Now that the dust has settled can we all agree that Dead Space 2 is the greatest survival horror TPS ever made?

Now that the dust has settled can we all agree that Dead Space 2 is the greatest survival horror TPS ever made?

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Not a chance. It's good but doesn't come close to Resi 4 mate. They're in different leagues.

Resi4 was a fantastic game, but let's be honest, it wasn't scary at all. Other than the Regenerators, at least.

The first game was better.

If scary is your metric, literally nothing in DS2 was scary. It's a great, fun game, but scary it ain't


>Dead Space = Alien
>Dead Space 2 = Aliens
>Dead Space 3 = Alien 3


would you kindly fuck off with your utterly trash taste please user

>not contrarian

What this guy said.


First game is terrible gameplay wise. Better atmosphere and horror though.

Objectively incorrect.


They only thing I would change about DS1 is to give it DS2's zero g mechanics.

It's either this or RE4

The first one has the better setting, atmosphere and ambience, that's about it. Everything else was improved in 2, pacing and variety especially.

come on man, we're still grieving

Nope just because Dead space plasma cutter is too OP for a survival theme

Now DS2 as the best Action Horror?thats for sure.

That's a loooot of ammo spent accomplishing almost nothing.
It would benefit from the DS2 secondary. Why is it so indiscriminate? Lawsuit waiting to happen

>tfw want to play DS2 but don't want to have to deal with this scene

Dead Space isn't even survival horror though, it's action horror like RE4.

Nope, ammo system sucks. You make more money by carrying fewer weapons. There are no bosses. You never have to backtrack. Plot is dumb. The player stopped giving a shit about Nicole halfway through DS1.

It's a good game, but it does zero things new compared to the first game.

DS2 is one of my favorite games. It might not have had a perfect horror atmosphere but the shooting felt great and I loved Isaac's characterization and how the game presented it. We need more games where there's a puzzle and rather than the voice in your head telling you what to do they ask you what you should be doing and the character says what they're planning to do. Does wonders for how we see our character.

Also the armor designs were pretty ace.

>google to see if there will be a Dead Space 4
>some super huge fan made 100s of videos about whether there will be one or not
>he has scheduled interviews with VAs and been using his time to research if it will be announced any time soon
>he genuinely talks about how Dead Space franchise is his favorite and talks all about the DS universe
>his face when he finds out Visceral Games is dead.

Nah, if anything Dead Space 1 & 2 are overhyped clichefests. Nothing defines generic space station horror better than Dead Space., I mean the "necromorph" design says it all, they are just fucking zombies with scytheblades on their hands.

>this scene on hardcore
>last save was before the red room

It's not a horror game. Still fun though.

DS1 is the good horror game
DS3 is the good shooter game

DS2 is the one who cant make up its mind about what it wants to be.

>literally nothing in DS2 was scary
The babies and the cardboard sun.

I think the emphasis on limb damage is what sets them apart. The concepts are pretty generic and if it was just another "headshot zombies and they die" then I'd agree with you, but I think changing up the formula to "head and body shots are actually worse" is enough to make it stand out.

action horror

Yes but that doesn't change how Dead Space games ooze been there done that visuals, how they aren't scary, how they are predictable and so on. They're just shooters, they completely fail at horror by playing sound cues whenever an enemy is around, God forbid I become tense by not knowing when I'm in danger.

>Visceral Games is dead
>Dead Space 4 never ever

>tfw you see the Ishimura again
Did you shit yourself?

Fun fact:
The gore videos/pics on the main menu of DS1 were made with a decomposing goat which they bought for that very reason.
They also studied car accidents and war pics of mutilated bodies to design necromorphs.

Nah. Dead Space 1 is still better.

Dead Space 1 was Alien
Dead Space 2 was Aliens

Both were excellent and much better than Resident Evil 4.

DS2 doesn't have any bosses, and the game kind of stops being able to surprise you by the third or fourth chapter or so.

I agree, but enemies sprinted so quickly in 3 that I could only spray in the general direction of their legs. At least before I learned a couple of seeker rifle shots to the torso will kill anything, and with that DS3 lost its last unique feature

Don't mind me, just posting the best weapon in both games

I admit i couldn't do that part and asked my cousin to do it.

