ea closes/kill another studio, this time is the developers from dead space
Good job again EA.
ea closes/kill another studio, this time is the developers from dead space
Good job again EA.
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and nothing of value was lost
dude no chance for dead space 4 what the hell ur talking about DS1 and 2 were great
good night sweet princess
Dead Space is overrated as all hell.
DS3 however was trash, mainly because of EA.
EA still owns the IP. Just because Visceral is gone it doesn't mean there can't be more Dead Space.
Thread theme
EA is literally the grim reaper of game studios. Why does anyone support them? A better question is, why would anyone allow themselves to be bought by them? They lay waste to every studio they touch.
Here's the dev of PCars talking about how EA destroyed his original company. Fucking evil.
>there are people on this board that still buy EA products
I wonder how much they pay to buy out these companies in the first place. I know that if I owned a company and I was actually passionate about what I was doing, EA would be the last company I'd sell my shit to.
God damn it. Guys, I think this might be my fault. You know how Reddit killed Harper Lee? Well my buddy and I just started a Dead Space 3 LP and the first thing we talk about in the very first episode that went up today is whether Visceral was still around.
>dead space
good riddance
>the title will be reshaped "to be a broader experience that allows for more variety and player agency, leaning into the capabilities of our Frostbite engine and reimagining central elements of the game to give players a Star Wars adventure of greater depth and breadth to explore."
Fuck this isn't good. They want to appeal to all audiences.
Because employees don't own their own studio, I guess.
The owners do. What kind of stupid statement is this?
>tell visceral games
>last good game was Dead Space 2
>they made Dead Space 3
>can safely assume Dead Space 4 would have been garbage
Yeah, not at all surprising. Good riddance.
Less gaming. More gambling
The devs had 4 years to make this single player Star Wars game and they didn't even manage to make a single E3 video. They were literally draining EA's resources. Good riddance.
Sounds pretty Disney Wars to me, very fitting. Best of luck to them.
because capitalism lets big companies swallow up smaller companies without any sort of protection
it's fucking awful
>EA are incredinly rich and powerful yet all they do is publish shit games while liquidating small studios that make good games
Really activates my hazelnuts.
wtf does EA even have anymore besides star wars, battlefield, and sims? I hope they become a sports only game company in the future.
>TFW I liked Dante's Inferno
I...even have the platinum trophy.
Eh, I was holding out hope they'd get one more shot at it. DS3 was so widely panned it seemed like something they'd want to redeem themselves on, you know? Especially since 1 and 2 were so good, the studio clearly had talent. It's a damn shame Visceral's story ends with such an anticlimax. Now they're just another body on the stack of devs EA couldn't help but meddle with when they had a perfectly good thing going.
EA sucks, but Visceral wasn't even good?
Dead Space 1 was fun, Dead Space 2 was pretty good, but 3 was fucking balls.
Battlefield Hardline was also massively fucking balls.
They had no intentions of making a DS4, and the "Star Wars game" they were working on was going to be dogshit anyway.
Who gives a fuck that a mediocre company is now shut down.
If we spread a rumour that EA stocks are about to plummet, it just may happen.
RIP in piece A Pretty Good Studio
This is the best solution honestly.
I have no idea why Konami and EA don't just sell their IPs off. Either they have plans for a franchise or they don't. It's not like letting someone else make Silent Hills will impact pachinko sales, or a new Dead Space will compete with FIFA.
I want them to clost that studio that makes battlefront
Dead Space 3 was balls because of EA dickery.
It's obvious all control had been usurped by the EA suits by that stage.
You're right though, DA4 was never going to happen.
Except it will, in 10 years, as a soft-reboot, made by Dice using Frostbite 3.
The amazing statement that goes with it :
>Our industry is evolving faster and more dramatically than ever before. The games we want to play and spend time with, the experiences we want to have in those games, and the way we play…all those things are continually changing. So is the way games are made. In this fast-moving space, we are always focused on creating experiences that our players want to play…and today, that means we’re making a significant change with one of our upcoming titles.
