Is GTAV worth getting just for singleplayer?
Is GTAV worth getting just for singleplayer?
sure, if it's on sale
A lot of reactionaries will say no, but it absolutely is. It's not perfect, but it's still an amazing game despite GTAO robbing its full potential.
I've never touched online
GTA V is good game
Yeah it's fine. It'd be better with at least 3 more heists though.
i wish the game had more heists. they were some of the best parts. but gta5 is a really fun game.
I'm gonna say yes, but the way the heists work, you won't have much money until the end of the game unless you grind side activities for pitiful amounts of cash.
Also, if you do play it, at one point a character will have you doing these stock market missions where you assassinate CEOs, buy their stock for super cheap, then sell it off for triple the profit after the prices recover. You have the do the first one to advance the story, but they're optional afterwards. Don't do any more of these missions until you beat the game and have millions of dollars to start with. I ended up with $2 billion+ on all three characters this way.
>I'm gonna say yes, but the way the heists work, you won't have much money until the end of the game unless you grind side activities for pitiful amounts of cash.
someone didn't make use of the stock market in the game
It's completely forgettable and doesn't live up to any of the single-players from the 3D era, but it's still GTA, so if you like them you'll at least tolerate a playthrough. Don't pay full price for it though, you can tell Rockstar shorted their effort with it with their online jewcrate experience.
Not until the end, doing the assassinations. I only played through once though, and didn't realize how much you can make just by buying and selling.
Buy the physical since it doesn't require Steam or just pirate it.
No. Just get GTA IV and never look back.
just get gta4, it was a way better narrative.
yeah i guess so, there are some good mods
The Multiplayer was fun for about the first month or so, then it became "BUY OUR SHARKCARDS GOY"
Singleplayer is still pretty fun if you get it on PC and fuck around with mods though
There are heists and pretty fun missions in GTA Online if that counts
Gtao doesn't count. Get outta here Rockstar
Nah not really. The story is extremely weak and is inconsistent on character motivations, reactions, and threats. Very few missions are fun, most of them are padded out with long car trips, and the heists are barely much more than the regular missions to the point that The Big Score that's foreshadowed at the beginning is extremely short and piss easy with both methods. There's also very little to do around Los Santos as there's very few interiors, the map design lacks flow, and they axed any incentive to purchase properties or hang out with the NPCs. The 3-Protag system also makes the game even more annoying to play, as it becomes a chore to keep each character properly stocked and the side missions can cause you to drive all the way to Blaine County as one character and then you'd have to do it again with another.
GTA V is the kind of game that has you mindlessly drive around in a sub or a cargo loader for 40 minutes for a heist that makes you give the Take back directly afterwards. It's dull piece of shit that will eventually make you want to call a cab each time you have to go somewhere as none of the inbetween bits are fun to play. You're honestly better off playing any other installment in the franchise.
What mods will enhance the experience to make it feel more like Drive?
it's pretty good desu but the story line thanks to the 3 protagonist thing is a complete mess
it was extremely disappointing OP.