Anarchy, mang! Cammies be all up on our asses, mang!

>Anarchy, mang! Cammies be all up on our asses, mang!

Are you anarch scum, chum?

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm Sabbat, a.k.a the real vampires. Fuck gay ass Camarilla and "hurr I'M NOOTROLL" Anarchs.

>implying Nines didn't take the head of the same werewolf that you killed

Tricked ya!

Although the Sabbat has its flaws, it is indisputably the Sect most in the right in the game.
The anarchs kindaaaaaa get it tho, there are some places where it's closer to the sabbat ideal than the sabbat itself

Have fun getting staked, Sabbat retard. Hunters are going to fuck all you vamps. They'll make you their personal sex slaves until you beg to be purged of your filth as you are unworthy of them in your tainted state.

The ideal society would be one where Vampires rule as an aristocracy above humankind, with the masquerade unenforced. With human guns and bodies, combined with their vampiric might, they have a real chance of destroying the antes
A shame the camarilla would kill you for striving towards this

Did not know Isaac and Strauss had the same voice actor.

>not controlled opposition
I'm with the guys who actually had the balls to kill their elders and antediluvians.

The Anarchs desire freedom, which is good. But they don't realize that freedom isn't free. You have to fight for it. The Sabbat knows this. They know that the price of freedom is war against the elders.

>tfw hunters are actually capable of doing shit like this thanks to true faith haxx

They could just guilt trip them into killing themselves, change their nature entirely, and be the second coming of Jesus Christ at max levels.

>The antes are evil because they want to drink everyones blood and rule the world!!!
>Kek it's okay if we drink everyones blood and rule the world

Really? damn, the guy has talent.

True faith is rare. True faith at the levels your proposing is insanely rare

Exactly this. Although some of the Sabbat have forgotten this ie the ultra conservatives

>True faith is rare. True faith at the levels your proposing is insanely rare
not when your running with a generous GM that gives you a good amount of xp

i was super buddha jesus who enjoyed playing with vamps until they all but worshiped me before turning them back into humans

In the tabletop, hunters are incompetent as fuck. Vampires manipulate the shit out of them and use them to be minor inconveniences to their enemies.

You have NOTHING to fear from a hunter unless you're a thin-blood or just stupid.

So are the Sabbat objectively correct? Antediluvian do exist and do want to kill everyone.
He's not the only guy with insane range.

They're absolutely right about everything, except for some factions within it implementing things wrong imo
Your GM sounds shit, too much xp ruins games

say hello to smith


In complete fairness, the dude had the tendency to put us all through hell. We all had to roll new characters at some point in the campaign. I just lasted the longest and was rewarded handsomely form good use of xp points.

nope, BROjah all the way

damn Andre and Robin

Your gm is putting you against shitty hunters, well prepped inquisitors or government agents can easily take out a coterie

>install Final Nights mod
>pick Baali
>Lacroix says in the opening scene that the accused is an upstanding member of their society
A Baali


how come sabbats are so weak in this game?

everyone is either a cammy or an anarchist piece of shit

I guess there aren't many sabbats in hollywood. are there any countries that are like 100% camarilla/sabbat?


>are there any countries that are like 100% camarilla/sabbat?
South America (Mexico in particular), Canada, Eastern Europe are the Sabbat strongholds

Would you prefer DM, you fucking pleb?

What's the problem? The Tremere are run by infernalists and they are still seen in a positive light by the ventrue.

They're STs, fag. This isn't D&D, although plenty of people seem to treat it like it is.

South america is actually one of the places with less sabbat presence, since they're not interested in the continent. As a result, Tzimisce and Lasombra end up being pretty accepted by the local princes. Venezuela in particular is an anarch stronghold, whilst Argentina and Chile are Camarilla
Central america is a sabbat stronghold though

Not all Anarchs are commies. Libertarian Gangrel Anarchs are the best

There's literally nothing wrong in siding with the Camarilla.