>Our Visceral studio has been developing an action-adventure title set in the Star Wars universe. In its current form, it was shaping up to be a story-based, linear adventure game. Throughout the development process, we have been testing the game concept with players, listening to the feedback about what and how they want to play, and closely tracking fundamental shifts in the marketplace. It has become clear that to deliver an experience that players will want to come back to and enjoy for a long time to come, we needed to pivot the design. We will maintain the stunning visuals, authenticity in the Star Wars universe, and focus on bringing a Star Wars story to life. Importantly, we are shifting the game to be a broader experience that allows for more variety and player agency, leaning into the capabilities of our Frostbite engine and reimagining central elements of the game to give players a Star Wars adventure of greater depth and breadth to explore.
>This move leads to a few other changes:
>A development team from across EA Worldwide Studios will take over development of this game, led by a team from EA Vancouver that has already been working on the project. Our Visceral studio will be ramping down and closing, and we’re in the midst of shifting as many of the team as possible to other projects and teams at EA.
>Lastly, while we had originally expected this game to launch late in our fiscal year 2019, we’re now looking at a new timeframe that we will announce in the future.
>Bringing new Star Wars games to life for every passionate fan out there is what drives us as creators. It’s what has inspired us to deliver the massive new Star Wars Battlefront II experience launching in just a few weeks. It fuels our live service in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. Making games in the extraordinary Star Wars universe is truly a dream for so many of us at EA, and we have so many more experiences to come for players on every platform. We want to take the time to get each game right, to make it unique, to make it amazing.
Just another day for the TWO-TIME 2-TIME WORST COMPANY IN AMERICA...
Ironically enough the last EA game I've bought was Dead Space in 2008.
I will NEVER EVER buy another EA game again in my entire lifetime, this I swear to the death of my entire family and myself.
>"No, I won't sign the contract giving you complete control of the company."
So very difficult.
*keeps buying EA shovelware*
Why would they want to worry about any sci fi series when they have fucking star wars?
>dead space 1 and 2 are $3 on PS3
Good time to replay those.
I wish Amy Hennig would tell me her amazing stories while I fall asleep.
>being such a brainlet you can't grasp the complexity of running a third party video game company
You should post somewhere else, somewhere that's easier for you to follow.
More jobs lost due to outsourcing. Sad!
>EA kills dev
>better thor them sole dollars for a job well done
If you had any self respect and common sense you'd pirate the PC versions.
Fuck I wish EA, ubisoft, and Square Enix would just die. At least konami is basically out of the video game biz.
I wish Amy Hennig would know her place and return to writing Legacy of Kain games.
Her talents are wasted until this happens.
>wow, how was I supposed to know that selling my company to EA would give EA control of my company?
The left blames capitalism when people fuck up.
Wasn’t the lack of continuation not her fault?
Whoever's fault it is, that person FUCKED UP, SHIT THE BED then DUN GOOFED
Making a longer post does not mean you understand the complexities of owning and maintaining a third party studio.
lets go on a walk visceral
EA can still shit out Dead Space 4 if they wanted to dumbass. Also no-one gives a single fuck because Dead Space 3 was fucking dudebro trash
Where's Jack when we need him?
>thinking EA is bad for killi an unproductive studio
The daycare center is that way. Visceral hasn't done anything great in a long time and they had 4 years to make this Star Wars game, which they failed to do.
>company closes an underperforming branch
>fuck evil corporations!
>capitalism is evil!
>I want muh games!
This board should be renamed to /kindergarten/
Please someone update this pic.
Bioware when?
DS3 turned to utter garbage because of EA meddling. Then they got handed shitty projects like Hardline.
>Visceral hasn't done anything great in a long time
I'm sure EA's world-famous developer-meddling had NOTHING to do with it.
Every branch starts to underpreform when its exploited like niggers in Kongo.
Why is that studio is successful until EA stroggifies them to a lifeless husk?
There is literally nothing to argue about. If you don't want your company shut down by EA you don't sell it to EA.
