TF2 Update Train

Jungle Inferno Day 2 drops in a few hours
What are your expectations if they haven't already been killed?

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h a t s

pyro brap is a taunt kill y/n


I can't wait for 7 days to go by so I can remove the trade hold from my account by using the Steam Mobile Authenticator© so I can trade for these new items!

Stroking my fat fucking cock to fem pyro hentai

I hope so and I hope it results in a hilarious death animation.

t insider info man

If a friendly pyro extinguishes the match flame you let out a big stinky that fills a 30 meter area with poisonous, ignitable gas.

>it will finally be "TONIGHT'S THE NIGHT" this Thursday

I'm expecting today to be hats, tomorrow to be exclusively the pyro shit, and thursday every other balance change.

If it's for the jetpack, yes. Otherwise no

It might be
day 2: Weapons and Hats preview
day 3: Competitive/Casual overhaul or balance changes
day 4: the campaign

TF2 is old and dead, who cares

>DAY 2
Pyro focused /hats, taunts
>DAY 3
>DAY 4

it is judging from the fact that pyro has the jetpack equipped when doing it and the video for it is still private


fuck you

>The short-ranged class can fly now
Oh boy I can't wait to make my very own no-fly zone.


Jungle zombiesor skeletons?

>zombie yetis

Show me your pyro loadouts Sup Forums

>tfw pyro cosmetics like the air raider from 4 years ago finally has a reason to exist

you don't like my mockup of what i think day 2 will look like?

If the jetpack makes Pyro fun again then god damn I hope they allow sv_pure 1 so I can rock FemPyro again.

Who cares, matchmaking ruined the game

So here's my question.
how do I stop myself from buying into this update guys I need banjo engie so bad

my boi is ready for some flyin


Then that would mean you have to have the jetpack as your active weapon to do that taunt, which means you have to have the jetpack as your active weapon to even use the jetpack

I almost feel the same kind of hype I got years ago when we still received multiple day updates.

>not going swole gachi pyro

My pyro has looked like this for the past months but with a jupiter jetpack, which I traded away yesterday to get ready for the jungle jetpack that surprised me.

do you not have anything to sell for metal?

and if you do, i'd wait as bit while prices are dying down

you dont__________

im ready too

I've barely touched pyro since the degreaser and axtinguisher nerf


>tfw sitting on 4 keys to trade

They also went up in value. I probably just wait before I snag those taunts.

Halloween soon

degreaser is shit, just get gud with stock

>Banjo Engie
>Possibly both Heavy taunts, with the added possibility of buying the previous heavy taunt
>High probability of cases
I can’t help you if I’m feeling it too.

I respect the strange shotguns

Mines strange specialized too i promise its just retarded civilian grade takes priority[/spoiler[

I rarely if ever use him but he's supposed to look like a payday gang member.


>Balance changes
Oh fuck I almost forgot about this stupid shit they posted way back

afterburn is fucking worthless nigger, why would you even want to w+m1? even heavy is less boring
I played pyro for high speed combos not for chasing idiots around with stock

I don't have anything. My inventory is basically worthless. The only thing I have of any "value" is the genuine Shogun 2 set of items and a completely untradable numbered item.

>tfw the day trading went up i sold my buds for two hats because I wanted the milkman

I need to replace my chef one, so I am using this

who said you have to w+m1 if you use stock

Even if he had metal I doubt it'd be enough to buy anything with its meager value in today's cash shop marketplace.

Pyro gets a core balance change. If the Jetpack is just an inherit ability from the Pyro for here on out it really would be the best update.

Sadly it'll probably be an unlock and they'll just give Pyro a flat increase/decrease percentage change.

that's the only playstyle. if you're using secondaries then degreaser is objectively better

Well, if it makes you feel any better, buds are worth barely anything of what they used to be nowadays because of the Steam Market fucking over the prices.

if it makes you feel any better buds are basically worthless again

>they removed the brraaaap taunt

Ouch. That figures.
is bills worthless too because I actually think that's a genuinely aesthetically pleasing hat

>relying on the quickswitch combo to be good with pyro

It'll be the jetpack taunt

they didnt?


