T-this cant be h-happening... right sonybros...??
T-this cant be h-happening... right sonybros...??
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Is this another Prologue?
Meh, it's green at least
What did people expect? the game has fuck all content which is a shame since it fixes quite a few issues the other games had
Polyphony need to get their prioritizes right and stop focusing on certain areas while ignoring everything else
>online only from a series that use to have a offline mode
Who expected anything else?
May as well be with the lack of content it has
It technically is since it has no worthy single player content, pitiful number of cars and tracks.
Does it at least look photorealistic? That's all I care about.
>Gran Turismo Sport is a bona fide virtual motorsport and that's awesome. But single-player modes are lacking and it's demonstrably outshone by Forza Motorsport 7 in virtually every area.
>4 critics
They didn't have Windows Central and SomosXbox propping up the score like Forza Microtransactions 7 did.
Forza 7 is trash though
>metacritic suddenly matters
Does that mean uncharted 4 is better than every single xbone "exclusive" ever made?
Fucking exactly this. One of the main reasons I bought a ps4 was for the gran turismo games, then I find out its going to online only. Who the fuck wants a GT game to play online only? I hope this shit bombs.
nice shop
Honestly, both are pretty shit but forza 7 is straight up garbage.
>car games
oh yeah, forza 10/10... on Widows Central, the unique reviews that write nothing about the horrible microtransaction bs
It only has 4 reviews
>outshone by forza motorsport in virtually every area
except in pit stop animations
gamespot preview is brutal
The problem, like most games nowadays is pushing diversity crap which no one wants, especially in a freaking racing game. I saw a video of the creator getting some random black to drive and "teach", what is the point? Blacks aren't going to buy this game and it serves no purpose other than alienating your actual audience.
Nice filename, Pajeet.
>if you are not online or servers are down, any progress you make will be lost
This is unnaceptable in 2017
>peter fucking brown
>the same guy who reviewed crash bandicoot and cuphead and couldnt even finish them
lmao car games. I bought gravity rush 2 instead of this trash. Time to fly around as a cute girl.
>random black
Kek, you mean hamilton?
Literally who gives a fuck about whoever that is, apart from SJWs of course.
yeah, Sony realized that they could implement some online features as a testbed for GT7 and get away with it, saying that it was all for the e-sports meme.
How did this happen? They threw the PS3 under a bus and said it was impossible blahblahblahblha and put out Gran Turismo 5 and 6. Then they say PS4 is so easy to develop and it's giving them so much idea to work with, they have to delay it.
PS3 was hell for Gran Turismo development
Then PS4 is incredible
tldr; PS3 was so hard for them to code and develop for, yet they released Gran Turismo 5 and 6. So instead of Gran Turismo 7 on the PS4 having SO MUCH RAM and easy to develop...they delay it non-stop and don't even have a finished product that stands to Gran Turismo 5 or 6, let alone Gran Turismo 3 or 4. Just what the fuck?
What a pathetic way to finish off the year for our sonnygger friends. Meanwhile we're getting PUBG and the most powerful console evah in just a few weeks and already had Cuphead and Forza 7.
>Unfinished indie
>Shit rehash
>After eight months of nothing
Nice filename, Pajeet.
>indie trash
>pubg on consoles
Well at least my fellow pajeets on xbox had a fantastic start to the year with games like...um...nvm
Halo Wars 2, a game that did so well it looks like MS has scrapped a potential HW3.
Ctrl+F to pay respects
Damn, Forza outright killed GT, how will Sonyroaches recover?
>Halo Wars
Good riddance, now they can put the focus back on Halo FOS and Master Chief. I hope they make a third-person Halo game subserved staring the Master Chief as well to replace that RTS shit.
Seems like only problem noted by critics is lack of single player, which is underwhelming but its something we knew since the game was announced
>Online only
>forced PS+
No one will defend this. I played every GT games even 6 and I can't do it anymore.
What's worse is that Polyshitty is actively trying to sell this as a more real simulator, but the physic simulation is still utter garbage and they have no more excuses for it now.
FUCK OFF Yamauchi you piece of shit
>random black
>google user's claim
>Lewis Hamilton
Lewis is on track of becoming one of the best drivers, literally ever.
7's a fine score.
So if I didnt play single player that much in past Gran Turismo games will I enjoy this one?
>Nice filename, Pajeet.
Nice meme kiddo
Idk, you tell me user
Smells like Forza-poster
>its a Sup Forumsfag just trying to find shit to complain about even when he knows nothing about the subject post
Its online only?
Wtf why?
I just wanted a comfy gran turismo game.
>A comfy gran turismo game
Go back to play 4
nah, literally no one ever hyped this game. even neofag was not impressed.
>sonygaggers made fun of forza 7 for having loot boxes
>when sony is literally charging them $60 for a glorified demo that has 1/10th the content of Forza
from what I've read the game is incomplete.
