Best girl is a secondary character

>best girl is a secondary character

which game is it?

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>Literally THICC Megumin
Fuck off with your shitty waifu

Should take shoes off before going to bed if your don't want dirty sheets

Dumdum anything but a character made for bullying.

she was very uninteresting, in the anime at least

Konosuba went to shit in Season 2. And this character was pure garbage.

>shoes in bed
Kill the slag

Yun Yun is my wife.




Darkness is the best

Fuck off turbonigger, S2 > S1

>Fuck off turbonigger, S2 > S1

Jesus, I bet you rate ME2 over ME1 too you uncultured absolute fucking swine.

when's s3?

>user has brain damage

>best girl dies

Which game, Sup Forums? Hard mode: the rest of the characters forget she existed.

but best girl is aqua

yunyun is second best though


No plan for it right now.

Forever will be Jessie from FFVII.

She deserved so much better.

I've never seen it but I just fap to Aqua's ass.

shit like log horizon have two seasons of 24 episodes
best show like konosuba two seasons of 10 episodes

Aww. I don't understand why i even like it. It feels so bad but so good at the same time.

She has a personality unlike Megumeme.

It's bad at times but it's so sincere it's impossible not to like it.

So xion?

>katawa shoujo

I love Yunyun!

Actually I don't. You can't imagine my disappointment with ME, I had high hopes for the sequel especially after Sovereign's speech.

Why no love for Wiz?

since i first played the demo back when i was a wee lad i always assumed jessie was a boy

fucking what

Don't tell Sup Forums about best girl. They'll cancer her up.

dying for it

Alright, I'll do it.


>Darkness is the best

I always laugh when she's on-screen.

kazuma is the best

Me too, she needed more screen time.

>not fapping to Aqua's delicious saggy tits


It's amazing how so many virgin anons got their mind blow by realistic breasts

S3 never ever

I don't remember making these posts.

T-this is a doujin, right?

Fuck now I will have to jack off again

>being a hipster for trash

Yes, Yunyun heads to a public bath and becomes a public toilet, which she boasts about

Wiz is best though

Konosuba is trash, she's the only good thing to come from it.

I like the sound of that. Gonna give this a 'read' later. Thanks user.

Mein nigger.

anime is so fucking gay
I wish i could beat you to a bloody pulp you fucking loser



You sound like the kind of chump that hits like a queer with two limp wrists. Might wanna stop before you get yourself hurt

saggy tits are great

DFC too

Cowtits too

I'm an ass man, though

>Literally THE most relevant character in the entire series
>"Best girl"


>tfw Darkness is getting cucked and she won't end up with anyone because otaku would rage.
They'd rather have her pine after Kazuma forever than actually be happy. ;_;


Fuck otakus and fuck the loli bitch, breast and ass are the best.

>Konosuba is popular therefore trash, [not main character] is the only good thing
Starbucks levels overloaded.

Yunyun is a loser

t. megumemelord
kazuma is annoying faggot only losers self insert with

Is that the yum-yum girl?


Pic related

eh, close enough

>on Sup Forums
>hating on anime

Bait harder.

Made to be bullied


I'll bully her with friendship and love


I can forgive QUALITY but i cant forgive jiggle QUALITY, japan used to have standards, that's the worst excuse of breast jiggle i've ever seen.

Pretty much every game with love interests.

I'm still mad about Neeshka from NWN2

>shitting all over the director who single-handedly went back and redrew all the breasts in that episode to be bigger, heavier and jigglier
>got so inspired he kept making more and more succubus

You wouldn't a dork

i would a yun yun

I won't cause I want her to stay a loser virgin

Literally Kasumi from Mass Effect.

If the director of the house came, demolished the house and made me a pizza and i said "this pizza sucks" and he said i have no right to complain because i dont know how to build a house the pizza would still be bad.

Also are you talking about some bluray feature? because i dont see the "bigger" and "jigglier" on that webm.

While holding hands.

I would make her, Darkness, and Aqua my sex slave. The exploding midget needs to gain some breast if she wants me to pay attention to her. I don’t do flat-chested lolis.

I would also make the dead chick my slave too.

>and Aqua
You're making a huge mistake



Mission Vao from KOTOR


>no panties
>nice ass
>big breast
I’m making the right decision.

>annoying as fuck girl who no one wants around

lol no


>extremely loud and obnoxious
>cries all the time
>will vomit on your furniture

I want to rip the top part of her dress to reveal her breast and suck on her nipples.

Aqua is too much of a bro just to let her as sex slave/1 night stand.

She's literally wife material.

recommend me any doujin of her

Hey thread here's the real best girl

>self-cleaning onahole

can there be a more perfect woman?

>no panties
>nice ass
>big breast
I’ll manage