>Gran Turismo comes out with VR
>get psyched
>go out today and buy a PSVR on sale
>come back and install
>needs a Playstation Camera
>fuck well okay
>go back and buy one
>pop in GT
>yes fucking VR racing is finally here!
>VR mode is only single player
>2 laps with limited courses
>only 1 on 1
>no online or arcade mode
Gran Turismo comes out with VR
Playstation is a joke.
As are consoles in general. Build a PC like any capable adult.
There is no single player in gt sport
Or you could buy a good game like Rez Infinite.
Why didn't you just get a vive/rift for your PC and play any number of the racing sims that work great with VR already? For you know, the WHOLE game.
PS4 is a fucking joke, I enjoy the exclusives but I won't bother with their VR or any multi-plats on the thing, there's just no reason when PC has those things and they're just better.
PC doesnt have Gran Turismo. That's the only reason I went out and got it. A true VR Gran Turismo would've been god-like but I ended up spending about $350 for a fucking VR tech demo and glad I still have the receipts
Gran Turismo is worse than any PC racing game
what, like iRacing? you can't troll me, kid.
Maybe you should have done some research beforehand, OP.
thats what you get for being a console peasant
>can't do research
>buy 500$ equipment like a retard without knowing the first thing about it
>call other peoples a kid
You don't deserves any attention.
>waste money like any capable adult
GT was supposed to be full VR as a PSVR launch title since last year. How was I supposed to know that Polyphony would give up half-way
Project Cars 2
PCars is VR ready and there's no limitations on how you can use it. The motion sickness is real though.
get project cars 2 then? i think it has vr support on the ps. gt and simcades in general on sony platforms became irrelevant since the forza series and its spinoffs exist. gt was never fun to begin with. every challenge it felt like the japs dont want you to have fun. example? here have this challenge with a le mans prototype on the nordschleife during night in the rain. sounds fun right? oh yeah, no wets allowed. fuck polyphony.
Is Project Cars 2 really better than both GT Sport & Forza 7?
How did they manage to fuck up that badly?
never played 2. that's Pcars 1.
>Memeject Cars Poo
try again
Congrats, you have made the dumbest post this year.
Another reason never to touch consoles.
sorry, i meant
>Poomeme Crapars Twoilet
I happen to be master race but I use my PS4 as a yakuza machine. Who's the peasant now, peasant?
You'd be surprised what you see when you take the fanboy blinders off