Came here to post this as a reminder ;^)

Came here to post this as a reminder ;^)

-Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

You have 5 minutes to get a 5 in this thread before I blow it up.

Fuck off.
Nobody cares.
Trump or Hillary arent videogames
They both suck, both are disgraces to the proudful nation of America.
Shillary would have been a shit president Trump is a shit president.
I had the small hope as small as the brain of the avarage Sup Forumslack that he would atleast be a president that shits on the establishment.

But so far everything he does, everybody he supports is a fucking shill and not a patriot.
America will be shit for another 3 years until it elects The Rock in 2020.

Does yours count?

i feel like polfags dont actually care what trump does. kinda strange that theyre still so devoted.

It's ok lads, if this is DBZ time we're using we should have at least six hours

Did (You) get it?

You sure seem to care a lot, tripfag.

Honestly I think most of them don’t care what he does because he was a big fuck you to everyone who doubted them and this is the autist’s big win.

lmao Sup Forums btfo again

Who cares?

I care enough to post my opinion. yeah i wasted 40 seconds of my life posting this wuhu

Back to Sup Forums you negroid

Trump is a buffoon whose presidency has been a disaster but it's far more enjoyable to witness than what Hillary's would have been.

Trump causes extreme butthurt and meltdown's everyday by just being a fairly balanced president. He's perfect in terms of trolling standards, what's not to like?

>I'm better then all of you because I'm a centrist! ;^)

dunno about hillary but Trump is against videogames, just like every other republican. wouldn't want him as my president if I were an American

they haven't touched vidya yet but that's probably because they are too incompetent to change anything

And done

holy shit

vee BTFO

>whose presidency has been a disaster

>16 shitendo threads hidden
Feels good board quality increased by a mile.

I agree tbqh famalamadingdong.

How about we flood Sup Forums with vidya threads?

they haven't achieved anything. They haven't implemented their Muslim ban or their impossible wall, they didn't change obamacare, they didn't defeat ISIS "in 30 days", they haven't dealt with North Korea.
The only thing they seem to care about is the tax cut for the ultra rich. It's pathetic compared to the countless things obongo administration did.

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

They don't care about vidya. The liberals are the conservatives of the 90s - they're the ones patrolling content and complaining if something doesn't have enough women or black people. Surely you've seen enough over the last few years to realise gaming is being threatened far more by the left than the right.

Here's a reminder for you, too: you chucklefucks make Sup Forums look good.

you can take your trip and stick it up your ass pal

compared to blacked threads and other retarded slide threads, we’d gladly welcome them.

What's the point of this thread?


What exactly has he done except constantly make grandiose promises he can't keep and fire his staff? He's just exacerbated tension with NK without resolving it. It's all a big joke. Every time he speaks, he sounds like he's in way over his head.


>the countless things obongo administration did.
You mean like raise the country's debt through the roof?


not so sure about that. the left complains a lot because they want to change vidya in order to push their shit through it. the right and especially the puritans of the republican party want to ban vidya altogether. Both are harmful but hardcore republicans are way worse.

What's wrong with being a centrist?

Kill yourself ban-evading Argentinian (Barneyfag).

>I'm so insecure about my fucking political believe that i saved comics about every other political idealogy to mock them

Thats the pathetic part about Sup Forumsacks they are on the same level as SJW's in therms of arguing.
American politics today is :
The loudest retard get the most attention or lets pander to the loudest most obnoxious group of people we have.
One of the 100 reasons why your 2 p

The ''muslim ban'' went through again a few weeks ago, yet the reason why you don't hear from it, is because the dems finally conceded defeat on that one.

Are there any games based on politics that aren't dogshit?


It's like it's really 2007 again.

>If you aren't a nazi or a commie, you're a faggot with no convictions!
Hang yourself

Reichers and communists get upsetti when you don’t pick a side.

Centrism isn't a political ideology

Trump isn't right wing enough.

Ponies are cute.

watch this....................


HAHAHAHA Sup Forums btfo

too little too late. also completely nonsensical. Includes random countries but not top terror nations like Saudi Arabia


>your 2 party system

if you don't live in the US then your opinion doesnt mean jack shit, now fuck off


>when even the extremists only thrive to vote for centrist candidates

Oh thats easily explained:
Go on a cancerous forum like Neogaf and watch how you get banned just for stating things that dont fit in their agenda like hormones for children or 56 genders or not accepting the faith white supremecy in America is real.
Now go to the toilet of 4chans Sup Forums and see what they think about your opinion to not kill all jews and/or niggers or that taxes arent theft. They will spam you with their insults.
Both these xtreme sites hate centrist because a centrist doesnt fit their objective to shit on people from the other side.

>politics are team sports for me, democrat and conservative doctrines are set in stone bullet points of god with zero overlap ever and there is absolutely no way you could ever just take the good from both and ditch the stupid shit to get actually good system, no sir, I need someone to cheer for and someone to get angry at
yes you are a fucking retard


Nope, they're SHIT.



Are you implying that your way is objectively correct and that anyone who disagrees with is fundamental and objectively wrong? Because it is important to remember that moderation is crucial to the health of a government or society and that without differing opinions there would be no individualism or democracy, the core basis of our society.

The only real problem with our system is the fact that people are unwilling to protest the two big ones. If people had stronger convictions in doing what’s right rather than what feels good then we’d be better off but of course we have Hillary and Trump, and the lolbert Gary..


this is now a Todd thread
post Todds, discuss

I'll just leave this here.