Itt: Games you liked but, for whatever reason, never finished.
Itt: Games you liked but, for whatever reason, never finished
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MGSV. I think I went on a business trip for a few days, and failed to pick it back up
I didn't get into castlevania until recently(because of the netflix series) and playing this right after SotN felt so dull in comparison that I couldn't even finish it
Almost all of them.
Xenoblade Chronicles I was enjoying it, then the Mecnosis's sword moved all those people died and I was about to take down Egil but I just quit and just sort of stopped caring. It's a pretty long game so I guess I just burned out
shadow of mordor
I actually really enjoyed the first area, then I got to the second one and i was like oh just more of this huh
so I collected all the runes and w/e they're called and decided that was enough
Resident Evil Outbreak. I really enjoyed it for some reason, don't remember anything about actually, but I think the farthest I got was having to turn switches on to electrocute a charging enemy. That, or a burning Hotel, which one came last.
Paper Mario TTYD. I don't know why but I stop at the shadow queen everytime I play, and I've gotten up to there probably 6 times on 6 different playthroughs
>Played new vegas 4 times
>Sinked hundreds of hours in it
>Never finished the main quest
San Andreas
I always get to the part where you get ran out of town and move to the boonies and lose interest
Dark souls iii
Got to the dancer boss and never picked it up again afterward
I've beaten Das I and II several times each but didn't finish iii
Dragon Quest 7, multiple times too
Sister's bf at the time stole the game
Tried emulating it years later, got all the way to disc 2 and save got corrupted
Tried playing 3DS version but wasn't liking it as much because nostalgia fag
Fatal Frame.
It has some of the most effective jump scares I've seen in any horror game. But navigating and backtracking through the mansion with the respawning ghosts hounding you every step of the way just makes me give up every time I take a crack at it.
The World Ends With You, it was one of the few games that I got excited to play, but for some reason just never finished it.
try this if you're having trouble
>Sister's bf
400+ hours. Never finished main quest.
I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream. I think I got done with most of it but so much time has passed I'll have to play it all over again to get to grips with what happened up until that point.
Can't remember why I stoppEEEEEEEEEEEEDDD!!!!!!
>Skyrim and Fallout 4
I have 557 hours in skyrim and have yet to even done more than talk to the grey beards.
Metroid Prime fuck that chozo quest who even gives a shit.
Hollow Knight
it wasn't bad but for some reason after beating the mantis lords boss i lost all interess into playing it
Alien: Isolation
Game is great, but damn it goes on for a long time. Put it down to play something else, forgot the mechanincs, etc
Most of them.
I find that the games that have top 10 potential I usually buy day one, drop halfway through, and then pick up a year later and play Christ's living shit out of.
Other than that most games just suck after 10 hours. They're good and it's easy to be optimistic and list what you like and what they did right, but keeping your attention one way or another is a rare thing for a video game.
The vast majority of games I play
Alien Isolation.
Quit both times around the same part, right after the first big game of hide and seek with the alien. I know it's a good game, but I get tired of it at that part.
Kojima didnt feel like finishing it either
Darkest dungeon
I like it but I lose like 3 level 6 heros in one battle and I haven't picked it back up.
>100% DDS1
>data transfer to 2
>get right to the end of game
>fight optional bosses
>get to satan
me too except i got to soul of cinder
still meaning to finish but i just don't feel motivated
Most of my game library is like that, I get near some climax point or slow portion of the game then drop them. When I was young I remember beating FFVIII over the span of two years or so because I'd drop it for a bit then come back to it at my leisure or as I got bored of other games. So I'd go from that to Sonic 3, to some random NES platformer, Ocarina of Time, latest PS1 platformer back to FFVIII making a little progress or playing a specific game more efficiently each time.
Now since I don't have the kid free time levels my gaming habit comes back to haunt me and I tend to never finish them off.
Hollow Knight
stopped playing for one too many days and completely lost track of what I was doing
Fallout 1. I've beaten FO2 multiple times but for some reason never finished 1.
Ring Runner.
I'm afraid to finish it, it's so good i want to save it for later.
Nier Automata
Too much porn modding?
It's not that I can't beat her, it's that I just can't be arsed to do it
Oh man, where do I start?
Perfect Dark
Zack & Wiki
King's Field II
Xanadu Next
Atelier Ayesha
Viewtiful Joe 2
Dragon's Dogma (Bitterblack Isle, I did beat the main game)
Etrian Odyssey IV
Hotel Dusk
Knights In The Nightmare
Megaman Battle Network 2
Dino Crisis
Deception IV
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
Minish Cap
I'm an absolute fucking wreck when it comes to this shit.
Final Fantasy VI
The first part of the game was great, but when I got to the World of Ruin I just stopped caring.
Tales of Berseria.
I really love the game, the gameplay, the cast and the story but the final dungeon just kills the whole fucking game for me. Way to unnecessary complicated.
It's a real slog until you hit the Abyss Watchers and picks up some more steam once you reach the Valley IMO
>orange castle
>gimmick boss
>gimmick boss
I really want to play it, but I just dont have the will to do it since I lost my save data. I was only 6 hours in so it's not terrible, I just really hate replaying games
Final Fantasy 12. Got to the 'point of no return' and just never turned the game back on
Shit taste.
