Hello Sup Forums.
Tell me what the FUCK you're going to play today.
You aren't going to just browse Sup Forums instead are you?
Hello Sup Forums
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Too fucking tired to play videogames, so I'm just gona shitpost.
I was going to play some matches on ptcgo, but the rewards this moth are fucking trash.
I'm feeling ill atm, but later I might go play some original sin 2 or something.
Maybe titanfall 2 or starcraft brood war.
When my bud gets on we ganna play some dead by daylight, might play cuphead or divinity 2 while waiting. Might also grind a bit in black desert, not sure, lots of options.
i wish more indians were like this silly guy instead of bombing our towers
Gonna play some EO3 while I wait for EOV. Mayube some Tekken or PUBG as well.
>Tell me what the FUCK you're going to play today.
Made in Abyss Online, of course.
Shadowverse, maybe try out hyper universe and install the big boobie mod
Gonna play dragon quest and bravely default after I finish drawing alien queen
Fighting the urge to shitpost is surprisingly difficult
Is this real?
Did they really make him a part of the cut-out?
Indians bombing towers? Did I miss something?
I'll probably continue pointless grinding in Darkest Dungeon. I hate what the DLC did to the game
thinking about getting stellaris, but I don't have anything right now I want to play, just finished pyre
stardew valley
maybe some of this too
he might be generalizing or confused of the difference. I love Sikhs they are super nice people, albeit a bit smelly at times.
Was thinking about Shadowrun: Hong Kong, but I gotta reroll a street sam, because I'm not sure if phys adept is my thing. Don't know yet.
I probably am just going to browse Sup Forums because I banned myself from vidya unless I've done my requisite quantity of diet and exercise.
And I just ate a big fuckin' block of chocolate.
The scheme worked last year, I lost 3 stone and got a gf. Less successful so far this year.
I updated Oxygen Not Included to the latest patch and started a new base, but I have a hard time getting into the game, I might wait until the full release is out.
Tried Atelier Sophie as my first Atelier game. About one hour in. A lot of, thankfully shorts, unskippable cutscenes so far, and prompt for tutorials, but I am having fun still discovering the systems. Might check a Youtube tuto or something about the alchemy minigame, I am not sure I am doing it right.
imma play this shitty game called going to work irl
>Oxygen Not Included
It's in my watchlist. Plz give impressions.
Elex will unlock soon on steam ~2h left
im hyped as fuck cannot wait to play it, you cant compare fine german craftsmanship to trash like fallout 4 or skyrim
lol at skyrims capital with like 20 houses
I think so, can't find the tweet that had that image
Can I mod in lolis?
Witcher 3, tried playing Nier Automata yesterday but only got 50 minutes in before stopping, no desire to go back
did the same with the Witcher 3, the horrible movement put me off but gonna try it again
any idea how to make him not feel like a slug who has a mind of his own?
I beat Doom 2016 last week on Ultra-Violence so now I’m gonna replay Wolfenstein The New Order before the sequel comes out.
>any idea how to make him not feel like a slug who has a mind of his own?
Play Witcher 2 for a bit, he'll seem like a lithe dancer by comparison
After i finish up some art commissions, I'm probably gonna play Disgaea 5 for a while or MGSV:TPP since I copped it for free on that PS+ sale. Maybe some MH4U later as well.
honestly just waiting for MonHun World at this point
Later on today, probably finish Ultra Despair Girls.
FFXIV, game's really fun wish I picked it up sooner
I'll recommend it to whoever like base-building games with a couple of caveats:
- Calling it micro-management heavy is an understatement, you may not control the characters, but you need to be behind them to an extent that may annoy fans of larger scale, slower-paced management games
- Replayabilityexist insofar you are discovering the systems and learning how to optimize your base, at which point the game become repetitive, even with randomly generated maps and minions,althoughKlei do add new content regularly, which helpalleviatethat problem
- It's not a "make a pretty base" game, it's a "make an efficient base asap or everyone will die" game
- The game is clearly early access, with an inelegant user interface, updates that havea tendencyto break the game balance, anoveralllack of tutorials and quality of life features
If you are willing to deal with that, the game is addictive and as a lot of depth already, with plenty of systems.
I want to rub Nanachi!
How will a Made in Abyss game work?
EO fags need not apply. The games share much less than you guys believe.
>Base of the tail: Smells Really Good Good
>Inside the pants: Smells Totally Good
W-what did they mean by this?
Spiral Knights but bailing out of a run gives the layer curses
Rush in some cooking mechanics and a Z axis and you pretty much got it
What do you think nanachi's farts smell like? I'm asking for a friend. Haha
Totally irresistible
>ywn bury your face in nanachi's sweet, fluffy monster pussy
why even live
We'll all make it to our waifus one day user.
I'm gonna finish SMT Synchonicity Prologue and then start Etrian Odyssey V
I had fapped to Nanachi long before watching her show. Imagine my disappointment when they kept her voice internationally ambiguous. It doesn't help that every loser on Sup Forums is desperate for a canon cutie trap.
Just started with the recent europe release. Way better than SoS1 so far.
Fine tune a 2B character that i made for Artificial Academy 2.
Maybe a bit of FFXIV. Maybe a bit of BDO.
Maybe hit the backlog. Who knows anymore?
What does a nanachi feel like?
bags of salty coin and milk
fucking DLC releases fucking when?
God damn have had the game since US release and have been waiting on the fucking DLC before i start playing so i can get the full experience before burning myself out on the fucking game.
fucking hell them lazy cunts better hurry up with that shit.
>waiting on the fucking DLC before i start playing so i can get the full experience
It doesn't really add much, does it? from what I've seen a new bachelor, a new Bachelorette and being able to get a child with the secret bachelorette. And a handful events apparently.
Unless you are interested in those, why hold out like that?