>being this autistic

>But they don't realize that freedom isn't free. You have to fight for it.
Nines always talks about fighting for it, what are you even on about?

>They're STs, fag.
You poor railroaded cumstain.

t. Xavier

if a Antediluvian did wake up what would the Sabbat even be able to do to stop it? would anyone in the world even be able to stop it?
they say they've been preparing for the return for centuries, but what do they actually have prepared?

Any good mods that you guys can recommended ? How's Wesp's Plus if i already beat the game few times?

Any kind of Gangrel that actually sticks with any of the three sects is a fucking dumbass.

The camarilla is literally the worst possible faction you could side with

Not just fighting against the Elders: You have to take the fight to the very source of the corruption.

In Gehenna, it's said that if Vampiredom and humanity hadn't had a war, they could have taken on the antes

how do old gangrels compare to werewolves?

>they say they've been preparing for the return for centuries, but what do they actually have prepared?
Absolutely nothing beyond a few diableriezations. They're all completely fucked and they don't even know it.

>would anyone in the world even be able to stop it?
plenty, though none of them are vampires

>The camarilla is literally the worst possible faction you could side with
What kind of dumbass buys this shit?

>if a Antediluvian did wake up what would the Sabbat even be able to do to stop it?
Alone? Nothing, unless they'd side with another Antediluvian, or something even more powerful. But they resent the Antediluvians and Caine resents them, so they got their hands tied.

>would anyone in the world even be able to stop it?
Yes, quite a few actually. The real questions are, do they want to stop them, and, can they stop them without any consequences?

Werewolves are just Gangrel knockoffs so incredibly well.

elders could probably win in a 1v1
A methuselah would destroy a whole pack of werewolves, I think Odin pretty much rekt the entire Get of Fenris once

>What kind of a dumbass doesn't enjoying working for ancient malevolent blood gods????

Anarchs are not anachist, stupid wagecuck cammie

Literally every Sect in the World is run by one or more "ancient malevolent blood gods." Even the Anarchs aren't much of an exception, if you look into the hidden hierarchy of the group.

When Ravnos woke u it took a pack of Werewolf commandos 3 of the oldest Kuei-jin, Mages repurposing their giant space mirrors to concentrate sunlight and 2 super nuke to stop it just to give you perspective

Antitribu makes the most changes I think. Plus patch is okay if you just want something a little different, some of what it adds is decent but some is really low quality.

The camarilla were literally created to stop the killing of the antediluvians. If it wasn't for them, then Vampiredom would be much better off

>What kind of a dumbass doesn't enjoying working for ancient malevolent blood gods????
Respect your elders. You're there thanks to his blood.

I want to be a wererat

>be tzimisce
>fleshsculpting alien motherfuckers
>commit diablerie all day erry day
>hear tremere got to diablerize a fucking ante
>get butthurt you didn't get to suck dry said ante
>pretend to be angry at them for killing off a "good" clan but are really angry at them for stealing away ante vitae

we wuz sword of caine n shieeet

>be tremere
>be absolute fucking dogshit
your day will come

At least you're honest, unlike most of the camarilla who like to pretend they're not working towards the end of the world

enjoy being consumed by a flesh church ayy fetishist

>not already being a fleshy church fetishist

Depending on which Time of Judgment scenario the ST chooses to narrate, destroying the Antediluvians doesn't change much regarding Gehenna.
You could argue that the world would just be a better place without them and their influence, until Gehenna comes, but even without them there are enough ancient Kindred in the world, scheming away and plotting Jyhad.

But anyways, I personally am neutral towards every single Sect, Clan or group in the game. I think they all are amazing storytelling and roleplaying constructions. Generally, I am a tiny little bit more interested in the Sabbat, and less in the Camarilla, but otherwise I like them all squally. So, despite all of Camarilla's sins and mistakes, I still appreciate them as a great Sect. You gotta be more neutral user. Whether a Sect is "objectively good or evil" (not that such a thing exists in WoD) is something only your in-game character should be worried about, not you, as a reader, a storyteller and a player. You should embrace all the game's elements, because they are all made with care and good storytelling in mind, not political or religious fanatism.