Hasnt engineer always hard countered Pyro? Messing up his jet pack with a sentry would be very ironic

>mfw Base Jumping/Sticky Jumping/Gas Blasting soldiers/demos/pyros everywhere
>mfw 2fort day care servers with all that shit going on

>still plays pyro after the nerf and thinks hes good at the game
I dropped him years ago and started playing scout/soldier/demo

five bucks on the market last i checked
t. salty bill's owner

>Vita-Saw is now literally an Ubersaw but worse
>Nerf Crusader's Crossbow because why not
It feels like those people have never played a round of TF2 in their lives.

I came back from space, and as I returned, I had one vision... THE WORLD SET ABLAZE! And do you know what I saw...?



yes. "yore ugleh" is a meme my friend

>sandman nerfed on the day the jetpack launches

At least you look like the gargoyle from Bloodlines

>unironically playing with the sandman

Vita-Saw was boring and needed a change, I'd also bet the Ubersaw is getting nerfed. Crossbow deserves a larger nerf than it's getting, medic is fucking overpowered as shit and needs things to be nerfed.

Oh my god. That's fucking brilliant, when the jetpack comes you can actually go full FURY

>not fucking up heavy medic combos like an ass

Vita-Saw change is retarded but Crossbow change is understandably since it's Medic best and only worth using Primary.

That said, the better way to go was to not nerf the Crossbow but rather buff everything else so Medic would have more decent primary options to begin with.

Does someone know how to do the class portraits?

It's not removed.

at least it'll probably still knock him out of the sky. and it's not like he'll be able to do much to you with a flamethrower and slowed movement


what kind of heavy medic combos are you playing against that are fucked up by the sandman of all things?

the stereotype for the pyro jetpack is going to be:
>new player
>defensive fly
>offensive mosquit
>the copy paste market gardener
>sniper killer
>"The Fury" cosplayer

>yfw you can shoot the pyro jetpack as missiles

>medic as a class
how does the even work

>Vita-Saw change is retarded

do you guys not understand how lame that thing was? the only real counter to it is just to run another vita-saw, and it's not like it made for fun gameplay

what hud would you recommend?

It can always get worse anons

>Sold a collectors professional killstreak conscientious objector for 3 buds in items

>A few months later a collectors objector increases in price by around 100 keys

I gave away everything i owned and started life anew. It was insanely annoying before but now tf2 is a lot more refreshing once you stay away from all that trading business

>"The Fury" cosplayer
Don't you shame me. ()

*blocks your jetpack*

He's the only class that is absolutely necessary on a team. The Crossbow + Stock + Ubersaw makes this even worse and it needs to be changed.

It's a team game, but there are people who would argue that medic is the most important class, in any comp NOT having one is basically an instaloss.
I personally don't care.

>people surprised at flyro being a thing when it was predicted years ago

>using anything but stock loadouts
Oh look, it's a newfag who doesn't have a 2007 founder's medal.

tfw you can no longer play as an OP medic

*destroys your distracted sentry*

Thanks for the new spray pardna

uh oohhh stinkyyyy

>I can't dodge for shit and have to stun heavies to kill them
Say goodbye to the sandman shitter

but sprays are disabled in tf2 and nobody can see them anymore

I mean, of course the class that heals other characters easily and effectively is NECESSARY, but calling him overpowered over all is just dumb. You could argue that some of his options are overpowered but I don't think a game where the medic is unnecessary is a good game.

are you serious? youre just thinking about it thru the scope of fragging
a team with a medic will always beat another team of equal skill with some other class over medic
why else do you think "med picks" are so important?

No, the real counter was to use the Ubersaw because literally every melee Medic has is either trash or extremely mediocre.