>killing nazis is okay
>killing zombies is okay
>killing bandits is okay
Killing nazis is okay
>killing black people isn't okay
Zombies will eat you and bandits will steal your things. Of course it ok.
Is there a game where the evil are the blacks?
or muslims?
with characters, not helicopters or tanks. these have a lot
Every military shooter since 9/11.
What do you mean
>with characters, not helicopters or tanks
Because I can name resident evil 5 and medal of honor, but they have helicopters and tanks and characters
Yes, and?
Nazis support genocide. No matter how much I don't like Jewish controlled media, Nazis are universally bad and irredeemably evil.
Zombies are already dead, you're not killing them so much as returning them to their peaceful sleep.
Bandits are by definition hostile criminals. If police are allowed to shoot thuggy lookin' niggas even when they ain't do shit, why can't I shoot bandits to protect my personal property.
newfag didn't play Far Cry 2?
every shooter ever?
Resident Evil 5. All the enemies are either black or hispanic-looking.
>game lets you kill both Nazis and Commies
What are some games that take killing humans seriously? I'm bored of games which have so little regard for human life.
This war of mine
And if you're looking for a meme answer undertale
now that's what I call BREAK-NECK speed!
>be Wolverine
>slaughter hundreds of soldiers and guards and even other mutants just doing their job/defending themselves
>finally reach Victor Creed
>your all time arch nemesis
>"I'll let you live this time"
One of the few dumb moments in what was otherwise a great game
Every dudebro shooter ever made.
How old are you?
Such as?
The white race is being genocided across the world
Self defense genocide is okay
The Modern Warfare series and their imitators
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
Spec Ops: The Line
>Killing Monstergirls is Okay
>responding to "self defense genocide" at all
source, his ass
such as youre a fucking retard
>The white race is being genocided across the world
You reap what your forefathers sowed.
Like most of Sup Forums, he doesn't play games Too busy bitching about them on an image board.
>killing is okay
Ugh, we're all human. We have to listen to each other and respect each other. Fucking disgusting.
but its fun
I suppose its alright in vidya too
>game has monstergirls
>you can't romance any of them
No, you monster! Killing isn't fun, we're all supposed to listen and respect each other!!!!
>Look up pre modern/ancient/feudal WARS
>8% is considered to be HORRIBLE APOCALYPSE TIER MASSACRE, basically being peak murder
I don't think there exists a game where human life has its true regard. Even in something like Gothic, the Mine Massacre is treated as a piece of horror and tragedy, even if its a somewhat normal action.
>Killing an enemy combatant during war is wrong
>Killing an inhuman flesh eating monster is wrong
>Killing someone who makes a living killing and robbing innocents is wrong
>muh moral relativism
He's not wrong though. What happened between WaW and now that turned Sup Forums into a bunch of whiny faggots?
>implying white lives matter
>game has monstergirls
>barely any porn of them
What games are there were you're required to make friends with your enemies rather than kill them?
Dude 999 replies lmao
He doesn't, but white countries are the only ones preaching diversity and mixed race couples. White people are a global minority compared to black, "Chinese", or middle eastern people, so combining the above facts with basic mathematics means white people can only be bred out.
I don't believe in some grand genocidal conspiracy, but I do believe nobody gives a shit because supposedly all humans are merely aesthetically different. That and anyone that does care will be labelled a nazi without fail.
Marxists decided to call anyone who disagrees Nazis
>Everyone I don't like is a Nazi, haha bash the fash
Nazis just want a white homeland. It's the media that tells you that they want genocide.
You're right.
Killing Nazis/zombies/bandits is not okay.
So enjoy getting robbed, gassed and eaten by Undead Nazi Bandits and I'll just be here, being a 100% alive and an asshole.
>Resident Evil 5 is racist
It's a damn shame because whites and some east Asians are the only ones that really innovate and hold together modern society.
do you not find it ironic that you assign a universal derisive label to the people assigning you a universal derisive label?
call of duty mw1 2 and 3.
bf3 and 1
army of 2 and 40thday
Not him, but many self-described marxist do call almost everyone who isn't left wing a nazi. Anti-fa, who self-labels themselves as marxist, is a good example of this with many of their them openly calling all trump supporters nazis. On the other hand, very few people self-label themselves as nazis.
