Defend this

defend this

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Their work, their vision.

If it offends you just walk away.

I like the part where he goes ouch you hurt my atoms

I don't wanna

That would be more effort than the devs ever put into this cringe game

south park's been offending people for years

i guess they finally got around to offending you

I don't give a shit. It's funny. Fuck off.

veedeo g-game?

Unironically, it's ok when south park does it

South Park is comedy. You just posted a picture of a joke. If your so up tight you want people to defend jokes then you need to go to the gas chamber.

its a joke and doesnt actually affect the difficulty

Matt and Trey just outed their only viewers.

If they acted like civilized humans this wouldn't be the case. Obama proved that.

wait so does Sup Forums think this is funny or does it offend them now? I struggle to connect with the new post-2016 posters

just to clear this up before anons say it does absolutely nothing, it changes dialogue and how much money you recieve from quests.

It doesn't affect combat difficulty, which is a different setting.

I'll only buy this on sale but thats not a new joke, plus I doubt it actually changes anything in the game save for maybe a few lines of dialogue.

>i-its just a joke bro

It offends everybody. Sup Forums is offended but so are SJWs like polygon.

Same, i wish there was a board that kept the pre-2007 Sup Forums culture. Shit was the best

Hi Sup Forums. How are you enjoying your cultural enrichment of Sup Forums? When do you plan to permanently fuck off?

It is tho.

>being so buttblasted you try to claim South Park isn't a joke

You sure got me with those hot arguments

why would SJWs be offended at this joke? theyve been pushing le white privlege maymay for years

SJWs are offended by this joke, they're all on Sup Forums though

look at polygon's review or all the SJW thinkpieces this spawned. They think it's SRS BUSINESS and shouldn't be joked about

>SJWs are offended by this joke
No they aren't

It's a joke

Yes they are, both the Alt left and the Alt right got butt blasted from this.
Seriously how fucking new are you?

yes they are, look at polygon and neogaf. they are shitting the game for a "lack of perspective" or whatever

>south park managed to offend you

That's just sad.

>SJWs can't be right wing

it's funny

proofs please

it's a joke yes but i'm surprised game journos aren't making a big complaint about this

So its true that being black actually does give you less money but they give you welfare to make up the difference right?
Still waiting on a crack

>Southpark manages to make Sup Forums and tumblr asspained with a single joke

Only game I will be playing on very easy. I refuse to be a literal fucking nigger.

it's funny

even if it's not funny in and of itself the massive amounts of butthurt it continues to generate definitely is funny


>Black waiting for crack

Who cares? If you're offended by this, or anything else in South Park, you should gas yourself.


Unironically, do black player hate this? You'd think not all of them would want to play this game on hard mode. Same with whites who aren't racist, but wanted to play a more difficult version of the game as themselves.

>not playing as a delicious brown girl/trap

>sjws are mad at this
show me literally one sjw who is mad at this

Isn't this just saying blacks are stupider and weaker therefore the world is harder for them

>your race is retarded and commits crime and draws unnecessary police attention to itself
>not being more difficult if you're just a normal black guy

that chart is true. Are you disagreeing with the fact that black people make it harder for their fellow black people to live normal lives?

>muh SJWs hated it too!
>This difficulty slider doesn’t play out in the same way, but it’s only fitting that a show that attempts to lampoon society would throw in a little reference to white male privilege.

I was really upset until I learned it didn't actually affect gameplay. Just npc interactions.


people claiming that SJWs hated this joke are lying to themselves

the SJWs are praising the show for "shedding a light on white male privilege"

Black should be easy and white should be hard.

This way it gives incentive to people to play in hard mode because nobody wants to be a nigger.

Also because it's realistic. When you're black you get affirmative action making your life a whole lot easier than someone that is white or asian.

Being black is like life on easy mode.

it is a joke though.

You seem triggered, OP


It doesn't affect gameplay. It's just a joke. The combat difficulty is a completely different setting.

>be nigger
>get shot

bix nood

black guy here

I don't want quest money to change based my character reflecting who i am in real life. If it were just this menu I wouldn't care but there is clearly some political message when it lasts the ENTIRE game. Like 80% into the game will you really be laughing when you receive less money than you would if you were white? Fuck off just let me have a character that looks like me without pushing some stupid message. Even if black people are somehow universally payed less than white people for doing the same work, i play games to escape reality, fuck off

i can't
blue hair is gross

>having a low iq and being part of the most violent race is easy

getting into a nice college and having SAT requirements be a bit lower does not negate the fact that as a black person you have a large chance of living in a black area and living in a black area means you have a high chance of having a shit life

>not linking the review

Wow you sure showed me, you stupid faggots

>Sure, I watched some of the show when I was in high school, rattling off catchphrases with my friends and giggling when my mom got upset with me. But I’ve long since grown out of it; I probably haven’t watched a full episode in a decade or more.

>Well, except for girls. There’s only one, and her superhero persona is Call Girl. See, she uses her hacking powers to bust into electronics through her phone and wreak havoc, but “call girl” is also a euphemism for “prostitute.” Get it? I’ll talk more about the humor later.

>South Park: The Fractured But Whole’s obsession with farts isn’t anything new — it was present in The Stick of Truth as well — but it provides all the insight you need into the game’s approach to comedy. When it’s not spouting fart and shit jokes, The Fractured But Whole lets loose a torrent of lightly racist and sexist stereotypes for laughs. Some of the game’s cutting-edge attempts at jokes include such hilarious observational humor as “Mexicans will work for very little money” and “strippers are catty.”

