How disappointing is the next DLC going to be?
what do you want from the new DLC?
How disappointing is the next DLC going to be?
what do you want from the new DLC?
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I want them to fucking talk about it
Better use of the champions as characters and a new dungeon. Which is what we're getting as far as I'm aware.
Some nice new music would be great, as well as more reasons to explore the overworld.
At least a few hours of additional story content. I'd also rather have the new dungeon be more of a Hyrule Castle than a Divine Beast. A new cool boss fight and some additional enemies to add to the bestiary would be cool. I have very low expectations for this though.
I want at least 5 new enemies and I want them retroactively added into the original game. Redeads, darknuts, skulltulas, etc. The lack of enemy variety killed it for me.
I want a new dungeon with new items but with how the game is built, I really don't see that happening. Probably just another short "beast" dungeon.
which sucked
>People who call beast dungeons the worst in the series
Have you just never played Wind Waker or Skyward Sword?
I want it to take place in the past. Castle town is populated as well as all the various ruins scattered across Hyrule. Dungeon is that big castle in the fall themed region who's name escapes me.
As much as I hate WW and SS, do you really think the 10 minute, empty trek through the divine beasts were honestly more entertaining?
What? Wind Waker is a fair point but Skyward Sword had fantastic dungeon design, the best (and maybe only well made) part of the game easily. Also the beasts aren't inherently bad but they were underdeveloped, they felt like they lacked in non-puzzle content to me. The puzzles are great but they need a little bit more exploration and points of difficulty to be great imo.
New town please. That has side-quests that involve the pre-existing characters.
That'd be amazing.
>10 minute
Holy hyperbole batman
>The puzzles are great but they need a little bit more exploration
The verticality has a fuckload of exploration in it though.
Difficulty I'll give you though.
SS dungeon design doesnt hold a candle to TP design tho
Cut out all the fluff, like the cutscenes and waiting on the beasts to shift and yes, you could cut those down to 10 minutes.
Have you? Both games had actual exploration and wide rooms filled with puzzles. The "dungeons" in Breath of the Wild were just bigger shrines with a gimmick, that's all. Instead of giving you a new item and having fun unlockables you could manipulate a part of a beast and nothing else.
Sure, TP is better in terms of dungeons (and most other things) but "doesnt hold a candle to" is overstating it. SS dungeons are really very good.
I skipped out on the first DLC. Was it good?
If this new DLC lets you play as the champions, I'm fucking in.
An ending that doesn't suck.
No. The only good thing is the hero's path. Master mode is broken and makes the master sword trials nigh impossible.
Trial of the Sword is really good, but not worth $20 by itself.
Master Mode is stupid. It's not significantly different from the base game to warrant an entire new play through of the game, especially if you've already got a save where you've done the majority of the content.
Yeah, I want more humanoid enemies.
$20 is the cost of both expansions. So to say trials isn't worth $20 isn't really a fair criticism.
I think it's definitely worth $10 though, with the new armors/masks etc. I think the 2nd expansion will definitely deliver something quite enjoyable.
The other DLC isn't out yet and we have no idea of it's quality.
If you pay the $20 now then only sure thing that you get that's good is the Trials.
Wait for the next DLC to come out and judge it before buying.
No I think we can all agree the level design wasnt fantastic. Good but not fantastic.
The sand ship was god tier but the final dungeon was an abomination
I just want to see more of the champion's and Zelda.
It's been confirmed postgame, so in addition to a new dungeon and enemies, I want a quest to rebuild Hyrule Castle and Hyrule Castle town that works like the Tarrey Town quest. I'd like an option to clear entire map areas of enemies and summon Blood Moons (or something equivalent that restores enemies in one map area) by choice instead of having them be automatic. What I need in the DLC is for the story to end in a definitive note instead of "hurrdurr wait for the DLC/sequel." A final passing of the torch from old champions to the new would be great.
I guess a summary of what I want is a restored Hyrule and more character development for Link and Zelda. Yiga villains would be fun if that's the direction they want to go in for the dungeon.
People just don't appreciate good layouts that let you move at your own pace.
I liked BotW, but I'd really like to see a Zelda game of the same scale take place during Hyrule's prime and not it's post demise. There were a lot of ruins in BotW, it'd be nice to see all the places before they were destroyed.
It is good... In the way that it should have just been a part of the base game.
>New types of enemies, preferably some of the classics that didn't make it into Zelda
>The new dungeon should be at least twice as expansive as any of the others, with preferably two different settings you can change to alter the orientation instead of just one
>The champions get a bit more screentime, via their spirits showing up once again or another flashback or two.
>An unbreakable shield so I can surf whenever the fuck I feel like it without worrying about wasting it
>Some proper closure for the story. The new Champions are established as a coherent group, some way to clear provinces of monsters entirely, and at least a fucking ending scene of Hyrule town being rebuilt if not a new small town being established there on the map. If it's in the fucking postgame then it should at least give a proper finale.
>Minimal story, only new enemy is a boss.
>Takes place in a closed off area detached from the rest of the map you can never return to after finishing it
>No real resolution for Hyrule's rebuilding, Link and Zelda walk off into the distance once again as another open ending
There's an interview where it's directly stated, but I'm at work so I don't want to dig around to find it.
That's cool, I can search through the link, thanks.
>preferably some of the classics that didn't make it into Zelda
didn't make it into BotW*
And wow, forgot to mention that I expect the dungeon to be no more big than any of the divine beasts. Should probably go to bed.
Why would they NOT make it bigger than the divine beasts? That would be extremely idiotic.
that's enough to make me 100% it for a 3rd time like a sad fucking loser
Same but donĀ“t expect much. At this point, I have more expectations for modders to add in more enemies to BOTW than Nintendo.
If the DLC has post game content but no people rebuilding Hyrule castle/market/city, I will be so goddamn disappointed.
Prepare to be disappointed.
I have extremely low expectations after the first DLC, and also because I expect them to focus more on whatever miniature map the second will take place in than on the dungeon itself.
Some new enemies, and ideally for a dungeon that follows a more classic design than the divine beasts, along the lines of Hyrule Castle.
The Divine Beasts were interesting in how you altered the layout but even the Stone Temple in MM did that and I miss having setpieces with specific puzzles/enemies intertwined by a theme.
And if you had bought it when they FIRST announced DLC, it would have been 12.99
Boy I was pissed to see it go up to 20 the day it launched, but whatever. I got the base game for cheap anyway.
I want it to at least be worth the 1/3rd price of the base game's retail.