Day 15 of nofap

>day 15 of nofap
>can't browse Sup Forums because bonerbait infests every corner of this board
>it's like walking through a minefield
>constantly fighting off my sexual impulses from every angle

Can we make a SFW Sup Forums? Like actually SFW, not thinly veiled requests for borderline porn under pretension like "Do you think she's balanced?"

Other urls found in this thread:

I like video games.

how about not doing nofap instead, cuck


You're the one literally cucking yourself with your own hand.

I love sushi

You can fap, just don't look at porn. porn sucks

No I can't.

Look up what nofap actually is. It changes your biology.

>porn sucks
2d is fine though


>he fell for the meme


>it changes your biology
you have no idea what that means

I fell for no meme.

5 days in and I have the energy of 3 Sup Forumsirgins fapping themselves into a coma.

10 days in and I actually care about things, can think clearly and feel good about doing things.

2 weeks in and I spend every moment fighting off sexual thoughts from every angle, but I ain't bitch made.

It's not a meme, nofap is a cult for redditors and dumb celebrities who believe they'll get super powers if they don't masturbate. It's literally the most retarded thing to ever exist.

There's a community of half a million people on reddit, unless you think they're all simultaneously lying to you for some reason.

It raises your testerone, AKA the fundamental male hormone. And then lowers it because it actually begins binding.


you want energy when you were sloth mode? do 30 minutes of cardio 5 days in a row

Placebo effect man, same shit happened to me when i gave up coffee.

It is a meme
There's hasn't been a day in which I haven't fapped or fucked in the last 5 years and I have never felt lack of energy or interest in other stuff, having to limit yourself in order to do something, that is a meme.



Lmao. Just stop watching porn and masturbate every other day when your dick gets hard.

Why do you want him to touch his penis so bad?

If anything, it helps protect against prostate cancer.

he can touch or not touch but when he's gonna talk shit he's gonna get hit

it doesn't change your biology than doing literally anything else. You're just trying to make refraining from furiously fucking your hand every 5 minutes into some kind of serious scientific achievement

That's a cute catgirl.

It can't possibly be on the front that I can actually look people in the eye and talk to them.

I'm the most autistic of the autistic. A king of kings, or rather the most pathetic and useless of one-celled organisms.

Some people that work in a shop I go to regularly believed I had a twin brother.

Relativity. You likely have depression and SADS.

Difference for me is night and day. To me it's like the pill in Limitless.

You get peak serum testosterone 7 days without an ejaculatory orgasm
Then production slows and eventually halts until you return to baseline.
You're a fucking idiot

We care for our fellow man. When your friend gets into a fad because bro science told him to, you talk him out of it. Especially if it involves his dick. That's just what people do, user.

You don't know if OP is into that stuff, user.

>it doesn't change your biology than doing literally anything else.
You're arguing with a line on a graph.

Your testosterone levels raise to 150% after roughly 5 days and then begin dropping because they begin binding.

Everyone post the least sexual pictures you have to stop OP from fapping

>It can't possibly be
it is, full stop

"i want to make a change to improve myself" is what you said, and then it happened
not because of what you did, but because of the desire to make a change
placebo defined

I love animay!

Saged and reported. Idiots like you are cut from the same cloth as Kellogg who thought giving people bland cereal would stop them masturbating.

Your beliefs have no scientific basis and it all boils down to being a cult like ideology.

Not fapping ain't gonna increase your chances you eternal virgin

Do you know what else makes your testosterone levels rise and keep you healthy and sexually active as well?

Working out and eating healthy.

Stop falling for reddit science.

Yes, you don't literally keep becoming more masculine until you're literally vegeta and you have the strength of a gorilla

Is this what you thought I was implying? If you didn't I don't know what the point of this post was


"Through dick, unity" ?
Something like that?

>Working out and eating healthy.
Because that negates the other one?

I'm doing those things to, but it's sure easier when you can actually look people in the eye and feel good about doing things.

The point is by your day 10 your testosterone is nearly the same as when you started.
Nothing is changed except your ability to not habitually rub one out

No fap past six days is pointless. There is a reason that you actually should be holding back to only stroking your dick once a week and that is the simple fact that the brain chemicals that make you horny and happy when touching yourself will be much more plentiful when you restrain yourself for some days.

Also, as somebody who can only be described as masturbation addict I have changed completely when I learned how much more fun it is to have one 3-4 hours porn season per week instead of beating your meat everyday of the week. You're talking to a level 5 wizard apprentice, you better believe me.

There's no difference. I'm staying at a computer camp and living with a dozen other people, the first day I was a stuttering autist that disappeared to my room and a week later I was a completely different person

I know this shit when I see it. The Chad was in me all along

Your testosterone levels are the same because it's binded and had an effect on your body

Hold on. Are you saying you're working out, eating healthy, and you're attributing your self esteem and healthier moods to not masturbating?
Bro. I thought reddit had memed you into retardation but this goes beyond it.

The board is already SFW
You stupid fucking bastard

Does no fap mean I can't have sex either? I don't know the rules.

When you fap all the time you are near baseline. When you stop fapping your body keeps preparing for imminent falling by storing up extra testosterone. Once you stop fapping long enough, say a week, your body slowly dumps all the excess and you return to what you would be at if you were fapping.

Stop being such a sucker.

there's no difference except an entire change of environment where normally you were sitting in your room alone all day during your free time and now you've been thrust into shared living conditions and have to socialize every minutes of the day

and the sole change that happened in your was I NO TOUCH WEE-WEE ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!

No fap is for "low self-esteem faggots" who can't have sex, so the whole concept doesn't apply to you, just go and have fun.

No, numbnuts. I observed the effects before and started doing that other shit anyway.

You know if you're so confident it's a "placebo" you could try it yourself.

So if I no fap and workout does that use the testosterone and allow me to keep using the higher production rate?

Shhh, not too loud. You'll contradict their whole retarded fucking broscience belief system.

No orgasms from stimulating your dick.
Bound or not it goes away and since the body isn't at peak production from the lack of prolactin present it doesn't get replaced at the same level as day 7

It means living in complete celibacy until the set date.
No fap, no sex, no cumming.