.
Nigga what?
That logic doesn't follow, at all.