Sony publishing games on Switch

Is Sony kill?

bloodborne on switch confirmed

The day where NIntendo sell their IPs to sony is getting near

Other way around based on this.

>people were talking about nintendo porting games to other platforms just a few months ago

kek. we did it ninten/v/ros.

This means its farther away

More like HZD on switch, fuckers will never release the only good game they have

>Is Sony kill?
it probably just means they're going to be developing kid movie games like Ghostbusters, Stuart Little or the Emojii Movie themselves instead of farming them out, and releasing them on a platform designed to reach more children and adults more interested in childish fluff like PC and Switch.

lmao, Sony is getting so fucking desperate.

big if true

But they have nogaemz


Nothing to see here

Now sit down and read 500 replies of console war because everybody choose to ignore that part

is it over, sonybros? Ive never felt so defeated


Sony is also publishing the failed DRM on pc known as denuvo

>Sony Music Entertainment has launched a new publishing label called Unties, whose upcoming projects include a game, titled Tiny Metal, that's coming to Nintendo's hybrid console as well as PC and PS4.
>Sony Music Entertainment

>Sony Online Entertainment previously published games such as PlanetSide 2 and Payday: The Heist on PC. SOE, which was separate to the PlayStation brand and Sony Interactive Entertainment, was later sold off and renamed Daybreak, no longer a part of Sony.
>which was separate to the PlayStation brand and Sony Interactive Entertainment, was later sold off

>It's interesting, then, to see Sony--albeit, again, not the PlayStation or SIE division--entering the multiplatform publishing business
>again, not the PlayStation or SIE division
TL; DR it's just a publisher who's just in charge of indie trash
I swear Neogaf must be jealous of Sup Forums given how much you talk about Sony more than them

>horizon will get switch release

I knew tiny Metal was coming to the Switch. They stated October. Here we are. Where is it?

omae wa mou shigeru, Sony!

Oh yeah, can't wait for shitty graphics and 5 fps. I love it.