Where are you, Sup Forums?

Where are you, Sup Forums?

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adult tier but any genre works. cant remember the last time i didnt play on the highest unlocked setting.

I play them to jerk off.

I don't play video games

I'm in the one that calls you out for adding the faggy genre lists to each tier just so you can incite shitposting about it.

child tier

>competing with a friendly, close-knit community

Adult tier to my surprise
I'm not interested in playing vidya by myself anymore and probably won't play it at all if I had a more active irl social life

>Playing games

I play games in literally every single tier.
>fighting games
>not child tier
have you not seen the temper tantrums fgcbabbies throw?

Im a little bit of everything all wrapped into one.

i remember you... sad...

I play video games because I like playing video games

The "person" tier who doesn't give a fuck and plays games because they're fun and entertain them.

i play mobile games.

i play video games for all of those reasons to be honest

but shitposting about games is applicable to all genres

Ascended, although I'm shit at most of my favorite arcade games.

I mean, I play games in every single tier, and I identify at least a bit with every tier, even to fill the void in my soul. If you caught me off guard I might even say I play games for their artistic merit.

whome all at once here

Ascended in motives, Child in actual games. Barring Soul Calibur and Smash.

Teenager tier for now. No my decision, I was gifted a ps4 and I don't have a dtable internet connection right now.

adult tier
good one

>anything above arena shooter
this list is a joke, user

>it's another "ME GOOD, YOU BAD" thread

no, just bait

all four

I play a couple genres from all of those tiers though

what if my reasoning is child tier but my tastes and preferences are ascended tier

Ascended tier.

>ascended tier
>matching puzzle

...am i being rused here?

The games listed on child tier will never provide the challenge and super-tight gameplay of those listed in ascended

Each tier is matched with the genres of games that best fit their interests/objectives

Bitch have you ever witnessed high-level puyo puyo

Playing games for competition is the ascended tier, desu.

Wow, what a stupid list. Especially considering the fact most people play games from all the tiers.

hit me up with a link.

>Child Tier
>I play video games

I play video games for fun. Problem, Sup Forums?

That's bullshit, sorry - I'm not even a fan of mobas, but they could easily function at any tier on this list - shitposters and trolls undoubtedly are attracted to them, but any game can function as escapism- that said, the escapism mobas afford is often social (you escape to a close knit online community) and because they're team oriented games of strategy, you are compelled, if you take the game seriously, to take your own development in it seriously.

This is a nonsense hierarchy.

Ascended, except I play eroge.

the only games I play are Battlefield 1 and DOOM on nightmare. where does that put me?

I only pay for games that get proper physical releases on PC, otherwise I pirate.

>"I play video games for the personal challenge, in order to improve myself constantly"
If you want to improve yourself, why don't you work out or learn a craft, you fucking tryhards? Stop being so pretentious about a dumb little passtime. Ikaruga isn't going to give your life meaning.

Anyway post youre score.

Why the fuck do people consider zyzz the pinnacle of masculine attractiveness? He literally looked like a lizard. I guess his whole journey was inspirational to people

Sup Forums's hate-boner for mobas is so fucking cute. Dota is literally one of the best-designed and highest skill-cap games of all time.

>Everything always has to be self improvement, or its a waste of time.
When did this stupid fucking meme start? No, seriously, why is it that if you're not fluent in 4 different languages, can build an automobile, build a house, etc etc, you're a garbage human? Fuck this stupid meme. I swear it's only the biggest self-fellating retards that think like this. You're not special. You're not important.


There was just something about him that made him very likable for a lot of anons.


Arcade-style games are the pinnacle of video game design. It's different with music or film which are inherently non-competitive, but the art of games is in their gameplay

Arena shooters have been dead for 15 years. Average Sup Forumsirgin is maybe 18 years old on a good day. Not one of you fuckers is fooling me by constantly talking them up.

Adult tier, I tend to mostly play 4X strategy and grand strategy.

Post your body fat percentage

>using the word 'tier'


I play just about everything, but Adult/Ascended lately.

All of the above because I'm not some vidya faggot hipster

>using the word 'cringe'

Dunno. But I'm a hungry skeleton if you're asking on this.

