Give an example of this

Give an example of this.

the set of integers

Mass Effect


Metal Ge...pffthahahah sorry


Dragon quest?
it's rare for game these days to get better
it's always 2

It's actually true for Metal Gear as a whole, just not the Solids

But Dragon Quest is 2

Paper Mario

Mario & Luigi games


3 and 4 are way better than 1


Megaman Zero

Breath of Fire


I don't know a single series where the fourth game is the best one.



Dead Space 1 > 2 > 3

I'd argue Super Mario since I grew up on World and it's got a lot of nostalgic value for me. Objectively it may be wrong, but for me it's right.

Wait, I'm retarded and read the OP image backwards.

same :|

From what ive heard Partners in Time is bad compared to super star saga, and many people believe Bowser Inside Story to be the best, for me Super star saga and BIS are on the same level.

Ratchet and Clank

Grand Theft Auto

Far Cry series

Final Fantasy

I thought about jokingly posting this but you beat me to it

Classic Mega Man.

Rune Factory

I was literally shitposting with the epitome of examples of how to ruin a good series of games.

Breath of Fire

Final Fantasy

Monster Hunter

Star wars movies

maybe if you count the total war games as one series.

the release order is shogun, medieval, rome, and medieval II.

But just to complete the series
1 < 7 < 2 < 5 < 8 < 10 < Bass < 3 < 6 < 4 < 9

Ace combat too
It hurts to much user

Sim City

Pokemon generations.

The Legend of Zelda

Unironically the only true answer. They improved features every game and made it more fun each game

But mass effect 2 is better than 1

Final Fantasy
The first six games got better with each and every one.

Streets of Rage but there isn't a 4th one
Mortal Kombat

Super Robot Wars.

Trauma Center

oh shit I read the image wrong

ITT: expose retards who read the image wrong



That aside,
>UC 1 better than 2
>Sonic 1 better than 2
>SoR better than 2
>MK2 better than the shell of a game that was MK1
I dunno bout this.

Gears of War

i'm a moron and i accidentaly used < instead of >


Wizardry (4 is the hardest game ever made)
Amm... Street Fighter?
Sonic (4 = Sonic Mania)
Final Fantasy (Though I'd argue 1>3)
Dragon Quest
Donkey Kong...
Warcraft (no 4)
Silent Hill (except 4)
Civilization (4 is better than 3, fuck you)
Gran Turismo (4 is a masterpiece)
Tomb Raider (Original PS1 ones)
Castlevania (except 1>2)
Etrian Odyssey

I don't agree with it but there's probably people that think this way about Resident Evil.

Resident Evil

Remember folks < is less than and > is greater than (also for quoting)

Why would anyone assume you're being ironic here?

Only Americans don't understand that

Could be Yakuza maybe. Personally I like all 5 that I played equally.

Dark souls if 1=DeS, 2=DaS1 etc

Except that's only 1 > 2 > 3. The 4th fucking sucked.

Sonic 1 < Sonic 2 < Sonic 3&K < Sonic Mania
sonic 4 isnt real and doesnt exist shut up

bad taste

Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure

>part 3 better than part 2

Fuck off, nothing trumps Phantom Blood.

Except for literally every part after it

Have you ever read Fist of the North Star?
Or any other 80's battle shounen?


but 2 and 1 are better than 3

>better than anything

Dynasty Warriors. 1 being a shit fighting game, 2 was just meh as fuck. The only debate would be whether you put 3 or 4 first but 3 is really just for the sweet memes and Archer Ambushes making your balls retract into your body.
Four and Five are where the game peaked.

The rivalry of Jonathan Joestar and Dio Brando make Part 1 the best. Jotaro was a shit protag.
I know it heavily parodies FotNS, but never read or watched it. Are you saying I should go find it right now?


Are you stupid?

Dragon Age

Devil May Cry.

Even up to the special edition.

FoTN is fucking meme tier garbage. Outside of "ur already le dead XD" it's boring as shit.

Halo 4 was garbage though

What counts as Kirby 4, though? Super Star?

pc98 touhou

metroid prime


Super Mario World

Why exactly do you think that the 4th one is better that the 3rd?

Final fantasy

Literally Dead Rising.

the only example i can think of in this thread that i agree with

probably dreamland 1-3 and 64

DT is the best so far. Shitposting indeed.

It says less than, not greater than

Except 3 is hot trash compared to 1&2.

Fallout but unironically.

Mass Effect


This. Disgaea easily takes it up all the way 1 < 2 < ... < 6.

Generally, long-running Japanese games tend to follow the upward trend since they usually don't have stuff to screw up.

>long-running Japanese games tend to follow the upward trend since they usually don't have stuff to screw up.
I wish.