platinum games more like platinum hacks, metal gear rising worked flawlessly and this is a downright insult, if you bought this on PC you should be euthanized
Worst PC port since Ubisoft's resident evil 4 first port
sorry your computer's shit, OP
sure glad i don't have that problem
You can use the mouse out of the box which puts it above RE4PC by a mile.
Daily reminder Taro is going to work on a porn film.
>Q: Yoko Taro-san, you’ve touched up on video games, novels, and stage plays, so what form of media would you like to work on next?
>Yoko Taro: I think this may be off-putting, but I’d like to make an adult video. I think of it as something I’d like to at least make once in my lifetime.
>works on my machine
Pretty much this, ran just fine for me. Didn't have to tweak any settings or use mods or anything.
sorry saint's row 2 will never be topped in that regard
>it runs at 55fps on my $4000 rig! s-stop crying babbbies lol!" XD
I've crashed for the 7th time during the tutorial just a half an hour ago. I got a 780 which supposedly has problems with this game. Lucky me.
Ran 60 FPS for me with a GTX 980 and I have a 2.3GHz Xeon CPU which is hardly suitable for gaming. My computer ain't worth even close to 4K dollars.
4690k Rx480 here, ran at 60+ at all times. Sorry you have a toaster
I personally have a crashing driver on 780Ti and only in this game. It's an incredibly inconsistent crash, sometimes it crashes in the same place multiple time, sometimes it doesn't. Other than that, no problems.
And hell, it's a nipponese game that is aware of Rodent of Input and you can use it in game, not too useful, but it's there. Nowhere near RE4's initial PC release (that game made purchase a gamepad for my computer, I'm grateful for that).
this, literally no idea what you morons are blabbering about
runs solid 144hz@1080p on my GTX 1080 and 7700K, shitheads
The game is bad coded
PS4 is also bad but at least they released 3 patches
The thing is the game has worse graphics than dynasty warriors and it requires a lot of CPU power
Also Taro is a hack. A glorified hack because he made some meme/boring/sexualized games in the past
What are you talking about, this game runs fine?
Nier ran great though, solid 60 fps on my ultra-wide. 4770k and gtx 1080. 32gb system ram.
>if you bought this you should be euthanized
The port is fine. Running it 60fps on a
Only problem I've had with the port is the fullscreen option, which is easily fixed with borderless gaming (which one should already have)
The PC port is really subpar and glitched, but its not even close to be the worst one.
Just install FAR. Not hard.
the faggot dev doesn't support pirates
Is this the "work on my machine" thread?
I have a i5 2500k and a 1070, the game runs at solid 60fps @1080p or at 55-60fps at 1440p.
Given that im a AA freak, i played at 1440p, the drops werent significant.
Its worth saying that ALL versions of the game have some frame drops while streaming the next area. The engine wasnt really made for Open world.
>le performance
back in my day good ports weren't just about muh graphix but actually being playable games that didn't crash when you went into the fucking options screen, kys
This is why you pirate is shit.
Not that this game is worth any of the effort.
*his shit
Yes there is a pirated version of FAR
I don't own it on PC, but I'm fairly certain I could run it just fine.
2M copies isnt really a success, the game only was profitable because it's budget was pennies.
Kinda like the fact that Bloodborne and Yakuza are both rather niche game for ps4 owners.
You just see many people talking about those games here because, you known, anime site.
Oh boy, another retard who thinks it's a Platinum game.
worked fine for me lol
It had a couple issues and bugs but nothing catastrophic, and these issues were fixed pretty early on
>the game only was profitable because it's budget was pennies
Yeah, so it's a success. And 2 millions is FUCKlot. In fact it saved Platinum.
Something I'm really grateful for. But this game doesn't deserves it.
Also Sup Forums is too normalfag now for "anime website" to mean anything. Nier is popular among peoples who don't care about anime usually.