Brb baby is crying

>brb baby is crying
>the match is lost now
fuck any of you alleged """"""""""""virgins"""""""""" that have kids and leave online games for it, I get it you have to attend to the baby as priority but don't play online games ever you just ruin everyone else fun in the game.

The baby...Baby´s cry...As if it was crying for me...

leave this place
never return

At least post the titties too fgt

Excellent thread

>having kids
Nah fuck it dude, the world's overpopulated and politics are getting crazier than ever. Who wants something that screams a lot, anyway?

That's right, good goy, don't breed, adopt a dozen black kids from Africa

Why would I give a fuck if some anonymous niggers game is ruined while I tend to my wifes son?

people who run in as soon as the kids s
whining are stupid anyways

chances are there's nothing wrong and they're just dicking around wanting to stay up

that said I miss the "go idle" button from left 5 dead

>Dooming another soul to live in this hellish reality


>not ignoring your kid unless he's hungry/shitted his diaper
Thats how you raise a whiny faggot

Like I give a fuck what happens to this planet after I pop off.

go cry about it somewhere else you faggot

Sorry I meant my wife's baby.

Shame that someone bothered to have your ungrateful ass

>baby is crying
>guy leaves and brings the baby back, cradling it while he plays
>it makes cute noises slowly calming down as he top frags

where else? somewhere thats not video games? dumb faggot.

no a hugbox where you cry your little heart out that you wish everyone revolved around you and made you feel special

I would otherwise, but no one likes faggots like you fucking online matches for people because you have your wifes brown child to look after. bet you do the dishes and everything too you fucking twink.

oh right i forgot if you have a child and want him raised properly you're now considered a cuck

you're missing the point. read the op.

t. things that never happen

his point is he can't handle the fact people have other things to do and have responsibilities that have priority over vidya

that right user. but for multiplayer team games and shit? why bother

Then perhaps you shouldn't play games where other people rely upon you. Play a singleplayer game or something.

I had it happen to me, but it was halo 3 on the 360 and thus much easier to cradle a baby then kb+m.

maybe he feels like playing a multiplayer game and he doesn't give a fuck if he loses a match

> dude wait my wife wants something
> dude wait my daughter is crying
> dude wait brb smoke break
> dude you should definitely come visit me in Sweden senpai
> disconnect my internet mid match cuz tired of his shit
> refuses to speak to me to this day

thats just lousy isn't it? lol. fuck everyone else but you right?

>brb wife's baby is crying

>baby is crying
>guy leaves and brings the baby back, cradling it while it plays
>baby varies between disgusting gurgling like a backed up sink and shrieking like a dying cat
>dad cant focus and become a detriment to the team

I hate children.

naaah not everyone else just faggots who bitch and complain on Sup Forums

>brb gotta feed the cats
I use this one all the time to take smoke breaks

> brb neighbors wife is crying

It's a good thing for there to be some people who don't want kids, if every single person wanted to start a family the population growth would be ridiculous.

I wish I had a kid, maybe my life would have some actual purpose

guarentee 95% of people would be pissed about one player being a detriment though. Sup Forums is the where the autistic screeching about it is. and this shits regular. and autistic screeching about petty shit is the norm here. you should be used to it by now user.

>Sup Forums is not for complaining
The fuck?

With that attitude you definitely shouldn't have a kid.

Get a dog like a normal person

Youre right I probably shouldn't, but I still wish I did

>dude wait brb smoke break
This will never, ever, EVER be a valid excuse mid-game. Get your addiction in check or fucking smoke in your house, god dammit. But do either of those, not just fucking LEAAAAAAVEeeee.

Now, warm-up and the like, it's fine.

never said i wasn't used to it

i know user, but you seemed worked up by it, its hard for me to get mad at Sup Forums ever. i just look at everything like comedy satire.

well if it helps i don't think i was worked up about it

fairs, doesn't really matter in the end does it. im sorry mate.

>have more white kids so that your future great-grandchildren will only be slightly less brown

nothing to apologise for mate

Not sure which one would rile Sup Forums up more.