Forgive me if I'm wrong but aren't CS and Overwatch arena shooters?

>OP Tier:
>"Sucks cock because he likes the taste."
>ex. this thread

ok i'm impressed.

>using the word "reddit"


People on Sup Forums are very "if I keep hearing about something I'm not interested in, I start to hate it". Mobas are extremely popular and overhearing them discussed by players is like being forced to listen to another language. So that's why we have all these shitty meme-arguments from people who've barely touched the games trying to de-legitimize their difficulty/depth/etc. It's the same people who bring up RTS and arena shooters as if they've been relevant this century except for starcraft.

>improve yourself
>by playing video games

70% ascended, 30% adult tier here.

Some games from the ascended tier also have friendly communities and whatnot.

b-but hand-eye coordination and critical thinking!

>video games
>constant self-improvement
How the fuck did these two phrases end up together

>tfw I like games from every category but mostly stick to ascended

No, CS is a tactical squad-based shooter and Overwatch is a hero shooter. Arena shooters are like Quake and Unreal.

And out of those 4 series, I'd say Overwatch is the only one the average Sup Forumsirgin today would probably have more than 10 hours played.

>insanely competitive constantly challenging games like rts and fighting are below ascended
>ascended is a bunch of single player experiences with little to no challenge of facing another human being with the hopes of defeating them and becoming better than them

ask me how I know the person who made this can't shoryuken

It's laughable that "gamers" take themselves so seriously. Fuck off.


All of them except the multiplayer stuff.

Teenager tier. I'm 21, so it's not too far off

maybe if you made a custom game where it's free-for-all pharah only and no ults

>using the word 'pol'

>anons still take tier pictures 100% seriously

but i play all of those for no particular reason

i just want to

I'm an ascended child teenager.

Why the are fighting games, arena FPS and racing games not in ascended? Why are 2D platformers and run and guns there when roguelites aren't despite being more demanding generally speaking?

tip top kek OP
Games are nothing more than electronic toys whether you like it or not. "improving yourself" sure thing faggot, if you want to improve yourself you would pick up some good literature, games are just entertainment. What good can come out of your being excelling at some multiplayer game? It's like bragging about being able to wank the longest.

All of the above. Don't pigeon hole me, motherfucker.

For real, whenever Sup Forums discusses competitive games they constantly show their ass. These people seriously think 100%ing a shmup is more impressive than being even somewhat good at an RTS.

the unexamined life is not worth living user

Yeah, those should be in ascended. I think the idea was that the ascended ones mostly don't require human contact, so you can play them and improve while living like an isolated monk. Though that doesn't apply to all of them.

>video games
>improving yourself

>play isn't important and can never require skill that can be improved

Playing with a community in a competitive environment is all well and good. Ascended is not superior to Adult, it's simply a different path.

Playing Undertale is a cultural experience, it should be required in school to be honest.

You do realize that shmups are a competitive genre as well right? "100%ing" shmups is the bare minimum.

Tier picture or no, OP still is a flaming homo.

>Playing with a community in a competitive environment is all well and good
Then MOBA and possibly even MMO PvP should be in that tier. They aren't because OP is ranking these genres by his subjective perception of their communities, not by the game's designs themselves.

Matching puzzle games are also PvP though, but I guess they are a much more ascetic and less flamboyant community than fighters

So basically anyone who ridicules "improving in games" automatically put themselves into the Child tier? For they not only refuse to improve in games, the entire possibility of doing so appear to be laughable to them.

Seems logical. Or perhaps it's a tier below the Child?

One of the things I find comical is the fact that Sup Forums, for the most part, is awful at any vidya that actually requires training/skill/dedication.

Everyone here play RPGs because "muh taste" but even there they suck ass.
Those who play "competitive" shit are usually plat-level in all games.

>implying this shit isn't harder than 90% of current competitive games

The point is that the skill you want to brag about is useless. This user is right, you're just patting yourself on the back for being good at something that is ultimately meaningless. If you were some kind of master at cutlery, hey now that's pretty handy and useful.
>b-but you can make game from e-sports
Yeah sure, but if those people who play for a living dedicated that time they spend practicing Street Fighter and shit on a certain craft, improving themselves and so on, they'd probably make more money and contribute more to society really.