What did the government mean by this?
What did the government mean by this?
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What was the edit?
The most interesting thread on Sup Forums right now and it's gonna fly under the radar.
>Fucking Kojima
literally just added a comma
All they did was add an Oxford comma. But the IP has previously edited the Metal Gear and Otacon articles.
Added a comma
congress edits the most random ass shit
its really not a huge deal considering all the other things they've edited
What could this mean?
Yes some bored intern probably browsing vidya articles
MGS 3 is the best one.
>hoard of MGS2 fedora SO LE DEEP posters
This. I don't know why you're all assuming it's some sinister thing.
What's his endgame?
>Considered one of the [[List of video games considered the best|greatest video games of all time]], ''Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater'' received praise for its story, gameplay, graphics, setting, characters, and ending, as well as departing from the series' conventions. ''Snake Eater'' was a commercial success, having sold 3.6 million copies worldwide by August 2005.{{cite web | title=Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence Company Line | url=gamespot.com
literally fucking nothing, probably just an intern trying to pass the time
What if you prefer MGS1?
This, just a dude on his lunch break.
It's just Amash, probably. Nigga shows up to literally every vote, so he definitely gets bored.
I was more imagining some old-ass congressman being a Metal Gear fan
The US Gov did good this time.
well i'm gonna go revert it back
wikipedia doesn't use the oxford comma
I wouldn't want to trigger a sjw by calling it slavery
Somebody has been fucking with CongressEdits for ages now by doing 1 letter edits
Nah, it's the autistic one. He also got the SNES classic on release day
Commas are serious business
The La Li Lu Le Lo!?
>taking unpaid internships
1 > 3 > 2 = 4
If you disagree you are a huge faggot
I never take people who think sequels are the same level as their predecessors. Too many improvements overall every time to justify that opinion you fucking fence sitter
do the house of representatives feel the phantom pain too?
The secret dacha (summer cottage/chalet?) of Putin
Sometimes you gotta do things to get a real job. In hollywood you gotta fuck people. In engineering, you gotta do other people's work
The guy just really likes commas.
so you're saying if I go into show business I can finally lose my wizard powers?
>i'll rid the world of sentences lacking proper commas
>sans grammatical errors, the world will be reborn
It is true 3 is, in many ways, superior to 1 and 2.
But they all have things that makes me love each game differently.
I love the low poly MGS1 has going. It has a charm I can't describe and I can't see the game without it.
MGS2 was a mechanically superior game to MGS1 and had you use a mother fucking Katana, which would make it better, but I still prefer the low polygon style the first game had, and the characters in the first game were more enjoyable for me.
MGS3 is THE best game of the 3. But I still don't want to say it was better than the first 2, because I still enjoyed them all.
yeah sure, just imagine yourself in basic instinct, except replace sharon stone with a 60 year old overweight male hollywood producer
what's the difference
ones jewish
Sharon Stone is a jew?
Never not use an Oxford comma.
The Patriots?
The LaLiLuLeLo?
>the patriots
Good taste
what did they mean by this
im no conspiracy theorist but this smells sinister
good taste indeed
>Chapo Trap House Wikipedia article edited anonymously from US House of Representatives
*extremely stav voice* hell yes bitch
>The Patriots are trying to control the flow of digital information!
Solidus was right!
Congress pls come on Chapo.
>fixing grammars
>American politicians get paid millions to sit around and edit video game wikipedia articles
There is that senator that is such a Batman fan he's gotten into several movies so not to implausible.
Why would it be implausible in the first place?
It's not like they're robots.
It's a dude adding Oxford commas to all these articles to make people like you sound silly
nice try CIA nigger
Some fucking nerd on his phone or laptop while on break editing dumb wikis because he's autistic. He's probably in this thread right now.
delete this
Oxford comma this
They're onto us. Shut it down.
I'll put you in an oxford coma nerd
He once tried to add this to the start of the back story section of the article on Admiral Ackbar:
>Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise? I thought not. It’s not a story the Jedi would tell you. It’s a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life… He had such a knowledge of the dark side, he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. Palpatine: The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. Palpatine: He became so powerful… the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. Ironic. He could save others from death, but not himself.
>A, kind, of, consciousness, formed, layer, by, layer, in, the, crucible, of, the, White, House.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Looking at their editing history confirms that the government is actually editing politically-related articles. That's a bit unnerving.
But the fact that MGS3, a video game, was edited when they literally never go near those kinds of entries is pretty interesting. Even if it was just a punctuation edit, that means someone there is watching that article.
MGS3 is more special than we all thought.
>Admiral Ackbar +766
The fuck?
they also edited metal gear, otacon, unown, admiral ackbar, boba fett, and carly rae jepsen. the latter three were shitposts, even. just some guy having fun. he probably knows about the bot.
Eh, it's probably just people on their breaks/using the wifi.
is that you terry davis
fucking spineless loser who is terrified of having an opinion. if you don't wanna have a real opinion, don't comment. but all this "everything is equal" shit is gay as fuck.
the 0/14 was rigged
fucking Trots
I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
It's about Death Stranding and how it ties to MGS3. I've said enough.
Seriously though, we can't let him get the wi-fi codes.
Wait a minute...
>C osette
>U nown
>M etal Gear
>T rotyskyism
>O tacon
>W ahhabism
>N eoliberalism
You guys are fucking crazy, it's just a comma, what's wrong with guys, do you think every little thing, every tiny thing, has to be like, some big conspiracy?
Maybe he just likes them all for different reasons and puts them all on equal standing because they each have something great to offer? Nuance is difficult for the autistic I know, but you'll learn one day.
It's absolutely ridiculous. These goys really need a reality check!
No user, they want US to go to CUM TOWN.
Quick, What did they mean by this?!
>It's the current year and Sup Forums is still trapped on Kojima's ruse cruise
the president doesnt even get a salary that big
especially this one, he gets 0$
it's a far-left shitposting podcast
Who gives a fuck about an Oxford comma?
> it's just a comma
That's what they want you to think man.
Yes, I too like to correct Wikipedia articles on my lunch break.
Where is that retarded, tranny nigger faggot Caramel at?
if you believe this youre an even bigger retard than the average retard