Not him, but both of those games' main quests were boring as fuck, I didn't finish them either
Phantom Pain and Assassin's Creed 4
>Can't remember why I stopped
If I were to guess I'd say it was one of the ridiculously unfair puzzles.
It's a genuinely interesting game, but I'm pretty sure they went out of their way to make it near impossible to get the best ending without a guide.
Original Paper Mario
I downloaded it for a long vacation and was near the final area when the vacation ended but I never bothered finishing it.
I don't really get your shitty logic. How is he a cuck because his sister had a boyfriend? Did you know that a cuck is somebody who knowingly lets there lover fuck somebody else instead of them? Lurk more retard
Almost all of them.
I don't think I ever finished Dragon Quest IX
Same except I was ~30 hours into the game.
Also Nier: Automata.
DOOM 2016. I marathoned most of it, got near to the end and I just stopped playing it. It's still in my library, I just can't bring myself to complete those last levels for whatever reason.
>cuck apologist
Nu male.
idk kek i just wanted to say the meme :P
Metal Gear Solid V
Just Cause 3
Kung Fury Street Rage
Played everything except final boss. The game just wasn't made for boss fights, it's super awkward.
how come cuck is only filtered sometimes?
>I'm pretty sure they went out of their way to make it near impossible to get the best ending without a guide
That probably actually is the case. I remember reading something about Harlan Ellison originally wanting the game to be impossible to complete.
You are too pure for this website.
Hollow Knight
Basically all the Zelda games I've ever picked up aside from Minish Cap
FFV and FF7 just because I wiped my hard drive without thinking when I was half-way into both of them. Couldn't ass myself to start all over.
Hotel wash harsh level, man.
sounds about right
the action starts to build and then goes flat. the game could have easily done without that entire section
Knowingly? No, to be cuckolded, your WIFE sleeps with another man. Whether you know about it or not is irrelevant.
I've never not finished a game
how did you not finish mad world it's so short
Valkyrie Profile.
I'm not ready for Valhalla yet
Steamworld Heist
Baten Kaitos and Origins
Diablo 2
New Vegas
Tear Away
Lone Survivor
and a shit ton more
Mount and blade
like 500 hours still haven't completely conquered calradia
Disgaea 2
I probably gave up because I wasn't leveling characters properly.
Lufia II. I always complain how some good games are too short, and should instead be as long as possible, even if they add filler scenarios, but Lufia II proves me completely wrong, it's so dragged out that I never managed to complete it myself, I always get bored.
Isn't cuckolding actually raising another man's child though? You know, like cuckoos laying eggs for other birds to raise and take care of or whatever?
Fallout: New Vegas
Etrian Odyssey
Dragon Age: Origins
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia
Tales of Xillia
I want to finish them but I can't. Help me prioritize.
Play WoW haha. Also, dont reply to me.
Final Fantasy XIII, all three of them
The majority of games I've ever played. Most simply don't hold interest long enough
I remember playing this game when it came out. The one where this kid had psychic powers, I think I gave up at this circus world. I cant remember the name for the life of me.
Shadow of the Colossus, my PS2 died before I could deal with that fucker #16
I believe that's Psychonauts
Ah yes! that's it, it was an awesome game.
Dictionary definition refers to it as a wife who sleeps with someone other than her husband.
In fetish terms it usually refers to a man who gets off on his wife's infidelity.
REmake. I don't even know why, I love every second of it when I play it but I simply don't feel like playing it most of the time.
Okami. Got it around the time my parents defunct the game room, so I wasn't interested enough to keep setting up the Wii on temp screens just to finish it.
dark souls, probably my favorite game
did several playthroughs from 360 to PC but I just couldn't be bothered killing Gwyn after the lords
I blame gameplay videos
literally every Zelda game I've ever played.
I regularly play King's Bounty: The Legend for about 20 hours then stop, then come back and repeat 6 months to a year later.
Idk why I've never finished it. Really good game though.
God of war 2.
The game keeps crashing after I finish the fight with the first sister of fate and I can't be assed to try and fix it yet. probably because I bought 3-4 other games when I picked it up so I don't feel motivated to focus on any 1 of them yet.
Also Final Fantasy 12. it seems whenever I start to make progress again in that game I end up buying a new one and get sidetracked with that for a few months.
Magicka. My friends stopped playing and I was having difficulty on my own. I could never combo spells as quickly as I'd like.
I'm at a loss as to why I can't get myself to finish this game. It's really excellent but I just can't get myself to do it and this comes from someone who's favorite genre are platformers.
Portal 2
Majora's Mask
I love the atmosphere and gameplay but i'm just not autistic enough to play around the "diary" and three day cycle.
It's not even that it's hard, i just couldn't get into it. I finished the Deku dungeon and started Goron one but just stopped playing.
Dark Cloud 2 is the king of this subject
I must've played a fair 60 hours but I downloaded that big mod pack that installs by itself and it added this huge strip of land far east. There were so many quests, and most of them felt like filler, so I just lost interest. It was too vast and not interesting enough for my taste. I can appreciate the game and how fun it is to break but I'll always be an oblivion boi.
it aint that good if only for the final cutscene which can almost make you nostalgic with how long it takes to complete every dlc and main game side quest. If you completed most of the DLCs and like 90% of the main quest you didnt miss anything. You go in the dam, you kill people, and then a big lieutenant rushes up to you, says two lines of dialogue and cue the cutscene.
Dying Light