DAY 1 of 4:
>new SFM
>new official map, Mercenary Park, along with 5 community maps
>new taunts
>new hats i guess

Holy shit this is actually looking awesome, can we finally get some legitimate hype going this time?

dead game

Wait for day two if you want a thread.

Screenshot from the website

> spent past few months primarily playing pipe demo, working on the aim
> begin to consistently hit targets at range
> start landing airshots on people
> pyro is gonna be getting a jetpack now
I'm ready.

>Overwatch its a copy from TF2

who the fuck cares

>tf2 is a dead game
>muh PUBG
>something something overwatch
>mandatory crowbcat's TF2 downgrade
There ya go, I saved you a lot of shitpost

day 2 when

you could have just watched the video for a much clearer look

>I haven't played in months because my PC broke and I'll probably return with shitty pipe aim


guys what the fuck my game hasn't updated yet will the update come out each day or what

are you memeing or are you really this fucking new
because there are way too many retards around here who don't understand how a multi-day update works

nope not memeing i have no clue been playing since 2011 though

how come there never was a team fortress 1?

each day they reveal a little more of what's coming. the full update drops on the final day

no, I refuse to believe that
you're new



>pyro update finally released
>at the same time my life collapses and i'll likely be dead before the week ends


then you're just an utter mong because there were many multi-day updates between 2011 and now

i probably wasnt playing it at the time.
thanks frend

Don't worry user I can understand your confusion if you're a bit of an older gamer
Ignore the other dude's rudeness

>senile gaming

What happen?

What happened?

woah it's fucking nothing

this piece of a shit is finaly worth it

Is this gif supposed to be unsettling?