Honestly though, if I could kill a Nazi in real life and get away with it I'd do it.
Anyone else?
Game pretends to be super deep morality play.
>can't kill kids.
>because whites and some east Asians are the only ones that really innovate and hold together modern society by exploiting people of color
we just went through a generation where 80% of the FPS games were about shooting muslims
ya fuck the british empire for bringing 90% of the world out of the stone ages
are you fucking retarded
>This war of mine
is this any good?
I added to my game list when it was free on PS+ but never played it.
Even if colonization never happened, most other countries would still be far behind and if left alone, Africa would still be entirely straw hut villages in the 21st century.
that would redeem Wolfenstein II desu
People started realizing that they were right
killing soldiers in open conflict is one thing, going on a murder spree on people you consider nazis while being all Marxism fuck yeah is something else
killing in general is bad, but it's a fucking video game, so who cares?
>killing BAD nazis is okay
>killing BAD zombies is okay
>killing BAD bandits is okay
Killing BAD thing is okay. Like fucking hell m8 why yall faggos so shallow ass fags...well so dumb and fucking shallow?
It is just like resident evil 5 where it was okay to kill a bunch of BAD black people.
Like fucking hell. just how dumb can some fags really be?
Is killing pedophiles okay?
As a nazi zombie bandit, I agree
Watch Dogs
most military shooters
Far Cry 2
killing frogposters is ok
Nazis are bad. Slaughtering them en masse is good. Even better if you spout a one liner first. Like, "time to make some sauer kraut".
>>>people you consider nazis
I dunno man, running around calling yourself a nazi, while supporting the nazi regime, and hitler, while wearing the uniform and serving in their army is a pretty convincing argument that they might be a nazi.
>Not him, but many self-described marxist do call almost everyone who isn't left wing a nazi
prove it. fag
fuck off tripfag
Thank you for the list of evil Muslims in video games.
being a soldier =/= being a nazi
Every CoD game after WAW?
>bad nazi
>not reading my post in full
Right-wing Reddit invaded Sup Forums when Trump got elected.
Spec Ops: The Line.
Far Cry 2.
DEFCOM. (I think that was the name)
Total War: Attila.
get fucked nazi faggots
>this triggers nazi faggots
You wouldn't become a Nazi soldier if you didn't believe in the Nazi ideals.
Remind me again why fighting Nazi is a controversial topic amongst millennials now?
>killing someone that is trying to kill you is okay
Nice attempt.
edgy basement dwelling virgins with no jobs or prospects think nazis are cool now
because the rest of your post is utter bullshit
>knowing anything about Nazis
Maybe that's why?
People either being idiots, starting shit on purpose, or being faggot Neo-Nazis.
??????????? what?
nazis have always been cool, brainlet. you just shouldn't agree with their ideals.
yes herr gestapo you see i don't believe in your ideology so i'll just not be a soldier, we cool? :)
>>killing zombies is okay
>>killing bandits is okay
Because nuance
killing a person is an inherently controversial topic
This is why I tell you to fuck off, you don't know what you're talking about.
Nazi Germany was full of propaganda to get citizens to join their military. They played into the vulnerabilities and lack of confidence and pride to make them think fighting in WW2 would make them into great men.
As shows, however, this image is of soldiers seeing what happened in the death camps. Not everyone fucking knew what Hitler was up to. It was a game of propaganda and mind control from the start.
The fact that you have Sup Forumstards reading into german propaganda and believing it unironically says a fucking lot about how ignorant people today are. That also includes you. You're still retarded. Get off of Sup Forums. No one wants you here.
Human memory is short and we've lost a lot of our WWII vets. Feel like were there more around this shit wouldn't fly.
>haha kill all Jews and blacks 1488
Nazis are dindu nuffins
ah right okay, someone who believes fully in the ideology isn't a nazi
Sup Forums is currently the main gateway to chan culture for 12 year old kids and redditors.
>calling people ignorant
the irony is off the charts
Hm. Well, that's fair enough.
Statement retracted.
Stop shitting up Sup Forums threads
Not one fucking person on this board wants you here.