That's not the force gun

>no crazy shit
>protagonist isn't spouting "funny" quips
>tonally consistent throughout the whole game
>has puzzles
Dead Space is RE4 done right.

>Major complaint of 2 is that it's not as horror oriented
>Bosses ever inflicting anything close to horror rather than excitement
Also what about the tripods, you fight them alone so it's kinda like a boss fight.

>Prequel game with Alissa NEVER EVER

Only faggots need other weapons.

Dead Space 1 and 2 have the best sound design of all video games. So that's definitely something.
Some other timeline where EA kicked the bucket 30 years ago probably has Dead Space 4 and it's the GOTYAY.

>Dead Space games ooze been there done that visuals
Name two other games that used the same HUD as Dead Space before it came out
>they completely fail at horror by playing sound cues whenever an enemy is around
There's a part in the first game where you activate a bench and just as you back out, a necromorph spawns right behind you without making a sound. There's also a scene in 3 where you open a door and one is standing right in front of you

That's not the Pulse Rifle

>Implying DS's baby puzzles were in any way harder than RE4's baby puzzles
>Implying RE4 doesn't have crazy shit
>Implying Isaac doesn't quip once they gave him a voice in 2 and 3
>Implying RE4 is in any way tonally inconsistent

rest in peace visceral games

>combat is completely focused around making careful shots to remove key limbs
>this fucker completely disregards all that and projects an entire wall of death

Best weapon.

Can't wait for Dead Space 4!

>Implying crazy shit isn't fun
>Implying a protagonist with a personality is bad
>Implying tone in a fucking Resident Evil game, a series with one of the most shitty and convoluted stories in all of gaming, matters. It also isn't consistent. It's a fun, campy ride the whole way through.
>being too dumb to solve simple puzzles

>implying it won't be the rebooted "DEAD SPACEā„¢"

Well 3 is shit so you know...

Visuals =/= HUD. The HUD is nice, but the DS themes just feel generic, it's like a bootleg chink take on Alien.
>it has one scary moment
I guess that makes Half-Life 2 a horror game too because there's a single moment where a headcrab drops from above and it can be quite the jumpscare.

Meant isn't inconsistent. RE4 is consistent in tone.

>implying it'll be rebooted

>can't unlock foam finger gun

am I bad, or is it really that hard

Only if its developed by Bioware; hopefully this time they will make it less necromophophobic

>Play it your way! Body shot enemies to drop them or take out their limbs for more "style points."
>Purchase loot boxes for additional ammo or health packs in between levels
>Play as Clark's wife who goes to the Ishimura to save HIM

>mfw REcucks

>reading comprehension

Name one "funny" moment in any of the previous entries in the RE series before RE4 that is on par with the fucking retardation that is all over RE4 like "Your hand comes off?" or "You're small time!".

Use the dlc credits glitch if it's too hard duh

Oh god no
Not again

The right answer.

DS1 is. Dead Space 2 is a horror themed action shooter.

RE4 isn't a game meant to be taken seriously. It's a fun campy romp, with a charming protagonist and funny side characters. Dead Space attempts to be taken seriously, but isn't scary, and has a boring protagonist and story. At most it can startle the player for a second, but the game is over the top in attempting to scare the player. All that's left is a dry third person shooter.

>Now that the dust has settled can we all agree that Dead Space 2 is the greatest survival horror TPS ever made?

It's certainly my favorite. Replayed it more times than I can count.

>Well 3 is shit
Implying this wasn't kino

>Visuals =/= HUD
The HUD in integrated into your character's suit and is a part of the universe. For fucks sake people have RIG's on their casual clothes. It's an important aspect of the visuals.
>it has one scary moment
People being murdered, blood all over of the floor, alien monsters screaming, dark atmosphere, loud noises designed to startle. All of that is negated and the game isn't a horror game, just because it didn't specifically scare you?

