Wolfenstein game

>Wolfenstein game
>you shoot KKK instead of Nazis


Other urls found in this thread:


>implying KKK and nazis are not the same thing

Oh shit a ghost

who cares ?

do you like the KKK ?

Because they're allied with the Nazis, you see. It's no different than shooting at Japanese soldiers in a WWII game

the KKK are libertarians

Reminder that Sup Forums is the lowest IQ board in Sup Forums and people don't even try to hide that they are from reddit/neogaf/leftypol

Wtf i like kkk now

thats the german version

Eh, no loss there.


>playing as a terrorist disrupting a peaceful society
what did Wolfenstein mean by this?

>In a german game

No user

>German version

>nazis won
>99,9% of the people are now whites
>the KKK still needs to exist

you mad drumpfkin?


I don't understand this either.
They tell you in your face the Nazis didn't occupied yesterday, so why the fuck are KKKs ghosts still around?

nazis didnt kill the nigs

Because America is a country of mutts. Even "white" Americans are hodgepodges of Anglo, Celtic, Mediterranean, Scandinavian, Germanic and Slavic genetics.

The Nazis know this and thus they don't shill their Germanic pride stuff in America. Why is Sup Forums so retarded?

ok u know what, the nazis was alright but this is too far.
I like the kkk, their nice people. have you even MET a kkk member? probably not. fuck this game. pirating it.

Why the fuck are they still wearing their bedsheet ghost costumes? It makes no fucking sense to include the KKK into this. The Nazis had a very different view point on things compared to the KKK. Nazis had an entire political ideology behind them (National socialism) While as far as I can tell the KKK does not.

The KKK obviously allied themselves with the nazis when they took over, and will fight along side them. Not a difficult concept.

Nazis would send KKK to camps in instance for being cultists, like they did to Jehovah's Witnesses and other freaks. The developers should've knew that btw.

While wearing stereotypical bed sheet uniforms?

because it isn't just about removing niggers, people like being in a cult and shit

This is Sup Forums, not Sup Forums.

That's literally what the KKK wears.

Cool, hopefully the bullet holes show up well on their white robes

why do they still wear the ghost getup though?

why KKK then ?
why not some burger cult or something, who would even come up with KKK when there are almost no non whites(we'll count americans as white this time)?

From what i understand they're some sort of Hilfswillige in the game.

Neo-Sup Forums is literally Sup Forums

to stay anonymous, why do they need to bother if the government is literally endorsing them?

>should have knew

Heh, maybe the blood will turn their clothes pink.

Yeah no shit but why would they wear them in a fire fight? If they are allied with nazis why not give them some more appropriate battle attire? Like hooded body armor or some shit? Why even have hoods at all?(in this context since you clearly cant into reading)

now show traffic for Sup Forums

Why would actual Nazis support KKK?
The Nazis in germany disbanded every other bigger group starting with catholic groups to protastant group etc.
Why would they allow this fat ghost warriors?
They would be disbanded

>to stay anonymous
not even close, retard
they take off their masks and pose for photos all the time, it's just their getup

because they DO wear them to fights in real life.

Because wolfenstein became about liberal agenda, kkk and nazis hated each other, but libs too retarded to know that

Because they're useful idiots?

The Germans made good use of local collaborators in the countries they occupied.

>have you even MET a kkk member?
There are 63 million of them :^)

the KKK probably helped them take over the US in exchange for immunity/favorable treatment

why the fuck would the kkk uniform exist like this in this universe? half the point of it was to cover identity. If the entire nation is nazi then why do it?

Is this bait? Or is this really the state of >american education?

Like as americans, how many people do you regularly see that think this is the case?

Are people actually buying this

The devs actually don't know absolutely shit, like most libtards out there.
Hell, they think the resistance being communists means they seek a liberal society or some shit, when in reality they would just be the other side of the same totalitarian coin, just like Nazis.

its nu-Sup Forums, neo-Sup Forums was just reddit

but have you ever actually met one?

they hated each other

What if all the niggas started larping as the KKK, to hide their skin colour from the Nazis?
That's why we don't see any of them around.

I've talked to Trump supporters yeah

The closest thing I have was a guy with a White Power tattoo. He does handiwork in my neighborhood complex and works without a shirt sometimes. And he has severe mental problems.

KKK had huge marches openly on the streets already in early 1900s when it was at its largest in those bedsheets.

>That's why we don't see any of them around.
surely it can't be because the nazis and the KKK KILLED THEM ALL because the NAZIS WOULD NEVER DO SUCH A THING

the only way this game can redeem itself is if it lets me kill that communist fuck and his buddies,
the agenda in this game is so obvious it's practically tangible.

>And he has severe mental problems.
Well I mean, that's sort of part of the package.

Now, they just needs some Confederates.

It would be historically incorrect if the communist doesn't try to fuck over the Poles over somewhere along the line. And given that BJ is Polish-American.....

They broke the NAP all the time you retard.

if you go to the klan website they have a section stating that they fucking hate nazis. the klan is an all american organization and nazis are blatantly anti-american

Now don't be frantic. There is absolutely no record of such "purges" or "genosides" you are referring to.

BJ is jewish, jews are not poles.

>still this assblasted about the election


Liberal education at work

Germans and the KKK are the same thing dude.

Jewish Pole.


It's not hard to understand why nazis would use the KKK as useful idiots to control the US populace. Especially considering the fact that this is video game writing.

he's, polish, has been since wolf 3d. where is this idea that he's jewish coming from?

KKK hated all non-WASPs and immigrants, including Germans and their filthy beer drinking habit. It's why the klan supported prohibition. Ironically KKK would have been one of the resistance groups.

he isnt jewish

Absolutely no.
The KKK seek a libertarian society, something like what the Confederates wanted, but minus niggers.
The Nazis were full totalitarians.
They both absolutely hated each other because of that.

They wouldn't because KKK are cultists and therefore should be put into camps

Wolfenstein is all about killing bad guys. It totally makes sense in the context of the game killing those KKK guys alongside the Nazis.

>rat shaped head freak is also retarded
someone post the image so that the newfags know who they're replying to.

Why do liberal whites hate themselves?


what is conservative education? it seems like all the top colleges are liberal.

>Wolfenstein is all about killing bad guys
>you dont murder niggers and commies as soon as you see them
pick one

He's jewish in New order devs confirmed it

Internalized feelings of inferiority. T.Kaczynski



read a fuckin book

>Giving the remotest shit about lore revisions from a company that has fuck-all to with the creation of Wolfenstein

>all those obvious ironic shitposts
Rope yourself newfaggot

Why would someone who looks like that upload a picture of himself?

you are the goodest goy

We are talking about the reboot series retard.

>i'm mature, i don't care what other people think of me
>tripfags in charge of not being complete autists
one of these two reasons

And Britain is home to some of the oldest democratic bodies in the world, but Hitler still liked Britain.

>mearly pretending!

Everytime. The only bait is very low quality on post gamergate Sup Forums, every libtard is genuine, or only slightly embellished to make people upset, but they mean what they say.

And that changes what exactly?

Look man IDK I'm just a game developer. All I know is shoot bad guys = fun and nazis and kkk are racists so they would be friends. Reading history isn't in the job description.

...and Brits liked Hitler, minus his pretensions to become "Master of Europe".

It means BJ is a kike in Wolfenstien no matter how much it doesn't fit your headcanon.

Over half of them are bait and Sup Forums memes, you're just a newfag.