.>aren't anarchists

merikan education

Is there literally any downside to being a Lasombra?

>can't be seen in mirrors
who gives a fuck
>takes extra damage from sunlight
sunlight fucks you up whoever you are

t. haven't played the tabletop or read the books

Only one scenario has the antediluvians not try to fuck up the entire world: In Fair is Foul Lasombra literally tries to eat caine, and in Nightshade there was... whatever the fuck they were trying to do. Crucible of god is obvious ofc.

I enjoy every sect as is written, but if you were to ask me "which sect has things right" its unarguably the sabbat. I don't really enjoy sabbat games, as they're less interesting than camarilla ones, but in terms of lore I just see them as 100% correct

Objectively worst clan for roleplaying a vamp. Motherfuckers got set for unlife.

Yeah, being a useless shitter who spent eternity wishing they were the Ventrue
It's just embarrassing at this point, really

>be mage, basically the cheesiest most OP supernatural being in WoD
>proto-Technocracy starts fucking with your immortality spells
>decide that drinking vampire blood isn't totally insane and retarded
>gain all the disadvantages of vampirism, lose all mage powers in the process and become outcasts hated by both mage and vampire society alike

"a-at least we have gargoyles and our own top sekret discipline!"
reminder that Tremere are basically the stupidest people in the entire World of Darkness

>you'll never be a gargoyle with true-faith stat of 9

>being a slave

But why would I wanna do that when he gets killed by the god he worshipped

>quickly get accepted into vampric society by btfoing an entire vamp clan and legitimizing yourself by devouring their ante's blood
>all the mages are kept in check by the actual technocracy

What's wrong with them?

If the Technocratic Union hadn't been nerfed to hell and back for that particular event, it could have taken down Ravnos on their own.

>Only one scenario has the antediluvians not try to fuck up the entire world: In Fair is Foul Lasombra literally tries to eat caine, and in Nightshade there was... whatever the fuck they were trying to do. Crucible of god is obvious ofc.
Yes, but in all 3 of those scenarios the Kindred world would end by the hand of God anyways. The presence of the Antediluvians brought destruction and horror to the world, but even without them it would end.

>I enjoy every sect as is written, but if you were to ask me "which sect has things right" its unarguably the sabbat. I don't really enjoy sabbat games, as they're less interesting than camarilla ones, but in terms of lore I just see them as 100% correct
I agree, but still, it depends om what the ST makes the world to be. I mean, in the Wormwood scenario they don't make an appearance at all. In that scenario, the only thing that matters is Humanity and morality. No Sects, no Jyhad, no Ancients. And that's just a small example.
Plus, the Sabbat's motives may be just, but their actions are beyond flawed. And of course, their Caine boner is obviously just a waste of time.

They're literally knockoff ventrue: They wanna play at being kangz and shit, but they have nowhere near the skills for it as ventrue do

Honestly, I would love to see a VtM spinoff with clans aligning to different sects

which one is better for combat, ventrue or lasombra?

They're better than actual Venture tho.

>Fair is Foul

Isn't that the scenario where Lilith tries to kill Caine by proxy so God doesn't go sevenfold vengeance on her ass? Because that was retarded. God wouldn't give a shit if you tried to use a technicality to get away from punishment, you still set it in motion.

