You will buy her game

You will buy her game

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Sorry I prefer the superior female jedi lead added to Star Wars in the last ten years

What if you were Daisy Ridley? Also is her name Daisy Ridley?

Yeah, not getting BF2 until it has superior waifu.

I will TIGHTEN those restraints.

>after she closes her mouth
>therefore never

>Kiddie shit CG show
>thinking shes better than Rey

l o l

You are aware that being a fat fuck like Jabba the Hut makes you immune to Jedi mind tricks? Basically what I'm saying is that your effort is wasted on Sup Forumsirgins.

What's wrong with liking system of a down?

Who would you cast as her in Episode IX Sup Forums?

Her mouth is so weird

Im not even gonna watch her movie

>Thinks Rey is anything of worth

Just admit you're on Disney's payroll.

Not guy your talking to but I think Daisy has a nice forehead

Um sorry user but you posted the wrong clone wars waifu

No, but I am buying HIS game

If she was like 50ft tall You could write things on her head and I think it would sell pretty good but I think that's the same for every forehead right?


Look I don't care about Star wars. I just like the cute English girl. That's all I came here to say.


I'm just talking about advertisement. I think she's cute but if they somehow got her 50ft tall and wrote ads on her forehead it would sell pretty well right? I'd buy it except like lady socks.


too old

I heard she was super slutty back in school.

Pardon my interruption into this conversation but what the hell are you talking about. You want to buy a 50ft Daisy Ridley or something?

Is EA Battlefront worth 4.50 just to play against bots? Wanna buy some Disney stocks?


I would buy that but not what I'm saying. If she was you could write ads on her forehead and it'd sell pretty well. Why not do that instead of the force?

But WHAT would sell very well? What exactly are you referring to?

>Jewish company buys Star Wars
>Puts a Jewish director on the series
>The first film they come up with stars a black man and a white woman who carries a long black pole

Biggest Mary Sue in the last 10 yers


Who's hotter? Daisy Ridley or Felicity Jones?

What's written on her forehead. It can sell a lot because she is a giant and Daisy Ridley. They saw her in Star Wars and now they think they can buy what she's selling.


>Prequel/OT had all these wonderful aliens that could fill the role of the nigger or other human minorities
>use generic droopy faced shit all with the same look and human flesh color palette
Somebody post it.

Don't forget their equivalent to the Executor/Super Star Destroyer analog from the OT is...just making it fatter.


Yeah the "new" alien designs in TFA and Rogue One and what we've seen in the previews/trailers for TLJ are terrible.

It's pretty accurate, though there wouldn't be 2 sequels after the Force Awakens - half the party would quit because the girlfriend would claim all the loot for themselves and then the GM would defend her rather than call her out for screwing with everyone.

I loved Rogue One desu

Which one would win in a fight to the death?

What was cool about ship and starfighter designs in the PT was you can see the natural evolution of them to their modern successors in the OT. ARCs to X-Wings, Y-Wings being "new" top of the line light bombers/fighter hybrids mid-way into the Clone Wars, Venators being the evolution from Victory-class Star Destroyers to Imperial-class Star Destroyers, Maul's personal starship being a precursor to Vader's Tie-Advanced, and V-Wings along with the Deltas, etc...

What did we get in the ST? Nothing new design wise except uglier and bulkier Star Destroyer and visually identical Tie-Fighters and X-Wings for the most part.

What's with with Disney and the horrible OTnigger pandering? We've seen all this shit in episodes 4-5. Why not pickup on the Vong storyarch instead of recycling a New Hope with literally fucking who Mary sue's that nobody gives a shit about. Oh I know why because highlighting Communism as an evil goes against the narrative.

They actually made everything uglier in ST.

>retarded looking ape-knuckle dragging super AT-ATs
>obese SSDs
Shit is disgusting. Still not as nasty as Daisy Ridley's face mind you.


All this cool shit brought up in the Clone Wars never used...god why did Georgie have be such a fat fucking sellout?


He was going to keep the Clone Wars CGI series going as long as he could on top of nearly finishing most of the pre-production for Underworld, a live-action series that was going to mainly focus on a young adult Boba Fett (played by the same actor who stared as kid Boba in Episode II) set between RoTS and ANH. It still bothers me badly how this never came to be.

>Clone Wars was going to go into Episode 3
>1313 nearly about to release
This is the fucking shittiest timeline to be alive in. This fucking garbage meant to replace Clone Wars is shit.

Don't forget the canceled Darth Maul game.

Why do the Light sabers look like fucking toothpicks in Nu-Clone Wars?

Because a) Rebels was forced on the writers and animators to pander to "pre-Special Edition" aesthetics of the Original Trilogy so Disney can keep wacking off to Ralph while soullessly descreating his original art style and the old visual effects of the pre-updated OT as much as possible.


>no jedi knight with this engine
What the fuck are they waiting for?

Han Solo game first

>movies by Disney
>games by EA
>comics by Marvel

Lucas really did get the last laugh didn't he?

