It gets better 5 hours in

>it gets better 5 hours in

>every single JRPG

>it's only good in the first 5 hours

But thats objectively true for Fallout 4


>Being a mouthbreathing frogposting post-postironic GenZ or whatever the fuck you want to call it who's so fucked up by attention deficiency that he can't invest 5 hours into something before calling it quits and going back to his online multiplayer lootbox simulator

Try 20

>it gets better 100 hours in

>it gets better 1% of the way in

Tfw it's true

Depending on the length of the game, this isn't a problem?
You don't watch one episode of a TV series and decide then and there if it's good or bad.
You don't watch 30 minutes of a film and then decide then and there if it's worth watching or not.
You don't read 5 chapters of a novel and then decide then and there if it's worth reading or not.
You don't listen to a song for 30 second and then decide if it's a good song or not.

>it gets better like 50 hours in
>you can pay money to get that far in
>pay money
>it's not better

>it gets good 20 hours in

anyone who doesn't understand that you need you put your strongest material at the beginning to hook people in doesn't know how to tell a story at all

>a single post explains any first timer playing monster hunter

>game completely shits the bed halfway throught

Gonna have to ring my bell here. Why does fallout 4 get better in 5 hours? the main story was kind of trash in my recollection.

>*record scratch* yeah thats me you may be wondering how i got here

bad storytelling

Literally the reverse for me. Lost all drive to play once i got the mech.

Its just Todd. Fallout 4 is shit all the way through. I don't think there was a single fun weapon in that whole game

It's ultimately about introducing the essentials as quickly and effectively as possible. See how Romeo and Juliette immediately sets up the CapMon Rivalry and Romeo being a dickhead.

Some goofballs think dragging things out needlessly lends to "atmosphere", but an atmopshere is already created simply by the story being in motion with all the characters actions, thoughts and feelings. People love to complicate shit.

>it gets better once you get the Skell
>get the Skell
>the game gets even worse

>witcher 1

I still can't play it to this day. the game is so fucking awful at the start

>100 hour JRPG game
>50 of those hours is just party and quest management