Why is Silent Hill 4 so disliked?
Why is Silent Hill 4 so disliked?
cuz it shit lol
It just shouldn't have been a Silent Hill game, as was originally intended. By itself it's great.
Where did this meme come from? It was always going to be Silent Hill. Team Silent just didn't have enough time and people to work on it.
Because it had some "avant garde designed choices" to put it mildly. Still, it's worth playing to form your own opinion on. The same can't be said for any of that western silent hill shit.
stop making me wanna fap
It was not supposed to be numbered portion of the series, merely a spinoff
>Tsuboyama: We wanted to make a sequel after Silent Hill 3 and you could say that was the initial concept, but upon that we needed to
implement a lot of new flavour to the sequel, otherwise it would have been the same old Silent Hill. So for that, we created "The Room"
as the concept for the game, so that we could use to represent the contrast between the normal and the abnormal life which changes suddenly.
just fuck my greentext up
First half: excellent
Second half: boring
calm down there, dawson
Cause there is only one memorable room and you posted it.
Which is also the stupidest room in the entire series.
I loved it, shame the second half is literally the same maps as the first one
Well, that's it's only good setpiece for starters.
Second half of the game is a retread of the first, but now is an escort mission with a poor AI with model collision in narrow corridors.
MOSTLY shitty and uninspired enemy designs
Henry is a shitty "character"
Ghost battles are incredibly finicky with trying to pin them down, whether it'll take feels like a coin toss, at best.
Some really questionable puzzles like the clock one.
The concept of the apartment was cool and the score was good as expected, but that's really all it had going for it.
I wonder when people will come up with another image to use when talking about this game
It's literally the only thing that's memorable from that piece of shit
This is the only "criticism" I've ever heard for it and it's so inane that I can't take this seriously.
Because it's not very good. Like the rest of the series
It's like they changed the scale of the models and everything looks tinier and shittier.
Only good parts are the first person sequences in the apartment.
It's one of the only good things in the game besides the first person.
because despite being overall great game its till the weakest of Team Silent games. Back then people didn't know that Tom Hullet is planing to destroy entire series, its legacy, and even go so far to retroactively kill originals with HD release
It had the unfortunate luck of coming after the peak of the series.
I think the game was too ambitious for it's own good. It shows in it's second half.
Still, a fantastic October game. And IMO better then the western ones (maybe except SH Shattered Memories)
>Mostly shitty and uninspired enemy designs
Did we play the same game?
Good argument, fruitcake.