>But the game was constantly jabbing at me for even caring about this stuff. The aforementioned meeting with Mr. Mackey balloons into a lengthy question-and-answer session where he tries to get every detail about your gender and sexuality right while seeming exasperated. And elsewhere, the PC Principal grants you “social justice certification” and teaches you how to spot microaggressions in battle, which he then explains in detail. It feels like there was a tug of war in development of The Fractured But Whole between being surprisingly accepting and forward-thinking, but also making sure it’s all still one big joke.



How do these 'master race' Sup Forumstards justify their superiority while falling apart at shit like this?

If that's the best humanity has to offer then maybe we all do deserve the bomb

I did link the article you fucking mongoloid


South Park: The Fractured But Whole has a strange, tense relationship with progressive ideology. There was a lot of controversy surrounding its “difficulty setting” options, wherein difficulty is represented by the color of your skin: The darker your skin, the higher the challenge.

As it turns out, this option doesn’t affect combat difficulty, but it does lead to some harsh comments from random characters. I chose the darkest skin available for my character. At one point early in the game, I walked into the police station and a cop shouted out, “Who let this thug in here?” At another, a person sitting on a bench commented, “South Park sure is getting urban,” as I walked by.

Later in the game, a meeting with school counselor Mr. Mackey leads to you choosing your gender identity. You eventually get to define your sexual orientation, your race and your ethnicity. I was able to play the game as a pansexual agender black American, which is pretty stunning compared to what’s possible for player choice in most games.

Of course, it’s South Park, so it all has to come back to jokes — and those jokes sometimes cut in the wrong direction. The Fractured But Whole attempts to keep responses to these choices light and positive. For example, Cartman told my character that they “don’t look like a boy or a girl; you’re kind of like Prince!” That’s … cool, I guess!

The aforementioned meeting with Mr. Mackey balloons into a lengthy question-and-answer session where he tries to get every detail about your gender and sexuality right while seeming exasperated. And elsewhere, the PC Principal grants you “social justice certification” and teaches you how to spot microaggressions in battle, which he then explains in detail. It feels like there was a tug of war in development of The Fractured But Whole between being surprisingly accepting and forward-thinking, but also making sure it’s all still one big joke.

you linked an old preview from months ago, not even the review, you fucking retard.

Does it actually affect difficuilty?

It used to be middle age moms getting triggered by south park. Now it's teenagers. Fucking hilarious desu

>People still get mad at southpark
Its been like 25 years and people still take the fucking bait. Im impressed.


and its why the left is going to destroy itself if it keeps this up. Even their pet minorities are waking up to this shit.

it affects quest rewards and dialogue. combat difficulty is a different setting.


Yes, yes it is.

I am an old South Park watcher.

But fuck them for being SJW loving fucks. Why am I forced to play as a fucking NIGGER when I want to play a game in hard mode.

haha you guys told it was just a prank. Apparently it is not LOL xD

unironically this

>portrait jews as greedy asshole
>portrait mexicans as useless bags that do anything for 2 pesos, yet end up being top of everyone at the end
>the man who clean shit from the toilets is called mr Venezuela
>white people are pedophiles
>there's been one episode where all the blacks around the world are buttblasted because someone said nigger
>yet everyone is ass with a black joke

well just learn to not parrot everything, it has been said it didn't change anything

just play as a white person and throw away your money. now your game is just as hard as black mode.

bugs... easy on the jokes

you can't be a girl

>tfw you lucked out and grew up in a white neighborhood
Got dealt a good hand

You're exactly the type of person they're looking to irritate with this completely intentional "mechanic", and it worked. matt and Trey are still masters at their craft.

that slider doesn't actually affect difficulty though

It's a joke. A pretty good one actually.

South Park exists to offend and take the piss out of everyone and everything. If you're getting your panties in a bunch over the skin color slider you're just another pussy wipe knee jerk snowflake that the show loves to piss off. Congrats your literal retardation and being such a soft skinned fuck the mere mention of black people makes you cry into your MAGA hat.

It's really funny to see people say things like "100 100 100 100 lit when south park truth speakin'"

>Who is Spencer?

It's satire man, I get that we're all sick of being bombarded with false narratives from the left but it is just a joke. The new Wolfenstein looks a lot preachier than a cashgrab South Park game ever would be.

Is this true? Is life as a nigger difficult?


I thought the team announced it was a joke, the slider doesn't actually change anything.

>No one fucking posted this
Is Sup Forums just slow or are mods actively deleting this?

Just think at the people who frequent Sup Forums. Do you think they have the genes to save ANY race?

Also, how fucking soft do you have to be to get offended by South Park in 2017, this shit has been happening for 20 years, people who were born during the 3rd season can already post here and rustling jimmies is what they've been doing since forever.

You can be now. from watching female gameplay, the boys have dialogue where they don't realize you are a girl and the game just pretends the boys never realized you were a girl ever.

It's a joke. Stop being a sensitive little bitch.

No, you get money from the gubment and everyone pitys you; making you get even more gibs

>Is life as a nigger difficult?
Nah. You just rap and become famous.

pretty sure the blacker you are the less money you get but it doesn't change battle difficulty

No wonder South Park is straight up "Cuckoldry: the show" in 2017.