Game from 21 years ago has deeper and more fluid movement mechanics than most 3D games made now

>game from 21 years ago has deeper and more fluid movement mechanics than most 3D games made now

How is this possible?

it really doesn't most speedrunning tactics involve taking advantage of glitches.

Devs got lazy, and realized that they can still make a ton of cash by making barebones, heavily streamlined games.

It's the same with Quake OP
don't talk if you have an average IQ sweaty, just listen

I ask myself that when I could hold the Z button in Ocarina of Time and still shoot an arrow at the same time, yet I can't hold the target button and shoot in Skyward Sword. Simply put, games aren't meant to be games today, they're simply products that have to appeal to a widespread audience. The actual developers are stepping down while the new blood fails to realize why those games were successful. It was damning to play 64 and come to 3D World. Even Sunshine felt like a step backwards.

First, let's talk about parallel universes

how the fuck is that even remotely relevant. stop posting.


You are completely unironically right. Mario 64 is STILL state of the art when it comes to pure movement.

not an argument

The late 90s and early 00s had so much promise, it felt like things were fucking happening. I never imagined every series I loved would turn to shit or be lost to time.

Money really does ruin everything.

It's not.

M64 is not a great game.

The level design is literally non existant

>tfw pannenkoek2012 hasn't uploaded since that video
What happened? I used to love his videos before he became a meme.

quick whats the best n64 emulator to play this shit?

Because it was made at a time when questions such as "how do we envision movement in a 3d world ?" really mattered.

Nowadays we have the experience to create these kind of 3D games and thus we do not consider the question anymore. The downside is that it does'nt involve the same amount of consideration and thought.

This is how a game from the early 3D era still has the most subtle and profound platforming gameplay. This wasn't only about having a shitton of moves, it was about momentum, fluidity and ultimately difficulty curve. You can play this game for years and still get better

I'm starting to think mario 64 was an accident

nintendo keeps removing skills from mario, and adding in safety rails that slow down the game and reduce time saving feats

Sorry sweetie, NiGHTS into dreams predates SM64 and controls better

All N64 emulators are poorly coded.

He has a second channel called uncommentated pannen


Skyward Sword was pure gameplay user, stop spreading bullshit.

If you had problems with the motion controls it's because you either were in front of an audience with electronic devices causing interference or you are an autist that can't move his arms properly.

>Skyward Sword was pure gameplay

Just download an n64 emulator on your phone and you're set. I just got MegaN64 from thr Play store

Kek, that was good for a few chuckles.

>Skyward Sword was pure gameplay

He said he couldn't handle the expectations of his viewers after "that" video so he now only makes some short non commented videos on his second channel about new strats or improvements of older ones and a few other miscellaneous stuff.

>this game having a different control scheme and design priorities means games are even videogames anymore maaaaaan

Not an argument

>How is this possible?
It's not possible. Mario64 has good movement mechanics but they're not THAT great. Nostalgiafags should fuck off

People only care about grafixxx these days so gameplay is overlooked.

Well if were counting glitches then answer is programming oversights combined with dumb luck.

This. There are way better platformers out there.

Name some 3D ones with deeper movement mechanics

objectively you can't name any 3D games that approach Mario 64's movement except for CPMA/Reflex/Warsow, which are all based on games from 96/99

Does anyone have any cool Mario 64 videos of top level gameplay? No TAS/exploits.

Every 3D platformer have similar gameplay.

Mirrors Edge at higher levels

i don't think you know what this discussion is about
I've only played it super casually, you may be right I have to look into it

This game from 1995 managed to do first-person platforming better than most modern games do.