What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Literally who
>PB game gets shit on by "critics"
More news at eleven.
>trusting metacritic
underage rule 2 get the fuck out. go gag on e-celeb cock. not even an ELEX fan btw. you're just a cuck
>expecting reviewers and casuals to understand a pb game
>Stalker meets Fallout and Gothic
is this true?
>much less from a console casual
dogshit meets horseshit
Watched some videos and saw an AI beast acting like a retard, attacking in the complete opposite direction of the player character, just doing random ass shit like those retarded wolves in DMC2. Animations look so clunky to the point where it could actually effect the gameplay. I don't care about the graphics, but it looks like the gameplay isn't polished either.
Yes - STALKER bugs meet Fallout combat mixed with Gothic controls.
user, reviews a week before release can't be trusted, but reviews three months after release magically have actual review averages. It's like Rotten Tomatoes, non-credible reviews tend to appear early.
No clue why review sites are allowed to get away with deceptive reviews in favor of companies.
>blends 6-7 genres together into one cluster fuck of a game
>whoa why is it shit
>ps4 version
Why the fuck does metacritic have different entries for pc and console versions? Pc version has way better scores but even then:
Western games = death
rofl. reviews never matter. stop swallowing the opinions of others.
I need to start filtering what went wrong threads. This shitposting is years old now and hasn't been amusing once.
Ze Germans obviously havn't received their copies yet.
>what went wrong threads
What went wrong?
>PS4 Metacritic
PB hasn't made a good game since Gothic 2.
That being said, their strong points have never been the kind that appeals to the hack journos.
I've never known putting "What went wrong" as the OP of the thread to actually have more bearing on the posts than the games quality, usually.
somehow I knew this would be shit just by looking at the cover
I don't know what they were thinking when they mixed rust-survivalism, medieval weapons and scifi stuff like lasers. Both aesthetically and in gameplay terms it just looks hideous.
Like fucking clockwork. You'd reckon they'd get the combat right after 5 games, but no.
Not everyone gets a free pass like Bethesda.
There's nothing wrong with the score. It's a PB game.
PB is a shit developer stuck in the 90's and i don't mean that in a good way. It would be good if it only meant no DLC, good challenge, not too buggy, no lootboxes, but it's just a clunky piece of shit with animations that are worse than the ones in Gothic 1 (except for the walking animation maybe)
Gothic 3,4 were awful
All Risen games were awful
PB sucks
It's the PS4 version.
GamePro Germany gave a 83 for the PS4-version, PCgames.de 77.
Who the fuck keeps buying these games? Risen 1 was their last above average game.
Risen 1 was shit, its the only game ive never replayed
>tfw no openworld RPG with the fantasy tropical Carribean setting of Risen 3 (plus decent naval combat) made by competent devs
"How do you want your bugs cooked?"
arbeit macht frei
Merkel keeps giving them money.
It takes 6-8 hours to really get going.
But I wanted this to be good god damn it.
Did you win anything yet? They are on day 20 already
Basically this. Western, console-centric reviewers don't get PB games. And they're not some nostalgia riding isometric CRPGs either to latch onto.
Have you guys tried playing it? It's literally unplayable
It's probably a 7/10 game considering studio has been in decline for years, but this is still very much true.
>every review is either a 10 or a 0
Shills on both sides I guess? I did enjoy Risen 3, so I'm hopeful. But it would be nice to see some actual reviews.
with so many new releases and having to rush reviews I bet most reviewers don't even play non AAAs but rather look up LPs or something
If you're a fan of Gothic and Risens - buy this game. It's fucking awesome!
Don't listen to haters.
You're either a shill or retarded
This game fucking sucks and is barely playable
I love this fantasy that the objective flaws that are apparent from looking at 30 seconds of gameplay should not only be overlooked because PB hasn't fixed them in 15 years, but that the entire game is beyond all manner of assessment from (American) reviewers.
Was it too hard for you, baby?