>tfw playing through DS1 with steam controller and using gyro for aiming

Me and other people have said the same thing. Dead Space 1 and 2 are extremely predictable, to the point you can start guessing what's going to happen, oh hey I wonder if this 500th zombie who's pretending to be dead will jump from the ground again. The game's sound cues when monsters are coming also destroys any possibility of having an atmosphere because it's basically "hey watch out for enemies" in musical temrs with those riffs whenever there's a necromorph around.
DS1&2 aren't horror games, they're shooters with some horror elements at best. To be fair RE4 isn't a horror game as well.

>The first game was better.

But this is wrong. This is just Sup Forums being hipster contrarians again.
What's even funnier is how they always claim that gameplay is the most important, yet these contrarians always prefer the game with the worst gameplay.

>RE4 isn't a game meant to be taken seriously. It's a fun campy romp, with a charming protagonist and funny side characters.
And that's why i hate it. The RE series, until RE4, is a dead serious story about a group of special forces police officers stranded in a situation that is set up to get them killed and the behavior of the characters reflected that in a way that made sense to the writers. Dead Space uses the same approach which is why it's objectively better than RE4.

Every single horror game is predictable. One of the few games like it were I couldn't predict everything was Evil Within 1 and 2. While being inferior games to Dead Space 1&2 they at leat succeeded in being less predictble.


i liked that the characted never spoke and we barely saw his face

horror games are annoying when the protagonist can't stop talking or stating the obvious

The only thing that really took me off guard in TEW2 was when you get trapped in the tiny supply shed with the ghost. Everything else seemed pretty formulaic honestly.

Resident Evil 4 called.

>The RE series, until RE4, is a dead serious story

It was camp city.

But Resident Evil stories are all shit. At least 4 is fun and self aware, every other game is poorly written trash.

>Everything else seemed pretty formulaic honestly.

Which is more than I can say for pretty much every other horror game I've played.

STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl has better atmosphere and spooks than any of that, and often the game does that without monsters.

>The RE series, until RE4, is a dead serious story

>in a way that made sense to the writers
Why the fuck would you want a game to be self aware?

>STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl has better atmosphere and spooks than any of that, and often the game does that without monsters.

Too bad the game is shit. I mean yeah the game has nice qualities, but it's extremely fucking rough. Don't get me wrong, some people can swallow it and games like Risen/Gothic 3/whatever, but there comes a point for me where things like atmosphere, interesting ideas and so on just isn't enough to cover up the bad game design, technical problems, etc.

Turn MUsic off then you dumb nigger.

I know it's hyperbole, but only like a dozen corpses initially play dead between 1 and 2. 3 only has 1 i think, and their feigning death animation in all three games is obvious since they don't ragdoll.
Right on all other accounts

Played it vanilla and had pretty much no issues at all besides 1 side quest that was bugged. I did play way after it was released though. STALKER still shits all over DS1 or 2 for horror/atmosphere despite not being advertised as a horror game.

I can't even remember the last game that surprised me. Especially once I got more interested in game and level design so I know how it all actually works.

>the red room
This encounter on hardcore was by far one of the hardest things I've ever done in a game.
What's even better is that the enemy variety and timing changes every time.

The game's combat is so rewarding once you git gud.

>STALKER still shits all over DS1 or 2 for horror/atmosphere despite not being advertised as a horror game.

I wouldn't know about that since I don't care much for horror because it's never scary. If I play a horror game I play it for the gameplay, survival aspects or story. Not to get scared, because that never happens.

1 is the best. The Zero G in one is annoying and needs to be replaced with the Zero G in 2. Why did they ditch the bosses in 2 and 3? I really liked the bosses in 1. I never beat 3. It just felt...wrong.

It's not just the corpses, you have those vents, the old and tired "monster after you open the door like in Doom 3" and so on. The point is that DS1/2 are very predictable for videogame standards. You start noticing things and it becomes very easy to read exactly what's going to happen in the game. This kills the horror.

Dead Space 3 is at least Resurrection. Alien 3 wasn't that bad.

That looks retarded as hell.

Isaac should've stay silent, swearing ruined him.

That is the dumbest shit. This is like putting the Transform Costume in the base game.