Not really, God only intervenes in Nightsahde and Crucible because the ST's go through an elaborate ritual, he wouldnt have done shit if you didn't call him. And he does jack shit in Fair is Foul (worst scenario anyways)

The Sabbat's actions are not so different from the Camarilla's. The Camarilla plays at being civilized and humane, but how many of their clans stem from diablerie? How many elders enjoy blood feasts whilst neonates fight for scraps?
The camarilla are just as ""evil"" as the Sabbat, if you wanna go by those metrics, and they're certainly nowhere near as efficient, as they're getting terribly outplayed in the USA

Yeah, its by far the worst scenario, nightshade kinda sucks too tho

Nah son. Lasombra plays at being kings, whilst Ventrue actually do it

Depends completely how you spec it, although the Obtenebration is more combat oriented than Presence, so maybe them

>would anyone in the world even be able to stop it?
In doubt, bet on the Technocracy. The only winning force of good in the entire World of Darkness.

>In vampire and mage the main "villain" faction is right
what did white wolf mean by this?

>Nah son. Lasombra plays at being kings, whilst Ventrue actually do it
There is literally no difference other than weakness and disciplines.

Control most of the modern political, financial and economic world
Kinda has some influence on the church????

Literally huge difference, even the Tzimisce have more influence on mortal affairs through the Grimaldi

He also voiced Bach.

The World of Darkness is in fact bright.

All the good guys are winning. It is only dark in comparison because WW tries to make you play the villains.

Legit made me stop to hink

So which are the good guys?

In the overall WoD, the Technocracy are unarguably the good guys
Hope I didn't summon a legion of traditionfags just by typing that
If we stick to the VtM universe, the Sabbat are the good guys, although theyd get destroyed by the Union in a crossover

>Not really, God only intervenes in Nightsahde and Crucible
Then what about the Wormwood mist in the Wormwood scenario?
Anf what about the Wormwood mist in the Fair is Foul scenario?
Did you forget about those? That's literally God killing off each and every Kindred on earth with his mist.

>The Sabbat's actions are not so different from the Camarilla's. The Camarilla plays at being civilized and humane, but how many of their clans stem from diablerie? How many elders enjoy blood feasts whilst neonates fight for scraps?
The camarilla are just as ""evil"" as the Sabbat, if you wanna go by those metrics, and they're certainly nowhere near as efficient, as they're getting terribly outplayed in the USA
Yeah man, I've been saying that from the start. I like all Sects.
But what I'm also trying to say is that, no one Sect or Clan or religion was right all along after all, because it all heavily depends on what the ST decides. The books try their best to make this abundantly clear. There is no one group that was 100% right. They all had a piece of the puzzle, or a mix of truths and lies etc etc.
You say the Sabbat were right for wanting to destroy all Antediluvians. Generally sure; but what if, in one's campaign one or more Antediluvians were proven to be the good guys? That scenario is not impossible at all really.
The VtM literature states that with major clarity: no one's innocence is carved in stone and no one's ideals are ever truly just.
VtM is a game of personal horror and conflict. All conflict should concern Michael the Lasombra and John the Ventrue in-game, not user the Player out-of-game.
Don't fall in the "this sect is better" hole out-of-game. The authors tried their very best to make it obvious that no one Sect is better.

Went to Gargoyle as a Tremere didn't expect to actually convince him to side with Issac

How come a bunch of rabid diablerizers the good guys by any metric?

In vampire lore, the Sabbat are absolutely the good guys. They are Anarch. In fact, they are the first Anarchs, legitimately. The war when they were created is called the first Anarch war for a reason.

They fight for the freedom of the vampires. This is legitimate lore.

In Mage, the Technocratic Union is arguably the good guys, and they're simply winning. Not always, but they did good, and still continues to do good.

Can someone explain what is this stuff about technocracy? I never heard of this.

>In vampire lore, X are absolutely the good guys

Aren't the Sabbat only good guys if you're a vamp? Don't they want to kill/sire all the humans?

Just because your ST decides this or that doesn't mean there isn't an existing official metaplot. Just because you wanna run a game where the antediluvians are good, does not make them good in universe. As long as they exist, they're a threat to the world.
You can prefer one sect or another, thats fine.
My point is that if we look at the official lore, and examine each faction, the Sabbat is 100% in the right.
It's a common white wolf problem to design antagonists who are in the right, see MtAs