You have 10 seconds to explain why you do not currently own the GOAT console

You have 10 seconds to explain why you do not currently own the GOAT console

I don't play games. I just watch them on youtube for the stories.

Thanks for posting the daily nintenbro shill thread, I was getting worried I wouldn't see one today

I already own a pc and wii u and odyssey/xc2 aren't out yet.

preordered odyssey bundle

but I do own one.

But I do.

Please censor the feet

I own one though.

Just built a new PC. I'm trying to wait for the first revision, which I am expecting for this time next year or March 2019 at the latest, but I don't know if I will have the patience. I think their December/January Direct might push me over the edge, we'll see.

>Implying I don't

but I already have one sir

I just got a wiiu. I'll wait until the switch is dead

shame about the phlegm colored joycons


But I already own a PS2

I do

It's still in the box because I'm waiting for it to get games


I do, I wish I had gotten the red and blue version.
I don't wanna own two pairs of joycons, I don't even have friends.

I'll be honest. I have thought about getting a nintendo console for a while. Is this worth it, I mean which games are worth playing? I'm not into anime or weeb shit. Zelda looks cool and the mario game that isn't even out I guess but that's about it.
Which games are good on it? I have a PC for serious gaming but I'd like to have some good old fun


no gaems

Zelda, Splatoon and Mario Kart 8 are fun. Rabbids too if you like xcom.
Arms is shit.
Mario comes out next week.

I'm not a manchildren or furfag.

I liked the other picture better because of ponytail and tshirt

Because i'm not a goat

Because I had a Wii U to play Zelda on. Planning on getting one by the end of the year for Mario though.

I just took a look at Mario Odyssey. FUCK it looks like Mario64... amazing. B-but I don't want to buy a Switch for 1 game :(

Buy Splatoon 2, Mario+Rabbids and Xenoblade as well then.

Fuck it, I want one now. Will it drop in price over the holidays? It is pretty expensive still.

Not a chance. It's selling well and will sell even better over the holidays. Might drop next year though or get a new a model.

No gaems.

No money, trying to gather it before Odyssey's release but I'm afraid I won't be able to do it FUCK

How are goats supposed to play a Switch?

Amazon won't deliver it till Thursday or Friday

Can't find it in any store and the Mario Odyssey bundle is more expensive than just buying everything separately.

>Bummed out from the WIi U still, barely played some of the games I own for it
>No backwards compatibility to soften the blow
>Only 2-3 games for Switch I want atm
>Demo'd the system from a friend, would rather wait for an XL model