>Kiddie shit
>Show multiple deaths and people getting their heads cut off.

Only time Grevious really deserved to win was kicking the shit out of the witch clan.
Watch it happen in real time

I guess OTniggers are to blame for constantly shitting on Lucas with their super autism over some subpar movies
>you think I'm shit? Well enjoy Star Wars and episodes 4-5 now for all eternity! Assholes!
Too late to say come back, we're stuck with Mary sue goblin faced hags, sweaty niggers and angsty edgelords forever.

Yeah absolutely. And I hope every single fag that shit talked the Prequels gets to eat their own shit while being apologists for the Sequels. I mean I fully understand why Disney did not want to let Dark Horse keep the comic license after it expired because they own Marvel but christ most of the artwork for their Star Wars new stuff is god awful. Hell they are micro-managing Del Rey's writers and independent authors so a lot of the new books are terrible as well. This is probably Lucas' last laugh on us, we took him for advantage and now we get to get raped by EA ruining Star Wars games while Disney throws the films and TV shows into the gutter till the cashcow is all squeezed dry.

Is that cum? Not a vore fetishist but I'd love to rub my erect penisary glans on her teeth if you catch my drift.

Looking back this show was fucking brutal to be played on kids channel like Cartoon Network. Things like substance reference, torture, executions and slavery with the zygerrions was fucking nuts for kids.

Clone Wars wasn't even a kid's show, it was aimed at a general family audience hence why it always had that PG rating.


I defend TFA in most aspects but the ships are creatively bankrupt. Rogue One had more new and unique ships, which is fucking ridiculous.

As much as the new designs are cool, all we got in TFA were updates Xs and TIEs.

I think rebels should have had all new designs, maybe somewhere along the way they can throw in an X wing poe has to pilot or something to get nostalgiabux. But too late for that

Why Disney Star Wars is so shit? I miss George Lucas, at least his movies are original.


Nothing to do with her though. Real reason is EA.

>laser gattling gun

Cherrypicking, sabercoptering is awful but Rebels is better than TCW imo as a whole.

I can just as easily point out the Jar-Jar/Windy team up arc and say clone wars is shit (I don't think that, they're both great)

Do you have actual retard type autism?

>Show multiple deaths and people getting their heads cut off.
Yes, that's literally kiddie shit for white males.

that doesn't look like a gun with actual bullets
blasters shouldn't behave like that

>friends planning to buy lootboxes
>will have to buy them to not fall behind


It's plasma you fucking pillock. A matter that has mass and can create slow projectiles.

You clearly are underaged if that's acceptable for kids TV these days.

>buying p2w crateshit games

It was alright just forgettable and not necessary to explain why an architect has a flaw in his building. Knowing Disney they're going to make Rogue Two to explain that throwaway line about bothans dying getting the Death Star 2 plans.

you could have the same fire power with a full auto plasma blaster
you don't need to carry around such heavy weapon if you can do the same with a lighter full auto rifle
but then again clones are stupid as fuck

He did nothing wrong

>what is overheating
Christ you must have horsefucker and barneyfag kind of autism to be this fucking retarded. Multiple barrels in the heavy weapon means heat is distributed equally for continuous fire.

who commited treason the jedi or sheev????

So Visceral just got shitcanned by EA.

Nu Battlefront 2 is now pretty much confirmed to be the only Star Wars game we are getting for the foreseeable future now

Looks like Ross.

Sheev. He was undermining the Republic and this little war he caused was the death of billions.

From my point of view the Jedi are the traitors.

Why is everyone in The Force Awakens so ugly?

This shit is so stupid

How far in the future does this play?
Why would they fucking gun each OTHER DOWN STANDING 10 FEET AWAY?
God Star wars is so fucking shit

The jedi because they would have thrown the galaxy into turmoil had they attempted to overthrow him. The senate was full of corruption and Sheev exploited it to his gain then stamped it out entirely.

Only part of Rogue One I saw was this battle on Jew Tube

Was the rest of the movie this attentive to the little details like Red and Gold Leader, Red 5 and the most important thing Everyone having British accents?

I might be assed to watch it if so.

What noise does he make Sup Forums?

yes, Rogue One is good and it's fucking great compared to VII

How did the one black guy and horned guy forget to parry and immediately get impaled and slashed?

I thought originally maybe they were just padawan who froze up and Sheev cut them down first, but then I find out they're fucking Jedi Masters. That's disgraceful.

>muh underaged
Not an argument. I don't hear any complaints from parents about this show. Also, kid's shows always had violence, adult references, and sexual innuendo. This isn't new '''these days'''

Rogue One is actually pretty cool in some aspects but it's still rebel propaganda. Don't look up the last scene because it is the coolest fucking tie in to ANH.

Wookieepedia has some real autistic fucks and in the novel they explain he moves so fast that they couldn't do shit combined with that ARGGGH being a force ability to demoralize enemies.

If you have to ask.

Here have Darth Vader's castle.

>mfw I was hyped for nu ppg but then found out no Bellum

I could have ignored the meme shit if they had her.