The arcade mode is short and the game is focused on online
I read somewhere that they want this to be e-sport so maybe that's why
>Not even Playstation Lifestyle can defend this
Fucking Lol and sonybros are trying to say Mario is bad because famitsu gave it a 97.5 mean while Sony's MARQUEE FRANCHISE is literal shit
Forza 7 having lootbox is a joke though. Forza Horizon is the only thing that matters. It's the only racing/arcade game on the market. Forza 6 and 7 are simply more Arsetto Corsa/Project Cars garbage
Possibility no 1: Gran Turismo Sport is a ''demo''. Gran Turismo 7 will release in 2018/2019
Possibility no 2: Sony is killing Polyphony digital
Possibility no 3: Polyphony digital is a fucking mess and they will close the simulation division and go back to traditional games
Possibility no 4: Gran Turismo 7 PS5 launch title with the money captured from Gran Turismo Sport
Nice filename, Pajeet.
who cares? I gave my PS3 to my brother so I don't have a way to play GT6 anymore. I just wanna go fast. the game lets you go fast. I'm satisfied.
possibility 5 its shit
go fas-loses internet for a second
GT Sport has been in development for 4 years
obviously it's not the full game. They cut some content from Gran Turismo 7 and released as Gt Sport: A "prologue" version for 60 bucks targeted to online gamers
PS1, 1994.
PS2, 2000.
PS3, 2006.
PS4, 2013.
PS5, 2019.
6 year average. Gran Turismo 7 has to be out within 2018 earliest.
Possibility no 6 (Also known as the darkest timeline): GT Sport is a success, sony realizes that they don't need to spend a bazillion dollars in developing a full Gran Turismo entry when an online focused prologue sells as much, cancels development of Gran Turismo 7, implements additional cars and circuits (some of them already made for GT7) as DLC for GT Sport and starts treating Sport as the only Gran Turismo game that doesn't get any sequels to divide the fanbase and fully embraces the e-sport meme.
Im going for 3, Polyphony Digital seems to be in a mess lately, since the shitstorm Gran Turismo 5 was they never fully recovered
I miss when they made other stuff than great Gran Turismo games like Omega Boost, I wonder what changed
This game fucking sucks because you have to turn right more often than you turn left, you should have to turn right and left and equal amount of times like a proper racer.
>PS3, 2006.
The first Gran Turismo on PS3 was in 2010, so they don't follow the hardware release date.
The question is: why is online racing such a thing on Gran Turismo? It requires 1 ms lag something that is impossible in every way imaginable.
What Gran Turismo shitstorm?
People waited a long time for Gran Turismo 5 only to end up being underwhelming, maybe not a shitstorm but it wasnt the driving simulator everyone expected
There are dozen of simulations on the market today but back then it was basically gran turismo and forza only
The wheel fags love both
this is making me think the ps5 might be like the way xbone was going to be
nah, I believe that the 1ms figure is an exageration. A good netcode can do wonders, rfactor and iracing are examples of racing games that thrive on the online aspect.
>Cocky sony back in it's ultimate form
Oh it will be
I know about the lack of content, but what about the gameplay and looks? I see disparity between the last by some saying it looks good and others saying its kinda dull
Oh I hope it is.
>implying that's what makes a proper racer
It does look a bit empty(like older GT) when you are racing, but the cars are absolutely nuts.
Very well done PD, very well done.
At least in that point they did their homework
It's virtually impossible to have less than 20ms lag even if you are playing with 100gbps internet speed
No he isn't you delusional retard. What the hell are you smoking? Because I need some of it.
Every reviewer states it looks and plays gorgeously.
Literally true.
I have a half-gigabit FTTH and the lowest ping I can have is 33ms
The bad: online. But if reviewers got early copies online shouldn't be 100% to be tested until october 17. Perhaps they reviewed a few days earlier
I don't understand if the arcade mode is short or if the gave has few tracks. Not a single reviewer mentioned this
illumiation and materials look great, shadows are quite shitty sometimes, models are good, car damage is basically non-existant, no day-night cicle nor variable climate. Customization options looked great in the demo, you can choose helmet, clothing and even pose of your character. There were several paints and aesthetic options to choose from (Some locked behind a store with in-game curency) and you could upload designs from your computer to your game. You could also share them in an in-game (totally free) store. Gameplay was classic Gran Turismo, but with lots of control configuration, you can basically map all the buttons to whatever you prefer, boxes were quite good (Infinitely better than Forza 7 for sure) and the replay option was quite good.
It was quite a good base for a Gran Turismo game, but the content unfortunately is lacking.
best case scenario you have 5ms input lag. Connect to PSN, PSN connects you to other players it adds at least +10ms
they're japanese and their company structure must be like from the 80s
who the fuck even plays gran turismo?
>but the content unfortunately is lacking.
tracks or what?
If DLC are free/extremely cheap and come regularly I see GTS becoming a really good game.
Kaz already confirmed they are going to add more SP events for example
wheel fags
>Let's all pretend that we live in a third world shithole and aren't connected to the internet 24/7 anyway
Tracks, Cars and SP content.
I seriously hope they add La Sarthe and Spa quickly.
But wouldn't mind that theorical Gr.2(SuperGT and DTM cars)
always online = always spying
barely a hundred cars
No traditional single player mode
the real world circuit list is basically
>2 Brand hatch variants
>Mount paronama
>4 Nürburgring variants
>2 Suzuka variants
>3 Willow Springs variants
You are spied by everyone, idiot.
Why in the fuck does it take so long to shit out the same game with half the content? simulator fags are autistic
keep thinking like this and sony will fuck you in the ass like MS tried with their consumers back in 2013, only this time, they'll succeed.
Then go live innawoods. You are being spied by browsing 4 chan
I'll stick with gt3 and gt4. Haven't unlocked everything yet.