>because capitalism lets big companies swallow up smaller companies without any sort of protection
is a completely backwards, undefendable statement when literally all you have to do is not sell. It's not like EA can make you sell. A sentence could not be more incorrect if they tried.
>No, you don't understand, third party studios are susceptible to mind control.
it doesn't need to be really
>Tfw EA tried to sabotage several times Respawn Entertainment
>Tfw despite their sabotaging, Respawn made a masterpiece with Titanfall 2
>Tfw in spite of it they decided to release it close to their own BF1 and COD IW release date to sink them
>Tfw it still got a nice community and an awesome bunch of content.
Do not feed EA
They're not capitalists, they're truly just dicks
>EA only insists to control gaming
>Eats up other companies to gain more IP's
>Create shitty remade versions of popular games to bleed company
>Company goes belly up, you create more shitty games
>You decide what messages are interwoven into it, what political agenda it has
EA is the scummiest most subversive jewy company in the vidya industry besides it's retarded "totally not paid journalists and e-celebs"
I heard a rumor that EA's stock price was about to plummet
What do you say Sup Forums?
Lets give them another shot?
>Le EA is bad meme
fuck off
Reminder that Visceral was never not part of EA, and was literally just a renaming of one of their studios.
>Dead Space 3
>Battlefield Hardline
They deserve it.
>don't sell it to EA.
If you wouldn't be a child, you could learn how it works in real life.
>we can do a high budget game!
>lets ask some publisher to release it
>we still own our studio so its fine
>wait, publisher trashes our milestones for no reason
>now we have crippling debt and extra contractual obligations
>publishers lawyers just assassinated our boss and we are all now their employees
>this studio sure went to shit
$2 has been deposited to your account
Ready for the age of Loot Boxes
It's not a meme when they have literally won awards for it.
This is basically devil's deal "I only just offered, it's you that accepted". And you telling me to take it as normal flow of things, not to resist and denounce the devil? How deluded and asleep you are?
EA's scummy tactics have been known for 20+ years
Stop making sense.
>we can do a high budget game!
Voluntary decision by small company.
>lets ask some publisher to release it
A risk voluntarily taken by the small company, when they could have chosen to release a lower budgeted game or seek alternative financing other than fucking EA.
>wait, publisher trashes our milestones for no reason
Don't contract with a large company if you're incapable of writing or reading a contract.
>[meaningless babble]
Those are tactics of ALL publishers.
Even Bethesda and 2K.
>And you telling me to take it as normal flow of things, not to resist and denounce the devil?
Who the fuck said anything about that? You can say EA is shit while pointing out that developers (at least competent ones) have choices other than selling out to EA.
EA are on a league of their own. Even Bethesda, who can be ruthless and conniving fucks, have standards. Bethesda Publishing does a good job treating their inner dev companies well. It's only outside companies working with them that get fucked.
How awful.
you're full of shit or new as fuck
Visceral hasn't put out a good game since Dead Space 1.
This is reeking of open world/multiplayer shift, while normally i wouldn't object to this, it means that the story will be sacrificed/butchered, so everything that Amy Henning was doing is going to be thrown out
>A risk voluntarily taken by the small company,
Yeah sure
Just make indie shit your entire life and never release outside of 2 continents.
PC exclusive have it easy since Steam got popular tho.
>incapable of writing or reading a contract.
EA is hiring an army of lawyers for your DLC money, they WILL find a way to fuck with you.
every game mentioned was not good
>story based linear adventure game
Sounds like shit.
Maxis is next, then Bioware.
>mfw EA finally puts Bioware's corpse out of it's misery
>Just make indie shit your entire life and never release outside of 2 continents.
>It's EA's fault that I tried to start a business without enough money to do so!
Listen to yourself. If the company's only option is to sell itself to EA, it is entirely the fault of the company. No one told them they had to make multi-million dollar, high risk AAA titles - they're the ones that wanted to do that and shoulder all risk it entailed.
>EA is hiring an army of lawyers for your DLC money, they WILL find a way to fuck with you.
This is Saturday morning cartoon levels of caricaturization, and now you're blaming capitalism for the incompetence of the U.S. court system.